The journey is oft an uphill fight
between dumping that drink
and changing how we act and think.
The route regurgitates hard lessons,
demanding that we make concessions.
For instance are we flexible?
When a storm brews can we bend-
or are we still so rigid
that we sacrifice a friend?
Can we own up to our own mistakes
instead of casting blame-
or do we search out scapegoats
make them wallow in our shame?
Must we be the brightest light bulb
brag and show off what we know-
or can we turn the dimmer on
and let another glow?
Are we open to opposing views
of those who disagree-
or do we feel so threatened
we either want to fight or flee?
Before I even knew your name
did I greet you with a frown-
deciding you weren't worth my time
as I sized you up and down?
Emotional sobriety
even though the two are linked-
is simply not awarded
on the fact alone that we don't drink.