- Happy Birthday Pam Lonsdaleby T B Botts
Today is Pam's Birthday!
Happy Birthday Pam Lonsdale by T B Botts
Artwork by Linda Bickston at

Today is Pam Lonsdale's birthday, or at least that's what my address book says. I just wanted to take a moment and say to her- Happy Birthday!

I'm not a poet, or I'd write her a wonderfully flowing message in rhyme. As it is. I'll have to settle for just a sincere wish that she enjoy today to the fullest, embracing all the gifts that God has bestowed upon her.

She's a very good writer, and I'm delighted to get to know her through her posts. She also gives her honest opinions about what she reads on Fan Story, no fluff or undeserved accolades.

Please join me in wishing our gal Pam a very happy birthday. We appreciate you gal!



Author Notes
The picture above is titled Birthday Girl, by Linda Bickston on FanArt. I don't know who the little girl is, but it seemed appropriate for Pam's birthday. My thanks to the artist for a job well done.


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