Reviews from

Echoes of Artistry

Viewing comments for Chapter 10 "La Belle Cordie're"
NaPoWriMo 2017

15 total reviews 
Comment from honeytree
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The art work is very interesting
the words are interesting to read
Very interesting reading about
her life story. I liked the folowing
"It's said angels wept for want of her face;
an archer and a horsewoman divine,
dressed as a man, yet a woman defined,
la belle Amazone; so fierce, full of grace."
? spelling of "Amazone".

Honey tree

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 16-Apr-2017
    Hi Annie,

    Thank you for your excellent comments and review on this piece. The spelling of "Amazone" was taken directly from this passage: (remember that it was in France in the 1500's)

    As a young woman, she was acclaimed as an extraordinary horsewoman and archer. Her early biographers called her "la belle Amazone" and report that she dressed in male clothing and fought as a knight on horseback in the ranks of the Dauphin (afterwards Henry II) at the siege of Perpignan. She was also said to have participated in tournament jousts performed in Lyon in honor of Henry II's visit.

    I appreciate you taking the time to read and review.

Comment from Sasha
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I read the poem then the notes then had to go back and re-read the poem. Marvelous work with both. You are definitely a top-rate poet, may not be much coming from a poetically illiterate reviewer, but that is how I view you. I enjoy your writing as much as reading your notes with are always assured to be fascinating and informative. They are a terrific addition to your poems. I love to read the inspiration behind a poets work, and you achieve superbly with each and every post.

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2017
    I had never even heard of Louise Labe' before, but she proved to be such an interesting character, I simply had to write a poem about her. I think she must have been born about 400+ years too early, her attitudes reflect that of a modern woman. Your words are such a gift! Thank you so much for the wonderful gift. I am honored.

Comment from Pantygynt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The form of this echoes the Petrachan sonnet in its rhyme scheme and Perpignan, Lyon, salon, and even flaw in the French accent, would I am sure be very close assonance, if not full rhymes. I was not familiar with this remarkable character but strange how toxophilly became a chosen sport for ladies until the end of the Edwardian era in Britain.

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2017
    Hi Pantygynt:

    You are right about the similarity to the Petrachan sonnet, except she threw that couplet in at the beginning of her tercet. I'd not seen this particular rhyme scheme before and it was part of my fascination. She was such a dynamic figure that she begged a sonnet be written. I don't speak French, but strived to make those pure rhymes (or in close proximity) with a little research. You are the first to mention it, so I'm happy that you noticed. I'll remember her as someone in history that I'd love to converse with sometime. For a lady born 400+ years ago, I think she'd fit right in with modern society.

    I had to look up toxophily :) Thanks for expanding my vocabulary. I remember being six at a vacation Bible school camp. I received a certificate for my archery skills, I think I've only held a bow in my hands once or twice since then. Have you read the books or watched the movies of the Hunger Games? I imagine she was somewhat like Katniss. (The main character.)

    Thanks for the fantastic review.

reply by Pantygynt on 11-Apr-2017
    No I'm afraid I'm not familiar with hunger games.
reply by the author on 11-Apr-2017
    It has an interesting plot. A trilogy of books by Suzanne Collins that have been made into movies.
Comment from BeasPeas
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Kim. You are very good at ferreting out these interesting historic figures. I'm pleased to read about her life and work. An interesting woman that's for sure. Wonderful job with this post. Marilyn

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2017
    Hi Marilyn:

    She struck me as a modern woman. I think she was born about 400+ years too early. I'd never encountered a Sonnet written in quite this style and she was so fascinating that I felt compelled to pay her tribute with this poem. I'm glad you enjoyed this selection. Thank you for the generous gift of this exceptional rating and review. I appreciate your thoughts.

reply by BeasPeas on 11-Apr-2017
    It must have taken courage for women to express themselves throughout history and we are still pushing forward.
reply by the author on 11-Apr-2017
    You are right about that.
Comment from bichonfrisegirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Kim,

What better way to give tribute to Louise Labe than to write in her style. The Sonnet form lends itself very well to write of this French woman poet. Thanks for sharing her poem with us, as well as your very informative author notes that detail the life of Louise Labe, and are quite interesting.

