- Inner Impressionsby Titanx9
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Often, listening to that inner voice will provide answers...
Inner Impressions by Titanx9

Heed your inner expressions
For there can be no greater counsel.
They are the mystery of rustling winds
The melodious tempo of dancing rain drops
They are the impetus behind audacious thoughts,
Becoming an implacable muse of visions, I can.

Do not push aside the voice that says I can,
But embrace it, relinquish yourself to its control.
These inner expressions connect us all,
Allowing each to embrace its omnipotence,
Its wonders, its miracles and
Effecting from each the noble, the sublime.

Do not ignore your inner feelings
That may come at the first glow of sunrise.
Let the energy permeate and saturate
As it urges and compels you to higher exploits
Let it dare you to believe, and you will
Banish insecurities and conquer all doubts.



Author Notes
Thanks to Google's picture
I wrote this one for a friend who was depressed. It must have helped because she no longer complains when I see her.


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