Reviews from

Interview with...G W HARGIS!!

Talent and pluck and so much more!

23 total reviews 
Comment from GWHARGIS
This work has reached the exceptional level

I'll have you know, even though I knew this was coming, I enjoyed the hell out of reading this. It was my first writing interview. I really can't thank you enough for dragging me out of my comfort zone. The way you interview is like sitting down for coffee with someone. Maybe I should write a book called Coffee With Rachelle. What do you think? Lol. Again, thank you for the great boost to my ego. Gretchen

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    Hmmm. Coffee with Rachelle...I like it!!

    I hope you checked out the reviews. You're definitely a fan favorite around here!! It was a delightful gig for me to spend the time with you. Now maybe, when Oprah calls, you'll be more inclined to tell her "yes." xoxo
reply by GWHARGIS on 07-Apr-2024
    I don't know, she might invite me to Epstein Island. Lol. Too soon? I did peek at the reviews. I'm happy.
reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!! Definitely not too soon for me and my sicko sense of humor!!
Comment from Tom Horonzy
This work has reached the exceptional level

I know not what I like most about this submission. It could be that your Jewish, as my best young years was in a community where our family was the only one on the forty row-homes that wasn't ... save for Mrs. Kaplan who was Catholic. Their two children, Stanley and Devorah split time between mass and synagogue, or GW who may be one of my favorite FS buddies, for she says nice things about my demented writings. (I need to copy and post a note to her as to what I just said to you.)

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    No, she'll be able to read it here in the reviews. Anyone has access to anyone else's reviews.

    Thank you for your plucky review and for the additional star, as well. Very much appreciated.
Comment from Mrs. KT
This work has reached the exceptional level

Good morning, Rachelle,
What a thoroughly engaging and enjoyable interview with GWHargis!
I so appreciate Gretchen's style of writing, her varied plots and delightful characters.
When I die, I want to come back like "Nonni;" to be a deceased grandmother who openly communicates, advises, protects, and is seen by a beloved grandchild = yup. I would do that!

I also appreciate that Gretchen's work is a familial act; that part made me smile. And the fact that she is, outside of her writing, an "unassuming pharmacy tech" just made me smile when I read that fact. Definitely an opportunity to be a "people-watcher" in all its many facets.

I loved the humor and comments you sprinkled throughout your interview, Rachelle, as well as the questions you posed to Gretchen. I can tell that you really enjoyed this creative writing endeavor as well.

Smiles all around!
Much enjoyed.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    Oh, Diane, you are SO good at encapsulating the gist of everything I try to convey and evoke with my writing. In short, you get me, and I appreciate it very much.

    You'd be the perfect "Nonni;" I can see it! It would make sense since, in life, you're the perfect Bumma.

    Thanks for your encouragement and enthusiasm and, of course, for the extra star. All very much appreciated. xoxo
Comment from Bill Schott
This work has reached the exceptional level

This was a great interview that certainly balanced the information about Gretchen with the tenacity of your interviewing technique. Your cheerful interrogation of the author revealed a good deal of the behind-the-writing details about which we might all wonder. I used to read Gretchen's stories when I first came to Fanstory, but she left to live her life for a while, and I lost track. So good to read she is doing well.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    Time to start back up, then, maybe? She has the kind of storytelling abilities that can add fun and depth to a day.

    Thank you for such a warm and complimentary review, Bill, and for the additional star. It felt really good to receive both. xo
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow, what an interview! Eat your heart out Oprah! If we didn't already know Gretchen, you'd have got us hooked from the offset! What a talented lady and so modest too. Her writing has always struck a chord with me and I cried many times during "Coffee with Iris." I can still recall those poignant conversations. And I think, each time I've reviewed Gretchen's work, I've marvelled at the dialogue. She absolutely excels at this and her characters become so relatable as a result, no matter if they're young, old, wacky or sane! And I miss them when they're gone. Now I have that much more insight into her character, I love her even more. You've done a fabulous job here, Elle, and, though you might think yourself quite different from Gretchen, you've included all the elements of humour, insightfulness and charm that make her books so endearing. Well done on this, I think, the best interview I've read of yours. Should North Caroline be North Carolina (just the tiniest quibble:)) Thank you so much for sharing this exceptional post! Debbie xos

