Comment from
There is hope of a good harvest with the promise of rain. I like how your tanka has us look up to the skies and see the clouds and then the transition to promises fulfilled by a healthy amount of rain on the land.
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Comment Written 17-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 18-Apr-2023
Thank you very much big sister. I always appreciate your time, kind review, and helpfull feedback.
Marival ❤️
Comment from
shelley kaye
i like the idea of raindrops being filled with promises
a great tanka
excellent word choices
smooth flow
cool pic and presentation colours
i have no suggestions
thank you for sharing
shelley :)
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Comment Written 17-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 17-Apr-2023
Thank you very much for your time, kind review, and helpfull feedback.
Gypsy hugs