- Aggrandizement by reconciled
This work has reached the exceptional level
of weather or not
Odds and Ends
: Aggrandizement by reconciled


in depth just came back
still born curled up next to innocence
whenever season brings you...spring

known for sure augments feelings of all natural ingredients
cornbread cooked like simple life is content
come from cast iron love

expedience salivates for a more God perfect advent
and delicious delivers count on one finger anyone left
isn't nutritious enough to feed this ancient wait

cleft in rock ambivalent tries to keep from dying to wear your weather
once more yearning to rotate earth by force for your presence mine
mundane without the warmth that embodies the essence of sunshine

but alas it is a quiet sower that gathers time

still born curled up next to innocence in depth
whenever season brings you...spring
just came back

Author Notes
Jack and Jill never lived here..,


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