You’re not a victim every time bad shit happens to you
Sometimes they happen because of dumb shit you do
You’re not a hero if you’ve finally quit drugging or drinking
Are you a hero for getting in and out of a boat that’s sinking?
If you never set your alarm and are always late for work
Don’t complain about the boss; you are the lazy-ass jerk
Born poor & you’ve birthed six kids, all with a different dad
I don’t care about you, it's for those unlucky kids that I’m sad
Really, if you’re dating someone who just got out of jail
You don’t get my sympathy when that relationship fails
I’m fine with you protesting, yelling, or stomping your feet
But I gotta get to work, so get yo’ dumbass out of the street
Hey, you’re not entitled to have people accept your way of life
While I’m at it, you are not entitled to a job, a house or a wife
No, life isn’t fair and no matter what, you may not win
That doesn’t mean those who succeed committed a sin
Ok, I watch sports for the thrill of seeing teams rise and fall
I don’t care what you think; shut up & catch the fucking ball
If your man hits you and his evil abuses make you weep
Either leave, or grow a pair & kill the bastard in his sleep
No, I am not saying everyone is born brave, intelligent, or strong
Just, not taking responsibility for your life is probably what’s wrong