- Spirited Justice Chap 28by Begin Again
This work has reached the exceptional level
The Investigation Begins
Spirited Justice
: Spirited Justice Chap 28 by Begin Again

"Beauty, Brawn, or Brains" was a global platform showcasing women's diverse talents, yet murders, accidents, and deceit haunted the pageant worldwide. Was there a common link or merely coincidence?

Donatelli and Danni stood over the scattered contents of the safe deposit box, wondering if the box held any answers to Beckett's murder. As they sifted through the initial papers and documents, the bank officer, Mr. Chadwick, entered, still visibly shaken. His face was pale, and his hands trembled as he attempted to adjust his tie.

Donatelli looked at Chadwick and gestured toward the empty chair in front of the table. "Mr. Chadwick, thanks for coming in. We need to ask you a few more questions about what happened earlier."

Chadwick hesitated, then nodded, lowering himself into the chair. "Of course, of course. Is there anything I can do to help? I still can't believe — something like this is happening here, in the bank —" His voice trailed off.

Donatelli leaned forward slightly. "Walk us through it again. What exactly did you see when you came in?"

Chadwick swallowed hard. "I — I was just checking on the vault, making my rounds, when I noticed someone at Mr. Beckett's safe deposit box. At first, I thought maybe it was Beckett himself, but it wasn't him. I didn't recognize the man."

"You're sure it wasn't Arthur Beckett?" Donatelli asked. He wasn't ready to disclose the information about Beckett's murder, not yet.

Chadwick nodded firmly. "Positive. I've seen Mr. Beckett several times before. This man was different. Younger. Definitely, not him."

Danni exchanged a glance with Donatelli before turning back to Chadwick. "And when you confronted him?"

Chadwick's fingers toyed with a pen on the table. "I didn't have a chance to say much. I was about to say that I noticed the card said Arthur Beckett — I knew he wasn't Beckett, but I thought maybe Mr. Beckett had stepped away. But the guy freaked. I think he grabbed a red folder and slammed the vault door against my shoulder. It caught me off guard, and I stumbled backward."

Donatelli raised a hand, cutting him off gently. "It's alright, Mr. Chadwick. You did the right thing reporting it. We'll take it from here."

Chadwick fidgeted nervously, reluctant to leave. "But — I feel like I should stay and help. A robbery is a first for our bank, and I —"

Donatelli leaned in slightly, his voice firm. "We appreciate it, Mr. Chadwick, but this is a police matter now. We need to conduct a thorough investigation. Unless—" He let the word hang for a moment. "You'd prefer to continue this downtown?"

Chadwick's face flushed, and he shot up from his chair. "No, no, no, I don't want to cause any trouble. I'll leave you to it, then."

Donatelli gave him a nod. "Good call. We'll let you know if we need anything else."

The bank officer mumbled his thanks and practically bolted out of the vault.

Donatelli watched him go before turning to Danni. "Beckett's lying in the morgue, so he wasn't here. So, who the hell was it?"

"No idea," Danni replied, crossing her arms. "But whatever was in that red folder — it was important enough for him to risk everything to take it."

"What else you got in there?" The detective leaned over and peered into the box.

Danni shuffled through a stack of papers. "Looks like an insurance policy, some letters —" She waved an envelope under her nose. "Some expensive cologne on this one. Bet it's a woman."

Donatelli shrugged. "Could be a client?"

Danni rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and he'd keep a client's letter in the safe deposit box. Donatelli, you need a few refresher courses in romance. It's more likely a love letter."

"Okay, what else is in there? I don't want to spend all day looking at this box."

Danni lifted a blue velvet box out next and flipped the top open. "Oh, my, what do we have here?" She lifted a pair of diamond earrings out. They were large, sparkling, and clearly expensive. "I think Arthur Beckett had exceptional taste. Look at these, Matthew. They've got to cost more than your month's salary."

Ignoring her, Donatelli asked, "There's a note in the box. What's it say?"

Danni kissed the diamonds before returning them to the box. She took the note out and opened it. As she read, her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open.

"Darn it, woman. What does it say?"

Danni held it out in front of her and read, "My sweet Lila. Thank you for last night. I had a wonderful time. Can't wait to do it again." She gasped, "Oh brother —"

"What? Either read it or give it to me." Donatelli reached for the note, and Danni jerked away.

"Alright, but I don't know if you are ready for this. It says, "These are for you, and the next time I see you, I expect you to model them for me. Just the earrings and nothing else."

Danni choked and studied the note again. "The guy I saw in the morgue was no stud, but he sure writes like one. And the diamonds!"

Donatelli grabbed the note and read it over again. "Any idea who this Lila woman is?"

A voice in the doorway answered, "I do."

Donatelli spun around as Garth made his way into the vault.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was at the precinct, and they mentioned you were on a case. Thought I could help." Garth turned and looked at Danni, smiling and tipping his hat. "Hello —"

Danni smiled. "I'm Danni — Matthew's partner."

