- Lead Detective Case 2 Part 2by Pamusart
This work has reached the exceptional level
Lead Detective hears from the coroner
Lead Detective Case 2 Part 2 by Pamusart

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
The mayor never will relent.
I'd better find another plan.
The city coffers won't be spent.
I go to find my partner, Dan.
The coroner arrives on scene,
and passes me along the way.
I say "This case is not routine.
Be sure to check that bite today".

My partner lays a cup of joe
atop the pile upon my desk.
He grabs a file so he can show
another case that's real grotesque.
About a year ago, a girl
had disappeared into the night..
Inside my mind, thoughts start to swirl.
I hardly can believe my sight.

They could be twins, except for height.
Our dead girl measures five feet ten.
The older girl was just a mite.
This case will need a lot more men.
That girl was found a month ago
In Oregon on city streets
The same man did it, that I know.
Once gone a year, all hope depletes.

I don't accept coincidence.
We split the files and dig right in.
It's starting to make perfect sense,
and our grenade now pulls its pin.
Exploding loud, this case is big.
We take the files to show our chief.
Though coffee's cold, she takes a swig,
and then just sits in disbelief.

Promotion was a month ago;
and now I have my own command.
I like to take things nice and slow;
ensure that all will go as planned.
There will be lots of overtime;
three missing girls and two are dead.
There won't be rest until this crime
Is solved and facts are put to bed.

The coroner now calls my phone
to tell me cause and time of death.
The killer wasn't all alone.
'Twas two a.m. for her last breath.
He'd used her fingerprints to match
the driver's license data base.
But, we don't know where she was snatched.
We have the time but not the place.

Her kidnapping occurred last year.
He kept her for a good long spell.
The others must have constant fear.
At least, it seems he feeds them well.
I know an odontologist,
and send him details of this case.
The bite mark has saliva bits.
He must have done this with much haste.

The chief now gets a second cup.
We've got to find our perp and soon.
We tell the lab to hurry up,
before we reach the next full moon.
The chief says "I've heard all you said.
I need some time to process this"
I watch her scarf which shows blood red
and in my lap, I make a fist

On her right hip, his mouth attacked
I hope it helps us reach first base.
The coroner adds one more fact
He took her eyeballs from her face.
And, then he whispers one more thing,
about her tonsils being gone.
Put in their place, two cherries cling,
to clotted blood that's layered on.

End of Part 2

For those interested, here is part 1

I got my second case today
about a kidnap victim killed.
I pour myself into the fray.
Into my head, the facts are drilled.
The murder scene is just outside,
with photos and a ransom note.
The tears she cried by now have dried.
I see her scarf around her throat.

It's tied into a sailor's knot.
Her eyes are bulging 'bout to pop.
I really want this bastard caught.
Until he is, I'll never stop.
Upon her chest is carved a cross.
The blood from it is dripping down.
I wonder who will feel her loss.
I turn attention to her gown.

No trace of red is visible.
So, she was nude when she was cut.
It must have made her mis'rable.
Intestines leak outside her gut.
Her clothes are neatly folded now,
with bra and panties in a pile.
I cross my heart and make a vow,
that I will go the extra mile.

The gown itself is cut in two.
A straighter line can not be bought.
I recognize this as a clue.
She was restrained or would have fought.
The thought of drugs occurs to me.
She has a record after all.
No needle marks that I can see.
Her missing flyer, I recall.

I see the black typed ransom note,
and using tweezers, open wide.
I can't believe the words he wrote.
He promises a homicide,
for ev'ry day the moon is full.
Avoidance of this beastly fate,
requires that money must be pulled,
from banks before it's way too late.


Author Notes
Joe - coffee

New installments to be posted on Sunday mornings.

Thank you for reading my poem

I found the photo on the internet


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