amber and rust leaves
crunch under doe’s cloven hooves —
creek’s soft susurrus
5-7-5 Poetry Contest Winner
Author Notes
Susurrus: a soft murmuring or rustling sound; whisper.
HAIKU Definition: haiku is a short poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature intuitively linked to the human condition.
The essence of haiku is cutting (KIRU) represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideas separated by a (KIREJI) dash or ellipsis (~ .... )
English haiku doesn't have to be 5/7/5, just 17 syllables OR LESS and as brief as possible. Japanese syllables are shorter than English syllables. source of 5/7/5 syllables rule
for example, one of the most famous haiku in history, written by haiku master, Matsuo Basho.... in Japanese with the English translation:
haiku in Japanese= Furu ike ya ---kawazu tobikomu ---mizu no oto = 5/7/5 syllables
haiku in English= Old pond - frogs jumped in - sound of water. = 2/3/4 syllables source haiku rules by William J. Higginson, Haiku Society of America
Painting from
Thank you very much for reading me,