This house, floor to rafters, is grunge.
It's time, all this filth, to expunge.
So let's take the plunge,
it's out with the sponge.
Our home we will now scurryfunge!
Author Notes
Today's word: scurryfunge (v.) to hastily tidy a house.
The rhyme scheme for limericks is AABBA. However, according to my extensive study of algebra, if we allow that A=B, then AAAAA is also AABBA, and so we have the monolimerick. Anyway, I thought I'd try it, you can be the judge ;-)
My much-treasured Christmas present for 2017 is a book by Paul Anthony Jones: "The cabinet of linguistic curiosities". Each page contains a descriptive story about some obscure or archaic word. It occurred to me it would be a fun exercise to try and write, each day, a poem featuring the "word of the day" from the book.
Thanks for reading.
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