- Passing through your lifeby JLR
This work has reached the exceptional level
Sometimes is just best to be single
Heart Cafted Poems - 2020
: Passing through your life by JLR

My soul is bruised, my heart is bleeding
the last spoken words that I was pleading
making a crevasse with no crossing back
plummeting into the deepening black
your selfish wants I wasn't conceding,

those spoken words felt so misleading
had you just tried...I'd given some slack
My soul is bruised.

I felt your soft touch, your warmth receding
creating doubts, I knew you were succeeding
I tired so, of the constant unfettered flack
my love songs refrain were not misleading
My soul is bruised.

Just passing through no destination known
Thinking our love bond was tightly sown
but, l knew your love was held restrained
as freedom I needed to once again attain
Just passing through.

No, I walk through this gate alone
under foot I walk on sharp stone
in relationships - closeness be refrained
Just passing through.

Silly how little I want to bemoan
or feel the need to cry out a groan
lamenting, I need to learn to abstain
from companionship when I create pain
accepting that it is my life I must own
Just passing through.


Author Notes
Potlatch Club writing challenge:Double Rondeau is simply doubling the pattern of the Rondeau. It can either be doubled in sequence (1 Rondeau following another Rondeau) or the like stanzas could be doubled and paired.
My presentation is aabba aabR aabbaR ccddR ccdR ccddcR. Modified meter.


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