- The Groomby Pamusart
This work has reached the exceptional level
A groom jumps to conclusions
The Groom by Pamusart

The neon lights invited me
to Jimmy's bar and revelry.
The drunks involved in playing pool
pretend that they are so darn cool.
A vomit stain is on the floor.
I look around and see some more.
Dim lights give off an atmosphere,
while ladies work around the beer.

I'm female, but the good girl type.
I love to watch pretended hype.
I've ordered coffee all night long.
I ask him please to make it strong.
I hear some shots that shock and stun,
and can't believe I heard a gun.
I'm running to the ladies' room,
and meet up with a lovesick groom.

Another man's not fully dressed.
His sweaty shirt is not well pressed.
There's lipstick on his blushing cheeks.
Because of me, he really freaks.
I see some telltale semen stains,
and also cigarettes' remains.
I hide behind the bathroom door.
My headache makes my temples roar.

Police are here, so I come out.
A female cop begins to shout.
The escorts are not very fond
of officers who wave batons.
A body lies upon the floor
surrounded by some blood and gore.
The lady officer is done.
Blue brethren bag and seal a gun.

She's looking at the groom, so sad,
and asks him why he feels so bad.
Just then, collapsing in her arms,
his weeping eyes set off alarms.
She asks me if I heard the shots.
She's starting to connect the dots.
The groom's the one who'll do the time.
His bride committed not one crime.

The man who died had bought her drinks.
The groom decided something stinks.
They married just two months ago.
He watched the man spend lots of dough.
But what he doesn't understand
is that her keys were in her hand.
The dead man was a high school chum,
not just another horny bum..

The bride has bought a ring from him
They saw each other at the gym.
The groom will go away for life.
The ring's a present from his wife.
Returning to the scene at hand,
I find my mind's at my command.
They've all forgotten I am here.
This scene becomes so crystal clear.

Invisible, I watch the flings.
Transparency, this barroom brings.


Author Notes
Flings - marital affairs
Transparent - easy to see through as in the intentions of a person.

The poor groom jumps to the wrong conclusion and thinks his wife is cheating. But she is buying a gift for him. So sad.

Thank you fro reading my poem

I found the photo on the internet


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