- Spelunkedby Cassandra Vaillancourt
A cautionary caving tale.
Spelunked by Cassandra Vaillancourt
100 Word Flash Fiction contest entry

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Michael was at the foot of the cave. It wasn't listed on any maps. He would be the first to explore it. He turned on his headlamp, had his backpack with gear ready and treaded in.
He was disappointed when he discovered signs that he wasn't the only visitor there.
As he probed deeper, he couldn't help but feel he was being observed and thought he heard whispering.
"Hello?" He called out. He stumbled and fell discovering that he tripped on a human skull.
"Hello dinner!" Was the reply as sets of hands grabbed him pulling him into the darkness.


Author Notes
This was previously published in The Horror Tree. I hope you'll like it.


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