- Cult Detector by Deniz22
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How to tell if you are in a cult
Cult Detector by Deniz22

Ways to Tell If You Are in a (Christian) Religious Cult

Definition of a cult:

1) Exclusive. They may say, "We're the only ones with the truth; everyone else is wrong; and if you leave our group your salvation is in danger."

2) Secretive. Certain teachings are not available to outsiders or they're presented only to certain members, sometimes after taking vows of confidentiality.

3) Authoritarian. A human leader expects total loyalty and unquestioned obedience.

Check these to see if you are in a cult:

A. You have a book of your faith (written by the leader) you equate with the Biblical scriptures.

B. Your faith was started less than 200 years ago.

C. Your leaders insist they have rediscovered the true Christian faith/church.

D. You don't really know what your church teaches in contrast to the Bible and you don't care. You trust your leaders on it.

E. Your leaders discourage individual Bible study.

F. You wear secret underwear but cannot find where the Apostles of the New Testament even alluded to such apparel.

G. You were born into your religion and would consider it disloyal to your family and church to question it by the Bible.

H. You have no inner assurance you belong to Christ, but believe no one else does either, so it's OK.

I. You are a good person and see no need to understand why Christ died for sinners.

J. You like people and try to help them. This makes you feel you must be "OK" with God's score-keeping.

K. You don't know, or haven't heard that Christ said, "You must be born-again." You think baptism might cover it.

L. You consider the call to inspect your faith by what is written in the Bible about Christ and what the Apostles' taught about the Christian faith a mean-spirited attack.



Author Notes
A "Christian" cult is one which uses Biblical terms while denying basic Christian truth. All cultists deny the Virgin birth of Christ, His sinless life, His deity, His vicarious atoning death for all sinners, His physical resurrection and the need for personal faith in Him in order to be saved from Hell and made fit for Heaven.

A Christian may be incorrect on many things about Christianity but one thing is crucial: he or she must be born-again into a new spiritual life. Jesus Himself said that three times in John chapter 3 to a very religious man.

To the woman at the well, in John chapter 4, He said, "If you knew who I Am (God in the flesh) you would ask Me and I would give you living water. "Living water" is a metaphor for the Holy Spirit.

When we are born again, our old sins are forgotten by God and a new person is born pure of sin and thus able to be a receptor of the Holy Spirit forever.

Who has the power to drive Him Him out of God's property? God created us and Jesus paid off our sin debt so we are recreated into His image...such is the work of eternal love in the Person of Jesus!


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