- Too young to knowby kahpot
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True story
Too young to know by kahpot
Share A Story In A Poem contest entry

A shearer I was for many long years
My aching back I cured with beers
so calloused hands could work next day
for dreams of living a different way
free of pain in places unknown
to making a bed I'd call my own
to stand in life not bending down
viewing dreams so close to ground
as time went past I earned that bed
shearing sheep in somebody's shed
I worked the wool for permanent cost
when young and strong a kidney I lost
now comes that dream of a different way
I left that life the very next day
and made that bed I now call mine
I lay within now ruing the time
I drank for a pain I felt was true
I drank for a cure without a clue


Author Notes
ruing- to have regret

While I was happily drinking to help the pain (I thought was my back) I actually drank
my left kidney to failure Young, Dumb, and money hungry, it is all good we can survive on one kidney very well, but it did put a blackness on my dreams


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