- Phoenix Downby Marillion
This work has reached the exceptional level
The Cycle of the Phoenix
Phoenix Down by Marillion

I crash and burn, yet live to learn,
A Phoenix spawned, but incomplete
From scattered parts of shattered hearts
That rain me down at each defeat.

Upon my death and new-born breath,
Fresh lungs ingest the old and new,
Inhaling ash from every crash
Until the flames have burned me through.  

But every rise to blazing skies
Endures with strength what killed before,
And still I'll fall, a fiery ball,
To die and be reborn once more.

"Eternal quest without a rest,"
My call to arms, my rally cry,
Will thus instill an iron will
That no opponent shall deny.

With eagle screams and armored dreams,
My re-ascent deprives my foes.
My living cause, with razor claws,
Will shred the wings of circling crows.

Through countless lives my soul survives,
With each demise the very same,
A comet scorched and fully-torched
As aspirations fall to flame.

With hope refilled, I'll soon rebuild
The pieces on the sacred ground,
To forge anew, in multi-hue,
The ashes of a Phoenix downed.


Author Notes
Iambic tetrameter with internal rhymes in the second and fourth metric foot of L1 and L3 in each stanza, and end rhymes in L2 and L4.

I've seen so many beautifully inspirational poems lately that I decided to add my own about getting better with each defeat, and rising from the to speak. Thanks for reading.


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