- Spirited Justice Chap 33by Begin Again
This work has reached the exceptional level
Interogations and Interventions of sorts
Spirited Justice
: Spirited Justice Chap 33 by Begin Again

"Beauty, Brawn, or Brains" was a global platform showcasing women's diverse talents, yet murders, accidents, and deceit haunted the pageant worldwide. Was there a common link or merely coincidence?

Living in an eight-by-ten jail cell wasn't Johan's idea of living at all. He'd had plenty of time to reflect on how he'd fallen from University Playboy to America's Most Wanted. The fact that William and Henry thought he was dispensable since no one had bothered to come to his rescue, not even a lawyer, was a reality he found difficult to swallow.

The door to the interrogation room opened, and to Johan's surprise, Danni popped her head around it. "Good morning, Johan."

He lifted his weary eyes from the table to meet hers, and a glimmer of a smile played on his lips. "It's you!"

"Yeah, it's me — Danni." She walked in as if he was an old friend she was meeting for coffee instead of someone in a cold, unfriendly interrogation room.

"The way you disappeared with that detective, I thought I might have imagined you — a nice vision, of course." Johan smiled, offering a weak attempt at being charming.

Danni grinned. "Though I appreciate your flattery, you can save it for your college girls. I'm not your type." She pulled out a chair and sat across from him, and allowed her expression to soften. "That being said, I do like you, and because of that, I'm going to give you a little advice. The two men that are about to interrogate you aren't the "Mr. Nice Guy" type. They are two of the best and didn't get there by being soft. Either will do whatever it takes to get what they want."

Johan shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "I thought the bad guys were supposed to be on this side of the table."

Danni smiled. "They are, but sometimes the line is razor thin. With Garth or Donatelli, you never know. I'm only telling you this so that you have a chance to decide whether you want to spend the rest of your life in prison or play ball with them. They'll only give you one chance, and they don't play games."

Johan's laugh was bitter. "So, if I talk, I'm dead, and if I don't talk, I rot in prison. Not very appealing, regardless of how I look at it."

Danni pushed her chair away from the table and stood, straightening her suit jacket. "You give them what they want, Johan, and they'll protect you."

Johan's face tightened. "You've seen all the people dropping like flies when William and his crew are around. I wouldn't stand a chance."

"You have a better chance with Garth and Matthew than against them. Just think about it, Johan." Danni let her eyes settle on him for a moment. "A new wardrobe, a new job, and freedom. Doesn't sound bad to me. Then maybe you like the orange jumpsuit."

Johan nodded as she reached the door. "Thanks, Danni."

"Just think about what I said. Good luck, Johan." She winked and stepped into the corridor where the two men waited.

Garth grinned and glanced at Donatelli. "You sure do business differently around here than back in Washington, D.C. I never heard of good cop-bad cop quite like this."

Donatelli laughed. "Danni has learned a lot of Eleanor's tricks, and whether I like it or not, they get things done, and my life is a lot easier."

Garth raised an eyebrow and asked, "So Danni, you think we're going to waltz into that room, and he's going to give it up? No long hours of cold coffee and leaning on him?"

"It's going to be a cakewalk, Garth," Danni replied confidently. "Trust me. I might not be as good as Eleanor, but I'm one heck of a student."

Still skeptical, Garth grinned. "We'll see."

Donatelli pushed the door open, muttering, "My bets on Danni."


Johan straightened from his slouched position as the two lawmen entered the room and nodded at the men. Donatelli took the lead and stood directly across from Johan, noting his pale face and nervousness. Garth leaned against the wall, eager to pounce but giving his fellow lawman a chance to get the needed information.

"Danni told you we can help you, but you must help us first. Have you had time to think about that?"

Johan nodded, letting his eyes travel from Donatelli to Garth. "It all sounds good, but what you don't seem to understand is if I talk, they'll kill me. They've got long arms, and it won't matter where I am at."

"Listen, Johan, you're already in deep. Those people — the University, the pharmaceutical company, or their thugs — are responsible for a number of deaths. We're your only chance to get out of this alive."

Garth moved closer, walking behind Johan, stopping for a moment, and then continued till he came face to face with the young man. "Here's the deal. You give us the names, and we put you into Witness Protection. A new name, new life."

