- Run Your Own Raceby Dean Kuch
This work has reached the exceptional level
Winning isn't always the most important thing...
Run Your Own Race by Dean Kuch

We're taught to draw our own conclusion,

embracing hope without illusions,

embellish love and live carefree,

abstain from mediocrity.


To always love our fellow man,

and do the very best we can,

set goals, for you must have a plan,

to see beyond horizon's span...


There is a path that's tried and true,

to walk or run, it's up to you.

Search for the light that's hidden there,

'tween selfishness and deep despair.


Do not reward reason with doubt,

that's not what life should be about,

just lead friends to the starting line,

work together, and you'll be fine.


Now, on your marks — get set — let's go!

The race is on, put on a show,

this life is far too brief to waste,

breathe deep, keep up a steady pace...


That inner strength burns deep within,

just pace yourself, you're bound to win

then, once you've crossed that finish line,

you'll find you've won in record time.

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Author Notes
In the end, it's not whether you've won that truly matters, but how you ran the race that counts.

Thanks so much for reading.


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