Garth turned to the detective. "You've been holding out on me. I wasn't aware you had a partner, especially one so beautiful." He turned to Danni. "Let me introduce myself — I'm —"

Danni interrupted, laughing. "You are the famous cowboy, better known in our office as a thorn in Matthew's side. We've met, Garth."

"We have?" Garth raised his eyebrow. "I certainly would remember you."

Danni grinned. "I'm a close friend of Eleanor."

"That's nice, but I still know I wouldn't forget someone who looks like you."

"When I said I was a close friend of Eleanor, I probably should have mentioned I'm dead."

For a moment, Garth's face registered shock, and then he burst into laughter, slapping Donatelli's arm. "Your partner is a ghost — like Eleanor. Oh, brother, do you have your hands full?"

"She's not supposed to be seen, but she's a lot like you when it comes to following rules."

Garth smiled at Danni. "I like you already."

"Okay, cut the love fest. You said you know who this Lila is — how?"

"When I came out here, I was investigating a cold case for Eleanor. Her name was Lila Whitaker. Her father is serving time for her murder, but he claims he is innocent. Eleanor believes him."

"But does she have any evidence? Or is this just another one of her ghostly observations?"

"I wouldn't —" Danni started to silence Matthew, but the room turned cold, and she muttered, "Too late!"

Eleanor materialized inside the vault. "Now, let me see — what were you saying about my ghostly observations, Detective Donatelli?"

Donatelli shook his head, knowing he was standing in quicksand and was about to be sucked away. "I didn't mean it that way, Eleanor. You know I trust you."

"As long as I'm solving crimes and you're taking the credit, right?" She glared at him.

"It's not like that. But I am curious to know who this Lila is and why she had a folder in Beckett's safe deposit box."

"Well, now I don't want to be stepping out of line."

"Oh, Eleanor, cut me some slack. I'm sorry. You are a terrific undercover detective, and I'll never say anything about your powers again. Just tell me about Lila Whitaker."

"She was entered in the first "Beauty, Brawn, and Brains" contest. She attended a university in Germany, a research lab, and her team had discovered links to curing cancer."

"Curing cancer? That would be phenomenal, but why haven't I heard anything about this?"

"Because Lila's life was taken, her father was framed, and her research papers vanished — here and at the university."

"The man's getting naked with Lila and then turns around and represents her father?"

"We need to talk to this man. What prison is he in?"

"He was in Joliet, but the night before I went to interview him, there was a prison riot, and someone stabbed Thomas Whitaker multiple times. He's in the Bayside ICU, but he apparently can't remember anything."

"That's convenient." Donatelli scowled.

"Do you think Beckett was involved in the girl's murder?" Danni asked.

"Well, I have it on good authority that Lila was not the only girl he was blackmailing and being paid with their services."

Donatelli swallowed hard. "Was he blackmailing Naomi?"

"Yes, but not for the same reason. That's why she claimed the illegal search in her apartment. She had to get the charges dropped."

"She should have told me." Donatelli shoved the box across the table. "Women and their secrets."

Danni piped up. "With the way you've been, you wouldn't have believed her, anyway. But now you know, and you can make things right."

Garth picked up the insurance policy and studied it. Then he read the addendum. "You might not want to be so fast to forgive and forget. Why would a co-worker leave her a five-million-dollar life insurance policy? That's a lot of bucks for a friend."

Matthew snatched the policy from Garth's hand, looked at it, and tossed it on the table. "There's got to be a good explanation."

"And there might be, but we won't know until we ask some questions. I'm going to Frankie's place."

"No, I'll go!" Donatelli snarled.

"They don't just let anyone in, my friend. You stay here and continue the investigation on this end. I'll go talk to Naomi if possible."

"That's a good idea. I think Frank said there was someone you needed to meet."

"Oh, so you are on first-name basis with a gangster." Donatelli stared at Garth. "She can go, but I can't."

Garth shrugged, and Eleanor laughed. "Matthew, you know I go wherever I want to go. What's a gangster going to do to me? He can't kill me."

"I guess not!" Donatelli didn't like it but knew he was in the minority. "Fine, I'll go back to the Museum and take another look around. Danni, you take this stuff and log it into evidence, and then meet me over there."

Eleanor embraced Matthew. "Now, that's my detective. Go find out what happened that night."

"Johan says there was a third person in that alley," Danni inserted, then wished she hadn't.

"Johan says — you were interrogating my suspect?" The detective glared at Danni.

"Not exactly interrogating him. He was talking, and I was listening. You didn't want me to ignore him, did you?"

"But you could have told me."

"Like I said, you wouldn't have believed me, Detective. You've had a real big chip on your shoulder."

