Reviews from

Heart Cafted Poems - 2020

Viewing comments for Chapter 53 "Graveyard by the sea"
Musings of an old man -2020

28 total reviews 
Comment from Raul1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have enjoyed reading your piece of poetry. The sentences flow with clarity. It is clear and concise. I like its structure. Well written. Excellent work! Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 30-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 31-Oct-2020
    Raul, thank you verey much!
reply by Raul1 on 31-Oct-2020
    You're welcome.
Comment from evesayshi
This work has reached the exceptional level

In my opinion, a stunning poem in its visually articulation and smoothly flowing free verse tale - a captivating read, n perfect compliance with the prompt. Best wishes in the contest...

 Comment Written 30-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 30-Oct-2020
    Eve, I am very honored to receive your six-star review, thank you!
reply by evesayshi on 30-Oct-2020
    You are very welcome indeed...Eve
Comment from Janet Foor
This work has reached the exceptional level

A great tale of the sea for this Halloween time. Creepy with fog and mist, the smell of seaweed over graveyard stones and even a ghost. An excellent poem for the season.

Well done.

 Comment Written 30-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 30-Oct-2020
    Janet, thank you so very much!I am quite appreciative of your six-star validation.
Comment from RShipp
This work has reached the exceptional level

'bringing a wet chill that sets deep in the night watchman's bones' (This 'chilled' me as I read it!)

'His torch flickers, in the whisper of wind,
dancing, bobbing and weaving gently,
as tendrils of soft light bleed
into the heavy dark shadows.'
(A gorgeous picture was painted here.)

I saw you poem played out before my eyes!

Best of luck in the Halloween Poetry contest.

 Comment Written 30-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 30-Oct-2020
    Thank you so very much for this wonderful six-star validation. I am truly grateful for this validation.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a grand old tale of the sea, and the men who venture down to apprehend its danger, mysteries and both malevolence and its great blessing. The sea is as mysterious as life itself, unpredictable, seductive and immensely attractive to the seeker of adventure and meaning. Well done Jim, beautifully written, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 29-Oct-2020
    Thank you very much, I am now off the ghouls and goblins until next year. Have a great weekend, Jim
reply by royowen on 29-Oct-2020
    That?s good
Comment from Susan Larson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very fitting free verse poem incorporating all the creepiness and mystique of Halloween. The green graphic adds to the aura created by your words. Very well written, good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 29-Oct-2020
    Susan. Thanks, now Imcan put the ghost and ghouls aw@y until next Halloween.. LOL
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written Halloween free verse poem and the grave yard at sea where the ghostly maidens are known to lure sailors to their death when they seem to be so lonely.

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 29-Oct-2020
    Sandra, thank you so very much!
Comment from Lobber
This work has reached the exceptional level

hello friend
a well done job indeed .... you no longer need help...I like your presentation and use of imagery.... it's a winner..
stay safe and well -

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 29-Oct-2020
    My dear friend! I have been literally hiding under a rock...I am scheduled for another surgery November 5th, after a long (from my perspective) running set of diagnostics to figure out where I have been having an internal bleed, they found several staples that were used to close my chest wall after the open heart surgery have failed and have been cutting into My sternum, so I get to get a plate installed to hold the sternum together after they go in and do some debris removal.
reply by Lobber on 29-Oct-2020
    Jim my friend,
    MY GOD! - Sounds worthy of a horror story and just in time for the big spooky day. Best of luck with the journey and I know all will go well.
    - Jerry
Comment from Julie Sandy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Loved this poem it was very creepy and perfect for Halloween.
I loved the story and the image that when with it was amazing really gave it a good feeling.

Good luck in the competition

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 29-Oct-2020
    Julie, thanks for well wishes, Yes it is true that we each have our own unique connection to the Master.
Comment from Bichon
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh wow, this was certainly spooky! You have covered the scary theme excellently and really brought it to life with the assistance of the photography. Great job! Happy halloween!

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 29-Oct-2020
    Happy Halloween right back!