- Chilled Apples (Warning!)by Dawn Munro
This work has reached the exceptional level
a free verse contest entry
Chilled Apples (Warning!) by Dawn Munro
Free Verse Poetry Contest contest entry

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.
Chilled Apples

"You are the apple of my eye," he said.
She believed him.

"You are my apple dumpling," he said,
holding out his arms to embrace her
sweet innocence.

She climbed into his lap.

"You are caramel apples, Darlin', just like at the fair."

She laid her head on his chest.
His heart was thumping wildly.

"You are apple pie,
Daddy's favorite dessert,"
he said,
and she...

thought his voice sounded funny.

"But don't tell Mommy we do this, okay?"

She shook her head, 'no'.

She had no idea that her hero
was really no hero

when he said,
"Rub right here, Baby.
I'll buy you a dolly
with apple-red cheeks."

But she knew eight years later,

and they found her.
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An old,


and died
of shame.


Author Notes
Why I write what I write:

I try to write in all genres, about anything and everything, and I frequently address social issues with my poetry. (Not only the homeless man, but the family that's forced to live in a van in winter because rents are too high. Not just the kid who is bullied, but the child who IS a bully and how he or she got that way, and so on...the observance of humanity/human behavior.)

Life is about perception, and it's that view that determines how society behaves, whether or not we really understand brotherly love, and the fact that we are all just struggling to make it to the journey's end as unscathed as possible.

We can't do that living in a bubble.

That's not to say that everything I write is "heavy"; I need a break sometimes too. But I also write crime/thriller/horror. One of my novels, for example, sees a family slaughtered right at the beginning. Another is of a sweet teenager, on a dream vacation with her mother, who gets raped by a local islander.

My poems help me flex my literary muscle, and allow me to exercise my artistic flair, but hopefully they entertain, provoke thought, and/or shed light on something that should be kept in the forefront of our minds as well.

Thanks for reading, as always.

Video courtesy of YouTube.


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