- Tranquil is the goalby Jesse James Doty
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Self-improvement poem
Tranquil is the goal by Jesse James Doty

Every choice that I make sends my heart and mind racing
not knowing the inevitable consequences I'm facing
If I had a dime for every time
I've tried to help someone else
just to learn that I've helped myself

I'd be a rich and wise man

Just knowing that I can
make and leave an impression in the sand
that outlasts the ebb and flow of the tide
lets me know that I'm alive
for a purpose I cannot visualize

Maybe it's better that way

To prevent the unraveling decay

I stretch and grow beyond my comfort zone
toward the places in my mind I truly own
Imagining where I want to be
when I turn seventy-three

In a place of tranquility
in my own home



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