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    What an absolutely lovely review this is, so complimentary to both Gretchen and me. Thank you for always being so generous with your words and encouragement. And thank you, too, for the additional star AND the eagle-eye catch of Caroline versus Carolina. Very much appreciated. xoxo
reply by Debbie D'Arcy on 07-Apr-2024
    I thought, firstly, that Caroline was a cool name you applied there ...after Neil's Sweet Caroline:))
reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    I love that you give me credit for being cool.
Comment from Wayne Fowler
This work has reached the exceptional level

Great interview of a truly deserving subject (Gretchen).
I bought 'Alex' and plan to read the others.
I understand perfectly Gretchen's reigning in a character. You want to see where they go, but they sometimes need fences.
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    Hahahaha. You're right, Wayne; don't we all!!

    I appreciate this warm and supportive review and the extra sparkler. You're always very generous to me. xo
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Do you mean to say "from the lovely state of North Caroline"? I would change to Carolina.

Ah, yes, working retail allows you to see human nature in all its glory:-) Interesting tidbit on her work life.

We all have our characters that we become attached to when we write them. I thought it interesting that Miranda helped her to get through a bump in her work life.

Being a character's therapist is a great way to get inside their head - I like that!

She rewrote a book's dialogue because it was boring - awesome!

How brave . . . she will throw an entire work that probably took months to write in the garbage because she's not happy with it. That's a great writer who strives to be true to her characters.

Where can we view her artwork?

Thank you for bringing us this informative interview with Gretchen, Rachelle.

Gretchen, I read you a while ago, then for some reason fell off the wagon. I'll have to climb back on.

Good luck with Miranda and all of your future projects.


 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    Thanks for this really nice and comprehensive review, Pam. And thanks for that eagle-eye catch with "Caroline." I'll change it after I've read all the reviews.

    Gretchen and I are FB friends, so that's how I've gotten to see her artwork. Maybe she'll do a piece on here that displays them all. But they're gorgeous; they honestly are. No hyperbole.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for this, Rachelle, Gretchen is a fabulous author and I have read all her books now, and have many in my kindle, including her latest. Her characters are always so real, and many authors out there could take a few tips from her. Well done, this was a really good read. :)) Warmest hugs, my friend, Sandra xx

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    I couldn't agree more. That's what I love about her work most of all: its authenticity. Thanks for this very nice review, Sandra. I hope you're doing well. I miss you. xo
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
This work has reached the exceptional level

I was first introduced to Gretchen's work through her pharmacy writes which were well written and amusing. Then she released that wonderful story, "Coffee with Iris" and I was completely hooked. Gretchen is one of the best writers on Fanstory and I admire her talent very much. She has this magical way of making you feel relaxed, ready to receive her stories which are so well described and entertaining. I am glad you did this interview with her as I learned more about this writer who has a magical skill at her fingertips and shares her stories on Fanstory.

A lively interview Rachelle and you would make a good journalist as you put Gretchen at her ease and ready to reveal all her secrets, a wonderful read, love Dolly x x x x

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    Wow. Okay, I'm actually going to print this review out because I like and appreciate it so much. Thank you for all your kind words here, Dolly, to both Gretchen and me. I'm so glad you're hooked on her work, and I agree: her way of relaxing a reader into receiving her stories IS magical. xo
reply by Dolly'sPoems on 07-Apr-2024
    I was delighted with your post Rachelle, Gretchen deserves the recognition she has a great talent at her fingertips, love Dolly x x x
reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
Comment from Karen Cherry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Pity your interview with me wasn't good. Her's is great. Mine was more about me, not my work. And my personality is big. And once I get talking well, hold back the supper. This was very nicely done.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    Lol. I do admire you for the fact that you're unabashedly and unapologetically realistic about yourself. I thought your interview was not going to be received in the way you/we wanted. I still think we made the right decision putting it on the shelf. xo