The Folly Of Open Borders by Sally Law |
The United States of America is a sovereign nation. A republic democracy with a constitution, bill of rights and citizenship for those either born here or those who have applied for it legally. Something else is required that the mainstream media would like us all to forget. A person who has applied for citizenship here is sworn in with an oath on the day they become a citizen.
"Oath of allegiance to the United States: The applicant must pledge allegiance to the United States, renouncing other national allegiances. The pledge includes an obligation to support the Constitution and to bear arms on behalf of the United States if required." Source: Wow, support the there is a long forgotten concept among those who would love nothing more than to ignite the old parchment and throw our sovereign nation under the bus of progressive socialism. If you come here illegally, you make no such oath--no promise. Members of Congress should re-evaluate if this is the kind of nation they want to represent. Many could not honestly pledge to uphold the constitution this very day as their actions and words are just the opposite. This same group wants to have open borders and a "come on in" open door policy. I would like to ask these progressives a few questions. These are not hard ones, either. Do you lock your doors at night? Lock your car when you go inside to shop or to work? Do you leave your wallet, cellphone, credit card information and electronics out on the sidewalk with a note attached that says, HELP YOURSELF! Do you kiss your children goodbye in the morning and remind them to get in the car of any stranger who offers? Join their cult? Take their drug offerings? Hopefully, you don't. But anything you hold dear and and value is worth protecting, is it not? I hope you see the hypocrisy of those who would want open borders. Those who do, have no love for our country, values, people, property rights and most importantly, our children. They say to the violent strangers pressing our gates, "come on in--take what you want." There was a very wise king who lived a long time ago. The court was in an uproar on this particular day retold. Women and babies were involved. The story had spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom. Tears, crying, accusatory language was heard by this sovereign wise king. One woman claimed a baby was hers, stolen in the night by the other who had rolled over on top of her baby and suffocated him. She switched the dead baby for the live one while the other mother was sleeping. It was a, "she said, she said" case and hard to prove. The wise king listened carefully before making his decision. "Cut the baby in half by sword," was King Solomon's verbal decision. Each mother would be satisfied. The evil lying mother agreed. The righteous and good mother said, "No, give her the child, only spare his life!" The evidence and heart of the real mother had come to light. She had something to lose...the life of her newborn son. See 1 Kings 3:16-28 for the full story. I am watching my nation, as it is in an uproar about open borders, closing entry to those who want to be here. They are not asking, but demanding it--violently. They put women and young children in the front of the mob, exposing their most vulnerable and precious commodities to potential harm. Is the answer open borders? I say no. It will be the end of our sovereign nation in my opinion. Cutting the baby in half so to speak. We have many people from a multitude of nations who become legal citizens every year. Look at these statistics: The United States welcomed more than 7.4 million naturalized citizens into our nation in the last decade. In fiscal year 2016, 752,800 people were naturalized. Source: Please don't give away our nations sovereignty at the borders or anyplace else. If you love America and Americans, you will want to protect it. Let people come here legally who appreciate being citizens and love it's freedoms. If we dissolve our borders, that will be it. There will be no going back. Progressive liberals love the thought of open borders and massive immigration, riding on the backs of human misery. More illegals, homeless, living on the streets. More crime and drugs, name it. By all means, let them vote for more progressives, although here illegally! Take a long hard look at California, especially Los Angeles and San Francisco. According to homelessness counts between 2010 and 2017, the number of homeless people across Los Angeles County went from 38,700 to over 55,000 -- an increase of 42 percent. San Francisco up 17 percent since 2017 in a category called, "chronically homeless." Thinking that any of this will improve with open borders is pure folly. The statistics and the living conditions of these poor souls have proved otherwise. The list of our national woes will compound with each passing day. The hard working will be taxed until there is no more to tax. We are already in over our heads. The land I love and value, my family's home since the 1600's will take on socialism and then...communism. Twin evils and the enemy of America. Secure our sovereignty at our borders! Guard what is loved and esteemed. Our ancestors fought and died for our sovereignty and constitutional freedoms. Don't give these valuables away, pass them on, in tact, to your children. It's what our forefathers and framers of the constitution intended.
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