Before Johan could respond, Donatelli's phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen and muttered something before moving toward the door. "You guys chat while I step out for a minute."

Garth chuckled. "Take your time. Johan and I have got this." He turned and stared at Johan. "Isn't that, right?"

Johan could feel beads of sweat popping up on his forehead. The Cowboy made him nervous.

As Matthew stepped into the hallway, he spotted Jenna lingering a few doors away. Her presence surprised him, but the sight of her suddenly melted any thoughts of interrogating Johan.

"Jenna." He smiled as he approached her. "What a surprise. Is everything okay?"

Jenna blushed, and her fingers fidgeted with the strap on her purse. "I — I was nearby and thought I'd stop and say hello. I hope that's not a problem."

"Problem? Of course not. I'm always happy to see your pretty face." He momentarily glanced back at the interrogation room, wondering if it was safe to leave Johan and Garth together.

Jenna gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your work. I know you are busy."

"It's okay," he quickly reassured her. "It's nothing that Garth can't handle."
There was a pause — they stood just a little too close in the precinct hallway, but neither wanted to step away. Both could feel the heat between them.

"I should probably let you get back to work," Jenna murmured as she glanced down the hallway. "I should have called first."

"Nonsense. You can stop by anytime you want." Part of him wanted to hug her, and the other half knew duty called. "Maybe we could grab a bite to eat later?" Fearing it was too soon, he added, "But, I suppose you've already got plans."

Danni rounded the corner, her eyes brightening when she saw Jenna and Donatelli. "Matthew, this woman is much like you. It's all work, work, work. I think it's a wonderful idea if you take her to dinner tonight. And not one of those burger joints, either."

Jenna felt a warm flush creeping across her cheeks. Her eyes widened as she glared at Danni. "Actually, Danni and I had plans, and this is just her way of backing out of them. Don't listen to her."

Danni's mouth dropped open, but she recovered quickly. "If we had plans, I don't remember them. I can't go, so Matthew, I choose you as my stand-in." She grinned. "You can call it payback for me getting Johan to agree so quickly."

"You don't know —"

"Trust me, I do!" The door to the interrogation room opened, and Garth stepped out, followed by the guard and Johan.

Confused, Donatelli scowled, "What's going on?"

"I've got the names and who they are working for."

"You do?" Intrigued, Donatelli moved to join Garth while Jenna whispered a quick goodbye to Danni and hurried away.

Garth was smiling at Danni. "I won't ever second guess you again, Danni. He was ready and willing once I convinced him we'd protect him. Our job is done! And my team is already running the names through our database to see what they can come up with."

"That's awesome." Suddenly remembering Jenna, Matthew turned to include her in the conversation but realized she was gone. Disappointment spread across his face.

Garth smiled as he teased Matthew, "You know how to bait the line, but you keep letting them get away. You need some lessons on reeling them in."

"Shut up. She had to get back to work. For your information, we're having dinner together tonight." Donatelli's eyes shifted to Danni, praying for confirmation.

"That's right. Heard it myself." Danni snickered and headed back to the office. "I've got paperwork to do!"


"Mother!" Jenna exclaimed as she entered her office. "What are you doing?"

"What? Can't a mother visit her daughter, or is she too busy visiting the precinct?"

"I wasn't visiting the precinct. I met with the florist, and it's only a few doors from the police department. And if you must know, Danni and I had a dinner arrangement, and I stopped to tell her I couldn't go." She paused and added, "Too much work."

"That's strange!"

"Why is eating with Danni strange? Or are you referring to the work?"

Eleanor flipped through some papers on Jenna's desk. Before answering, "I spoke with Danni just before you arrived, and she said Matthew had invited you to dinner. Did you forget?"

"He might have mentioned dinner, but he was busy, and nothing was confirmed."

"He was busy, alright. According to Danni, he was almost drooling when she showed up. Surprised he didn't get your blouse dirty."

"Mother! You two are nuts! Matthew and I are friends. Nothing more."

"If you say so, but you aren't getting any younger, Jenna. And neither is he. You have to grab that brass ring before someone else does."

