Comment from
Double Your Pleasure....Double your fright-
Dean Kutch is out to scare tonight!
Poetically he tells one tale
then with short prose proceeds to regale
with a tale of even deeper terror!
Bones that move to children's horror
Young boy lost in ghostly cemetery
friends go too, in Derry-Londonderry .
:-) Great write :-)
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Comment Written 26-Sep-2013
reply by the author on 26-Sep-2013
Hah, great poetic reply, Leienco! Thanks very much...
Comment from
CR Delport
I love to read your poems. Not only are they well written, they are always so well presented. You take care in what you do, and I thank you for your effort.
Comment Written 26-Sep-2013
reply by the author on 26-Sep-2013
I thank you, CR Delport, for your continued support of what it is I try to do here. It's greatly appreciated, my friend!