curvaceous "barbed wire
can be a beautiful sight"
twisted spectacle
where captivity's symbol
gropes for votes in freedom's land
Author Notes
The illustrious president of the United States made the remark quoted in this tanka while addressing a Republican rally in Montana 3rd November 2018. His idea of beauty does not tally with mine, but they do say that it lies in the eye of the beholder.
I have stumbled on some helpful guidelines to tanka writing put together by FanStory instructor Ray Griffin. I realise that some of my tanka this year have not always come up to this standard, but I promise to try harder in future. Here are those guidelines.
1. The haiku-like first three lines establish an EXTERNAL FOCUS often through the use of nature to set the tone and tenor for the tanka. The first two lines should be grammatically connected.
2. The last two lines serve to deliver EMOTIVE IMPACT to the reader. These lines should be grammatically connected.
3. The third line of the tanka must SERVE AS A SATORI on the first two lines AS WELL AS A PIVOT to begin the last two lines. It is this feature of tanka that most often fails in entries for FanStory tanka contests.
4. Tanka may not exceed 31 syllables but it may have fewer in short/long/short/long/long format.
5. Personification, metaphor, simile are permitted in tanka. Note wording here. This does not mean their presence is essential
6. Capitalisation and punctuation should be used only when necessary. i.e. proper nouns etc.
7. No end rhymes.
8. Alliteration should be avoided, or used sparingly if deployed.
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