- Part 3, Chapter 9by barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Anna returns to work.
Lonely Hearts Meet
: Part 3, Chapter 9 by barbara.wilkey

Anna is a young mother striving to find a way out of an abusive marriage. She meets a stranger, Troy. Troy fights his own demons. Can they help each other find love, or are their struggles too much?

The following morning, Anna stood on the sidewalk and stared at the door of her workplace. It's good to be back.

When she entered the lobby, Ginger, the receptionist, stood and gave her a hug. "Welcome back. We've missed you." She glanced at the ringing telephone. "Mr. Keller mentioned he wanted to see you once you've settled in." Then she answered the phone. "Good Morning, Creative Designs Advertising Agency. This is Ms. Baily speaking. How may I help?"

Anna went into her office, set her purse on the desk, and glanced at the stacks of files on the right corner. At least my office is the way I left it. With a sigh, she entered the hallway and turned toward Mr. Keller's office.

Ginger called to her, "While you were absent, a hunky man left a book with Mr. Keller. He said you'd left it in the bookstore. He's probably the sexiest man I've ever laid eyes on."

"Must have been Troy. Don't get too excited. He's in a committed relationship with a tall blonde." Anna shook her head and continued down the hall. He's definitely a hunk, an off-limits hunk.

Anna left Mr. Keller's office with an armful of work. She smiled. I can't wait to get my life into a routine. She set the files on her desk. I'll stay busy at work. At home I can relax and raise my son. Life will be good. She glanced at her watch. I have time to finish this presentation and give it to Mr. Keller before lunch.

When Anna walked out the door for lunch, she noticed Troy's motorcycle parked across the street. I'm glad I thought ahead and planned for lunch. She glanced at her lunch bag and hurried toward the park. Two blocks isn't far and it's a beautiful day. She shielded her eyes from the sun and looked at the deep blue sky. Once inside the park, she glanced around for an empty picnic table under the shade of a tree.

As she sat on a cement bench and set her brown paper bag on the table, Troy sat across from her. "May I sit here?"

"No, you may not." She stood and turned away.

"Please don't leave." Troy quickly rose and cut his hand on the edge of the table. "Damn it!"

"You all right?" Anna glanced at his hand. "Let me help." She reached for his bleeding hand.

"Don't get any blood on you." He pulled his hand away. "I cut it on this." He pointed to a rusty rod sticking out from the side of the cement table, then reached into his back pocket. "I have Band-Aids in my billfold."

He took out two, opened one, and tried to place it over the cut.

"I could make that a lot easier." Anna watched him struggle; doing it one handed, but only succeeded in smearing the blood.

"I don't want to risk getting blood on you."

Anna removed a handkerchief from her purse and moistened it at the water fountain. When she attempted to wipe the blood, Troy took it and cleaned the area himself and then threw it in the trash can.

"Blood doesn't scare me. Let me help." Anna took the Band-Aid from him and placed it over the cut. "Now give me the other one." She reached over him, grabbed it, and placed it beside the first one. "That should hold it."

Troy checked both his hands to make sure they were blood free before he reached for hers and searched for stray blood. "I guess you're safe, but just in case when you get back to work be sure to wash your hands with soapy water."

"All right, but you might want to make sure your tetanus vaccination is up-to-date."

"It is. How about yours?" After she nodded, Troy sat on the bench. "I followed you so we could discuss yesterday." He glanced at his watch. "You don't have much time."

Anna took a bite of her sandwich, chewed, and swallowed. "You don't owe me an explanation."

"I guess you're right, but I want to. Nancy, the lady you saw me with, is my secretary. We had an early meeting this morning with a group of railroad executives. I thought it would be nice to provide snacks and she offered to help. She's married with two young children. Her husband and I are close friends." He paused. "I'm not seeing anyone."

Anna's face turned crimson as she studied the brown bag. "I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. You must think I'm ridiculous."

Troy lifted her chin and their eyes met. After a short hesitation, he said, "Once your divorce is final, I'm asking you on a date. Think Mom and Dad will babysit?"

"I think we can talk them in to it, if we beg." She grinned. "But right
now, I think it's time for me to return to work." Anna stood.

"I'll walk with you."

"If your dad sees us, he'll be unhappy."

Troy grinned. "I know, but he'll get over it. He always does."

When Anna walked into the building, Ginger smiled. "I thought you said he was off-limits."

"He is. I went to the park and he was there. When it was time to leave, he offered to walk with me."

"Some girls have all the luck." Ginger shook her head. "I almost forgot. A Paul Sorenson called and said it's important you call him back."

Anna removed the cell phone from her purse. "I'll call him before I get busy." She walked toward her office. I wonder what he wants. It must be important or he wouldn't call me at work. I hope Bobby wasn't released from jail.

As the phone rang, Anna heard Paul's voice in the lobby. She stood in her office doorway. "Hi, I was just returning your call. Come in." She motioned for him to join her.

"Did you have a nice lunch?"

"I walked to the park on Oak Street."

"Good, that's a nice well-kept park. What I stopped by to tell you is your husband's domestic assault trial is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I don't think it'll last very long, but you'll need to be there. I'll speak with Mr. Keller with you."

Anna smiled. "You don't need to. I can speak with him myself."

Paul hugged her. "I'm glad." He stepped back. "We should meet at the courthouse at noon tomorrow. The trial doesn't begin until 1:00. I think that will give us enough time to review the facts. Unless you feel we need more time."

"No, you know the details as well as I do. I'll have to face Bobby, won't I?"

"Yes, you'll need to take the stand." Paul nodded. "It'll be hard, but remember he can't hurt you. His reign of terror has come to an end." He glanced at the stack of files on her desk, then at the door. "I'll let you get back to work. If you have questions or concerns, call or drop by the house tonight." He smiled. "Betty already misses Michael."


Author Notes
Thank you for reading and reviewing. I appreciate all the positive comments I am receiving on this novel.

SAFE (stop abuse for everyone)

National Domestic Violence Hotline (800)799-7233

Many child molesters also have adult sexual relationships; they do not Child molesters get their sexual gratification only from children.

The average age that child molesters first attack on a child is when they (the attackers) are In their teens and often as young as age 12.

Estimates range from 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend per year to 3.9 million women who are physically abused by their husbands or live-in partners per year.

More than 50% of female victims of intimate violence live in households with children under age 12.

Nearly one-third of American women (31%) report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives.

There were 691,710 nonfatal violent victimizations committed by current or former spouses, boyfriends, or girlfriends of the victims during 2001. Such crimes - intimate partner violence - primarily involve female victims. About 588,490, or 85% of victimizations by intimate partners in 2001 were against women.


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