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Viewing comments for Chapter 18 "The Return"
This is book two of a trilogy book 1 "Ghost"

13 total reviews 
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Lea,
it would be unnerving to have to be constantly on pins and needles. You were still so young, and what you know of life is so tainted. It appears that for the present time, Mr. D is doing ok. I think that's the pattern of abusers though, they blow up and later apologize. Obviously, you can't do anything to prevent the situation that you're surrounded by, it would seem the best thing was to find an other place to stay. Easier said than done, I know.
As for what is going on with your mom, I read Dolly's response. She is much more forgiving than I was going to be, but she's also correct. It would be good to be able to move on for both of your sakes. Do you have a long term plan for your life, a place of your own, in perhaps another town or province? It might be the only way that you'll ever be free of your mother. Thanks for sharing gal.

 Comment Written 08-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 08-Dec-2023
    It's funny you mention that cause it won't be long before I leave the problem entirely in the book anyway. First now I will be leaving lower mainland as soon as I am athe must get out of the clutches of the family so intent to cause damage. Thank you my friend again. I have to keep saying how much I appreciate your efforts. Your reviews and hanging in there with me!
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

All seems calm just now Lea, but your senses are right on point as Mr D's temper could flare up at any moment. Once a man is violent towards his wife, it never stops. Men like this never change. You were right to be cautious.

Regarding your present situation with your Mother. You should show pity for her, she is disturbed by hearing the truth and facing up to it is hard for some people. Ghosts of the past come back to haunt us all and those regrets make us do odd things. Perhaps you should tell your Mother that you forgive her and ask her to be at peace and allow you the same gift. You have suffered enough Lea.

Perhaps she still thinks she is right and is trying to save herself the embarrassment. If only she could apologise to you and ask for forgiveness, then life could move forward. My parents never apologised for their bad behaviour and they felt justified in what they did. Some people have no patience when it comes to children.

Another fine chapter in your life Lea, had a wonderful day and think pleasant thoughts as life is good and should be enjoyed, love Dolly x

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 Comment Written 08-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 08-Dec-2023
    Thank you Dolly! I could certainly forgive her if she would only stop. I could get over it and pass it, if she would just stop. Her last maneuver a year ago has cost me alot. She involved my youngest son. Do what she wants to me but not my sons. I have no choice but to leave the area at some point soon and I have no choice but to cut contact at that point with any further engagement will just cost more. My mother will never apologize or acknowledge any wrong doing. I've known this for many years. So I must accept things as they are but protect myself in the process. I thank you for your wonderful review and for great thoughts. Your perspective is important to me and very often. You have great comments and things to share. Thank you for that and thank you for sharing yourself with me. Have a great day!
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You somehow seem to divorce yourself from the action, make it seem as if you are there only on suffrage (perhaps as a foster child). Yet you also seem to fear that something terrible will happen to someone around you. Your writing is competent and rich, but you always end with no real answer to your fears.

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 Comment Written 07-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 08-Dec-2023
    Hi Carol, thank you so much for your review! I appreciate your curiosity and you're interest in this story. Thank you!
    I can only say that the first book which is called Ghost has a lot of abuse I went through. My fears spring from there. Not only for myself going through it but watching my sisters go through it. It was a terrible time. I thank you so much for your review as well. I'm honored to receive your fine rating as well. I hope you have the best afternoon!