I'm not prepared for my demise
and so, I beg, don't morganise
me; I won't tell a soul the things you did.
My lips are sealed, the book is closed;
to violence, I am opposed.
Your secret shall remain most safely hid.
I'm not a stoolie or a snitch,
I have no need to be so rich
that I would sell you out on just a whim.
These concrete boots weigh far too much,
I think this chain's an unkind touch—
please take me back to land, I cannot swim!
Author Notes
Today's word: morganise (v.) to assassinate someone to prevent them from disclosing information.
Thanks for reading.
My much-treasured Christmas present for 2017 is a book by Paul Anthony Jones: "The cabinet of linguistic curiosities". Each page contains a descriptive story about some obscure or archaic word. It occurred to me it would be a fun exercise to try and write, each day, a poem featuring the "word of the day" from the book.