One has to wonder about the cross-dressing remark. If she was in to horse riding she probably wore appropriate apparel, and was hence accused of cross-dressing ... who knows? 500 years ago women were not supposed to wear pants just dresses. To do so was considered very un-lady-like.

Another excellent write, Kim!


 Comment Written 10-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2017
    Hi Connie,

    Louise Labe' strikes me as a modern woman who was born 400+ years early lol When I was reading of her she was just so prolific that I was compelled to dedicate a selection in the book to her. Can you imagine if we had to wear dresses all the time now? Yuck! lol Her style of sonnet isn't one I'd seen before either, so I couldn't resist. Thanks for the fantastic comments!

reply by bichonfrisegirl on 11-Apr-2017
    Yes, she did seem like a woman who was way ahead of her time.

    LOL ... no, I couldn't imagine having to wear a dress all the time now. It's kind of a once per year happening now ... if that! Funny to think how times have changed. I remember in grade 11 in highschool was when girls were allowed to finally wear pants to school. That seems SO archaic now ... that we had to wear skirts and dresses to school up until that point in time.
Comment from Rlegel99
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Informative poem about a French female poet. A woman writes roundabout love and speculation is that she is , a courtesan. This poem has nice flow. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2017
    Hi Rlegel:

    I found Louise Labe to be such a compelling character when I was reading that I couldn't resist. She seems like a modern woman, although she lived over 400 years ago. Thanks for the great comments.

Comment from LIJ Red
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An excellent following of the lady's style in the 4/4/3/3 line stanzas, and a glimpse of a remarkable, large, strong, healthy gal who no doubt had many suitors, maybe of both genders...she'd be right in fashion today. Fine work, Kim.

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2017
    Hi LIJ:

    My reading revealed that she entertained all of the prominent male poets of her time at her salon. I'm thinking all the other women were jealous of her abilities and popularity. Yep, she would be right in fashion today lol Thanks for the fantastic comments. I'd never come across a sonnet written in this fashion, so that was the other half of the appeal. She was just too compelling of a character, she needed a poem.

Comment from rosehill (Wendy)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is a pleasure to read your author's notes as you are 'well versed' in the life and times of the poets. And now, so are we. I liked your sonnet with the mix of quatrains and tercets. The rhyme (and the interior) is steady and your word choices are tasty. Clever of you to use her format for the tribute. Courtesean or not, what a fabulous life she seemes to have created. Thanks for the poem and the tutorial. I enjoyed both. - Wendy

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2017
    Hi Wendy,

    I stumbled upon her quite by accident while I was reading. She just appeared to be such a dynamic figure that I had to share her with the world. She struck me more like a 21st century woman (with her actions and attitudes) rather than one that lived over 400 years ago. So fascinating. Sometimes, I just get compelled. I was looking for Quaterns and I found her instead. I'm calling that a bonus!

    Thanks for the fantastic comments.

Comment from Pearl Edwards
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

La Belle Cordiere certainly was a lady that lived a full and interesting life. She certainly seems like she could rival Joan, but I've never heard of her before. Still learning.Nice quatern Kim and very interesting.

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2017
    Hi Valda,

    I discovered her when I was trying to find the origins of the Quatern a day or two ago (they are all running together, I've been reading, researching, and writing so much lol) I had never heard of her either, but I found her to be fascinating. Almost like a modern woman who lived over 400 years ago. This is her style of a Sonnet.

    Thanks for the great comments!

Comment from alf collier
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Again, my friend, you have imitated a style a made it your own!! Bravo!! The nature of these writes in informative, well thought out, and delivered in style!! I am entranced from start to finish!!

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2017
    Hi Alf,

    I'm so happy that you enjoyed your introduction to Louise Labe'. I found her to be a most compelling character and I simply had to share. Thank you for the wonderful comments. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review.
