- Lost and Foundby Aussie
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Orphan huddles in garbage - found by Santa?
Lost and Found by Aussie
This Sentence Starts The Story contest entry

The silence, filled with hope, was shattered by his loud crying. He was losing faith that Santa would grant his dearest wish. To find his mother and bring her to him. Hunger and loneliness had eaten away his steadfast belief in Santa. George had run away from the Headstone Orphanage, thinking he might find Santa. The west wind blew hard and the snow was relentless. He huddled in a shop doorway and covered himself with newspapers and rags from the garbage bins.

He was beginning to think he had made a huge mistake leaving a warm bed and blazing fireplace. His tiny tummy began to rumble -- nothing to eat since his meagre breakfast. Watching the blinking Christmas lights took his mind off the food. A stray dog had cuddled up with him, giving him some warmth. The dog was hungry too.

Three youths walked past with attitude; throwing left over burgers at the pile of rags and the dog hiding in the doorway. The youths laughed as they fired pellets at the Christmas lights - one by one the lights went dim.

George was happy when the youths had moved on and he grabbed the leftover food. The dog was trained, he let George eat his fill and then he took the rest from George.

"What's your name dog?" George looked into it's brown eyes.
"My name is Spud."

George scuttled further away from Spud, he didn't believe that animals could speak.

"Don't be afraid, I was sent to look after you," Spud panted.

"Dogs don't talk to people," George moved back to gain some warmth from the dog.

"Reindeers talk to Santa." Spud woofed.

"Where did you come from, Spud?"

"Santa told me you were cold and lonely and he sent me to cheer you up and let you know that he would visit you tonight."

"Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the, what do we have here?" The carollers stopped singing and peered into the shop entrance.

"What are you doing here, boy? It's too cold for you to be out in this weather," the lead caroller advanced towards George and Spud.

"I'm waiting for Santa."

"Here, take my coat and some cookies for both of you." They kept on singing and kept on walking.

"Don't worry George, Santa will be here soon."

George was slipping into hypothermia and as he did - he began to float between heaven and earth.

In his dream state he watched as his birth-mother skipped toward him. She was tall with beautiful red hair and a pretty cornflower blue dress; she carried a basket of fresh-picked flowers. Skipping across the high grass and singing a lullaby for George. "Go to sleep little one, my precious baby son."
Then she was gone.

George awoke when Spud licked the ice from his white face. "Just a little longer, hang on George." Spud kept on licking the boy's frozen hands and face.

"Ho Ho, Ho, George and Spud, Merry Christmas," the jolly fat man pulled his sled over and gave each of his reindeers a cherry-red apple.

"So, I hear you have been waiting for me, George? Santa hooked his gloved thumbs into his thick-black belt. He looked quizzically at the two cold friends lying still, eyes dancing from Santa's red face to the reindeers and then finally, fancy sleigh choc-full of gifts for all boys and girls.

"Spud, you have done a good job looking after George," Santa handed the dog a huge bone. Spud slavered with anticipation.

"Now, young man, you are too cold. He bent down and wrapping George in a check blanket, lifted him into his sleigh. George was not aware of his surroundings, except that he felt warm and loved.

The siren wailed as CPR was performed on George's tiny chest. The red ambulance with flashing lights and the bell ringing was far from his thoughts. George was skipping along beside his mother, picking bluebells as they went. He was happy, he had never met his mother and the Golden Retriever loped along with them - chasing butterflies.

The paramedics wheeled the tiny boy into the emergency ward. It was touch and go. George was exposed to the elements for a very long time. The hospital's automatic doors hissed open and a portly nurse approached George's bed.

"Well, you are awake young man," she waddled around the bed checking monitors.
"How are you feeling?"

"I'm much better thanks, where is Spud?" George snuggled further down in his warm bed.

"Only you came into the hospital, who is Spud? "The nurse chuckled.

"Spud is my friend who looked after me in the cold, he's a dog."

"I don't know about a dog, but you have a visitor."

Mrs Rogers walked through the doors and smiled at George. She was the matron in charge of the orphanage.

"Well, well, George, we finally found you - we were very worried about you - and I have two surprises for you." She smiled broadly at the boy.

"Ho, Ho, Ho! Hello, George! A portly, red-faced man in an orange suit waved at George. When he laughed his long white beard waggled up and down.

"I came to see how you were getting along after we brought you here."

"Are you Santa?" George was confused at the uniform the jolly man was wearing.

"No, I'm the man who brought you in and I work for emergency services - did you think I was Santa?" He chuckled.

"Why, yes, you sure looked like him, except for your orange suit. Did you find the dog that was with me?"

"No dog, George, just you wrapped in newspapers. Sorry, I can't stay, just wanted to know if you were all right, seems that you are warm and comfortable. Must go now son, another person is waiting outside to see you." He handed George a large stuffed toy and waved goodbye.

Quietly, a tall woman with flaming red hair entered the room and stood smiling at George.

"Who are you?" George found her face vaguely familiar.

"I've been searching for you for ten years, you are my son." Her smile was brilliant as tears trickled down her pretty face.

"Do you collect wildflowers? And, and...where is Spud?" George hugged the toy dog to his tiny chest.

"May I sit down George?" I have come a very long way after the orphanage contacted me."

"Please sit down, and tell me all about your long trip to see me."

"Well, it's a long story George; orphanage tracked me down and told me that you were in this hospital, you had been suffering from exposure in the cold, waiting for Santa." She smiled and wiped her tears away.

"To answer you first question, yes, I do collect wildflowers on my farm which is a long way from here. Why do you ask?"

"I saw you in a dream and you were collecting flowers and skipping, I was skipping with you and Spud was with us too." He sniffed and wiped his eyes on his pyjamas.

"Oh, darling boy, Spud was our Golden Retriever and he went to heaven many years ago," she sipped some water from the cooler beside the bed.

"You really are my mother? Why did you leave me all those years ago? I never gave up hope you would come and get me - I was going to ask Santa to bring you back to me."

"When I was a young girl, too young to be a mother, the orphanage took you in. I was only fifteen and had no way of looking after you. I have been searching for you for ten long years."

"I knew you would come one day, and hoped Santa could help me. Spud kept me warm while I waited for Santa to come, he did come and took me to the hospital."

"No, it was the emergency services man that found you huddled in a doorway."

Alana put her arms around her son and they both cried tears of joy, at last mother and son were one again.

"Can I come home with you, mama?" George was filled with love and silently thanked the jolly fat man for bringing his mother to him. Of course, the jolly fat man had a second job this time of year - Santa Claus.

The automatic doors hissed open again - announcing another visitor. Santa came waddling through the doors and smiled at them both.

"I forgot to give you your Christmas present, George." A warm, fat, wriggling puppy appeared from Santa's coat.

"For me? Oh, thank you Santa, I will call him Spud. My Christmas wishes have come true haven't they mama?"

"Yes, darling boy - best think of another name for the puppy." Alana laughed.

"Oh, why can't I call him Spud?" George cuddled the now sleeping pup.

"Ho,Ho,Ho, it's a girl! Must away now, all the children will be waiting for their toys."

"Santa? Do you work for the emergency services?"

"Er, yep, you caught me that time - I work all year and this special time of year I bring gifts and grant wishes for you little folk."

"Happy Christmas to you all - and to all, a very goodnight."


Author Notes
A feel-good Christmas story - wishes were answered and George found his mother and a new dog.


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