Jenna unlocked her bottom desk drawer and brought out a folder. Moving to the giant safe in the corner, she spun the dial and opened it. "A mighty big space for Hilda's papers, but at the moment, it appears to be the only safe space available." She dropped the envelope inside and closed the door, spinning the dial. "I've got rounds and inspections to make, so you can either make yourself at home in my office, which you always do, or you'll be gone when I return."

"Run along, darling. Don't worry about me. I think I'll rest a bit and then be on my way."

Jenna leaned in and kissed Eleanor's cheek. "Don't worry, my love. I promise to make you a grandmother someday."

"Humph! Can I have that in writing, please?"

Jenna laughed and sailed out the office door before Eleanor could comment.


Seconds after Jenna disappeared from her office, Eleanor closed the door and locked it. She moved to the safe, turning the dial and tugging on the handle. She muttered, "Didn't expect it to open, but one can hope, can't they?"

She leaned against the safe, listening as she fiddled with the dial. Her fingers traced over the numbers, hoping that, magically, it would open. After a few failed attempts, she stood back, hands on hips, frustrated. "Jenna — couldn't you have left this open for your poor, dead mother?"

Eleanor laughed. She couldn't recall whenever she'd referred to herself that way. Dusting off her hands, she muttered, "Well, I don't give up that easy. Too bad I couldn't tell you what's going to happen."

She scanned the room. "There's got to be a way. Think!" Her eyes settled on a stack of papers on Jenna's credenza. A grin slipped across her face.

"Well, if I can't open the safe, I guess there's only one thing to do. I go inside."

After rummaging through Jenna's file drawer, she found a large, empty envelope. She grabbed some papers and brochures and shoved them inside the envelope. Finding a pen in the drawer, she scribbled "Hilda's Research" on the front of the envelope and then sealed it. With a satisfied smirk, she grumbled, "Don't anyone tell me I've lost my touch."

Taking a deep breath, she stood perfectly still while her body shimmered and faded. Only the sound of a giggle as she passed through the safe door indicated she was there.

"Whoa! Tight quarters." Even in her ghostly form, Eleanor was forced to scrunch together. She saw the folder Jenna had placed in the safe and quickly replaced it with the envelope. Wasting no time, she slipped through the safe wall again, materializing in Jenna's office again.

"Good thing I didn't choose to be a safecracker. I'd have to lose weight, that's for sure." She adjusted her dress and smirked. "A bit cliche, maybe, but I think I'll hide these behind the painting." She taped the papers to the back of the painting and then replaced it on the wall. It was one of her and Charles together by the window. "Charles, I'm leaving these with you for safekeeping. Don't let those thieves get them."

Stepping back, she admired the painting, thinking about Charles and how long she'd been gone from home. "Soon, darling. But I've got work to finish first."

With one last glance at the painting, she left the office, once again thinking about Jenna and Matthew. "Jenna, darling, Donatelli's going to be hard to land, but I know you can do it. You just need to believe you can."


Author Notes
Danielle "Danni" Delahanty -- Ghost Detective
Eleanor Bennett -- Beloved Ghost Advisor
Matthew Donatelli -- Detective
Jenna Bradford -- Journalist and Pageant Consultant
Naomi Henderson -- Lawyer/ex-lover of Donatelli -
Arthur Beckett - deceased lawyer, friend, and enemy of Naomi
Patti Beckett - ex-wife from a nasty divorce
Hilda - a pageant contestant and medical researcher
Klaus - Hilda's older brother and protector
Johan - a supposed friend of Hilda's family with a connection to Jose
Angelo Carter - a private investigator with a dark side
Carlos Hernandez - a Mexican landowner with power
Jose Hernandez - Carlos's son - a reckless playboy
Alejandro - Jose's childhood friend
Garth Woodman - FBI Agent
Tango and Poppa - FBI agents under Garth
Allie - his love who died of cancer (an investigative reporter)
Dr. Rosa Galotti -- Morgue Medical Examiner
Emily - Jenna's faithful assistant
Lila - a pageant contestant who was murdered for her research
Thomas Whitaker - Lila's father
Sophia - Lila's sister (blind)
Max - Sophia's best friend and guide dog


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