- Meeting Herby LoannaLois
This work has reached the exceptional level
I knew there would come a day...
Meeting Her by LoannaLois

Well, I met her yesterday
and shivering inside
I walked right over to her
I had nerve if not my pride.

We locked our eyes as if we knew
this was a one-time chance
to say what should be said at last
and stop this hateful dance.

She smiled at me with thin cold lips
as if I were some peasant
asking for a crust of bread-
no way I could be pleasant.

Nor should I have to be, Dear God
for I have had enough.
I've lost my husband to her
so just seeing her was rough.

With trembling lips I had to say
how much I loved the man
who married me and raised our kids
then turned to her and ran.

I told her that I felt no hate;
no vengeful seeds to sow.
I asked her if she loved him, though...
she sighed and uttered, "no."

She thought she'd be his girlfriend
and make his life complete.
She thought I was some angry wife
who never could compete.

Then he contracted cancer
and as sorry as she was
that wasn't what she signed up for
she did what thoughtless does.

She left him to me at last
so cold- those words she said.
I simply could not feel a thing
the fight in me was dead.

I will feel pain and sorrow
but I tell no tale of woe
I realize I now just need
to grieve and let it go.


Author Notes happened just that way. Yes, I am letting it go.
Thanks to Stock illustration.


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