Matthew looked at all three of them. "I need a drink." Then he laughed, "Just kidding."


Still dealing with the morning events, Donatelli parked in front of the Art Museum, flipped on his police lights, and walked toward the grand foyer.

He glanced toward the stage where a few people were gathered, working on a setup for the pageant.

At the center of it all was Jenna. She wore a stunning navy blue evening gown that shimmered under the soft lights, her dark hair cascading down her back as she posed for photos for the brochure.

For a brief moment, Donatelli forgot why he was there.

She stepped off the stage, her heels clicking lightly on the marble floor. Donatelli let out a playful wolf whistle as she passed, surprising himself. Jenna turned, startled, and blushed.

"Detective Donatelli," she said with a nervous laugh, "I didn't realize you were here."

"Just getting a second look at the crime scene," Donatelli explained. "But, uh, you look great, Jenna. Really. Thought you deserved a compliment."

"Thanks." Jenna smiled shyly, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "Well, if you're here about the Beckett case, let me know if you need anything."

As she turned to walk back toward the stage, Donatelli couldn't resist. He plucked a rose from a table centerpiece nearby and handed it to her with an exaggerated bow. "A rose for the lady."

Jenna laughed, accepting the rose. "Thank you, Detective." She glanced toward the stage, where someone called her name. "I better get back to work, but good luck with your investigation."

Danni, having popped in unnoticed, watched the whole exchange with an amused grin. She teased him as soon as Jenna was out of earshot. "Never gave me a rose, Donatelli."

He shot her a playful glare. "That's because you've got enough thorns already. And when did you get here?"

"Just now." Danni chuckled as they walked through the hall, heading toward the alley where the murder had taken place. "You know, she likes you. You should ask her out."

Donatelli shook his head. "Not the time."

They reached the spot where Arthur Beckett had been found, and Donatelli crouched down to examine the area. The cleaners had done a good job, but there were still a few overlooked details. Behind a nearby dumpster, he found a crumpled cigarette package with German writing on it, along with a small vial labeled with a pharmaceutical logo in German.

"Looks like Johan was telling the truth," Danni said, crouching beside him. "The pharmaceutical company he mentioned is real. But why would they be involved in Beckett's murder?"

Donatelli pocketed the evidence. "We're getting closer. This could tie everything together — Patti, the offshore accounts, and maybe even the company Beckett was dealing with."

As they stood, Donatelli's eyes caught movement near the exit. Jenna was leaving the building, her gown catching the light as she walked through the lobby.

Danni nudged him. "Go on. Ask her out. You've been staring at her all day."

"Can't," Donatelli muttered, but his feet carried him forward.

Outside, Jenna stood in line at the hotdog vendor, her evening gown standing out amidst the casual crowd. Donatelli hesitated for a moment, then walked up to her.

"I'll get that for you," he said, paying the vendor before she could protest.

Jenna smiled. "Thanks, Detective. Are you always this chivalrous?"

Unseen by anyone else, Danni was practically bouncing on her toes, hissing, "Ask her to dinner! Come on, Donatelli, you're killing me here!"

Donatelli cleared his throat, feeling awkward. "Maybe — maybe we could do this again sometime. Except, you know, with a real dinner."

Jenna's smile widened, and she nodded. "I'd like that."

As she walked away, Donatelli stood there momentarily, feeling an odd warmth spread through him. Danni clapped him on the shoulder with a teasing grin. "There you go. That wasn't so hard, was it?"

Donatelli smirked, but his mind quickly returned to the case. The evidence was mounting, and the suspects were piling up. He had to keep his focus — something more was at play here. Something dangerous.

And he needed to figure it out before more people got hurt.

Author Notes
Danielle "Danni" Delahanty -- Ghost Detective
Eleanor Bennett -- Beloved Ghost Advisor
Matthew Donatelli -- Detective
Jenna Bradford -- Journalist and Pageant Consultant
Naomi Henderson -- Lawyer/ex-lover of Donatelli -
Arthur Beckett - deceased lawyer, friend, and enemy of Naomi
Patti Beckett - ex-wife from a nasty divorce
Hilda - a pageant contestant and medical researcher
Klaus - Hilda's older brother and protector
Johan - a supposed friend of Hilda's family with a connection to Jose
Angelo Carter - a private investigator with a dark side
Carlos Hernandez - a Mexican landowner with power
Jose Hernandez - Carlos's son - a reckless playboy
Alejandro - Jose's childhood friend
Garth Woodman - FBI Agent
Tango and Poppa - FBI agents under Garth
Allie - his love who died of cancer (an investigative reporter)
Dr. Rosa Galotti -- Morgue Medical Examiner
Emily - Jenna's faithful assistant
Lila - a pageant contestant who was murdered for her research
Thomas Whitaker - Lila's father
Sophia - Lila's sister (blind)
Max - Sophia's best friend and guide dog


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