Viewing comments for Chapter 36 "Powder Keg"Two very real women in not so real situation.
35 total reviews
Comment from pome lover
Well, Rachelle,
That is so New York and glitzy I am in awe. And the descriptions of everything and everybody sounds so you - not that I know you at all, but from your remarks and reactions, throughout this story - full of life and fun and self assurance and a fast-paced life, and, of course, not an ounce of reticence.
I would be mute.
Well, the appearance of Lady Jane and your reaction to her in YOUR dress ought to be a scene to remember. She is the most obtuse person - a real obnoxious villain who deserves expunction. hmm, not sure that's the correct word, never-the-less, she does.
reply by the author on 28-Oct-2024
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Well, Rachelle,
That is so New York and glitzy I am in awe. And the descriptions of everything and everybody sounds so you - not that I know you at all, but from your remarks and reactions, throughout this story - full of life and fun and self assurance and a fast-paced life, and, of course, not an ounce of reticence.
I would be mute.
Well, the appearance of Lady Jane and your reaction to her in YOUR dress ought to be a scene to remember. She is the most obtuse person - a real obnoxious villain who deserves expunction. hmm, not sure that's the correct word, never-the-less, she does.
Comment Written 27-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 28-Oct-2024
I'd say you have nailed it, Katharine. I appreciate your affirmation and support here and certainly hope you contribute a chapter, yourself. What it all looks like from your vantage point at the convention would be a fabulous read. We hope you'll join the fun!!
Thank you! I may not can get one ready in time, but will give it a shot.
Crazy start to the convention, that's for sure.
Ohhhh yeah!!
Thursday at midnight. You and tht creative mind of yours have lots of time!!
thanks, Rachelle! I posted it. It was fun.
YAAAAAY! I'm so HAPPY, Katharine! I'll read and review tonight after I'm done with lessons!! Xoxoxo
you're so cute. thanks!!!
Comment from Michele Harber
Note to self: If there ever is a real FanStory convention, Gretchen's out on her ass. I'm going with Rachelle! Last time I was in AC, I stayed at Harrah's, and we were treated like the low-rollers we were: The garage was across the street, and we had to schlep our luggage across a bridge, where we took an elevator that stopped one level above the lobby where we had to check in, forcing us to take our bags down one flight by stairs or escalator. The room was decent enough, but I had to share it with two other people. Granted, they were my husband and daughter, but still ...!
It was very strange to not see any Amish people in your story, but it was a lot of fun to "meet" some of my fellow FanStorians in a more personal setting. It was obvious how much fun you had writing this, which made it that much more fun for those of us reading it. I'm really sorry I had to "miss the party," but I can only wonder what sort of compromising position you'd have put me in if I'd "shown up," considering you have Lea Tonin "horse-whipping" poor Jim Wile, and Bill Schott doing his best John Travolta. Jane Babies' interruption of the festivities provides the perfect cliff-hanger (or, should I say, cliiiiiiiiiif haaaaaaanger).
I'm looking forward to your next chapter--and to everyone else's contributions. This should be fun.
reply by the author on 28-Oct-2024
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Note to self: If there ever is a real FanStory convention, Gretchen's out on her ass. I'm going with Rachelle! Last time I was in AC, I stayed at Harrah's, and we were treated like the low-rollers we were: The garage was across the street, and we had to schlep our luggage across a bridge, where we took an elevator that stopped one level above the lobby where we had to check in, forcing us to take our bags down one flight by stairs or escalator. The room was decent enough, but I had to share it with two other people. Granted, they were my husband and daughter, but still ...!
It was very strange to not see any Amish people in your story, but it was a lot of fun to "meet" some of my fellow FanStorians in a more personal setting. It was obvious how much fun you had writing this, which made it that much more fun for those of us reading it. I'm really sorry I had to "miss the party," but I can only wonder what sort of compromising position you'd have put me in if I'd "shown up," considering you have Lea Tonin "horse-whipping" poor Jim Wile, and Bill Schott doing his best John Travolta. Jane Babies' interruption of the festivities provides the perfect cliff-hanger (or, should I say, cliiiiiiiiiif haaaaaaanger).
I'm looking forward to your next chapter--and to everyone else's contributions. This should be fun.
Comment Written 27-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 28-Oct-2024
I believe it's going to be quite the week on FanStory; that is for sure.
And may I just say that I absolutely love your reviews. They're as hilarious as they are plucky and spot-on. You're my go-to person for honest feedback and assessments. xoxox
Comment from Lea Tonin1
What a super cool idea! You are so inventive, and your writing is precise, crisp and clear. I really like how you brought it a whole bunch of people from pan story into your story, which is that I think a really great and fine personal touch. There's only one thing to do of course, with such a fine piece of writing contribute in what small way that I can. Thank you for this and for your awesome idea and Gretchen as well, I'll be looking forward to reading more!
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
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What a super cool idea! You are so inventive, and your writing is precise, crisp and clear. I really like how you brought it a whole bunch of people from pan story into your story, which is that I think a really great and fine personal touch. There's only one thing to do of course, with such a fine piece of writing contribute in what small way that I can. Thank you for this and for your awesome idea and Gretchen as well, I'll be looking forward to reading more!
Comment Written 27-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
There's just one chapter left. Thanks for these encouraging words. I appreciate them very much. Thanks for adding your pizzazz to the pre-convention dinner party. You and Jim Wile starting the extra fun with your horseplay!! xoxox
Comment from T B Botts
Hello Rachelle,
it sounds like the party is underway right from the time the elevator door opens. I didn't realize that so many in our writing group had such grand tastes in clothes. I fear that for someone like me the whole thing would be overwhelming, but I'm sure enjoying reading about the arrival of the guests, with the exception of course of Jane. How did she manage to find out where you all were? She's just a bit dense isn't she? I think you should hire a gigolo for her and send her packing to her room so she doesn't spoil the party for the rest of you. Well done gal, a real delight to read. Are you girls planning on putting this into a book? It might be something to think about.
Have a blessed evening gal.
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
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Hello Rachelle,
it sounds like the party is underway right from the time the elevator door opens. I didn't realize that so many in our writing group had such grand tastes in clothes. I fear that for someone like me the whole thing would be overwhelming, but I'm sure enjoying reading about the arrival of the guests, with the exception of course of Jane. How did she manage to find out where you all were? She's just a bit dense isn't she? I think you should hire a gigolo for her and send her packing to her room so she doesn't spoil the party for the rest of you. Well done gal, a real delight to read. Are you girls planning on putting this into a book? It might be something to think about.
Have a blessed evening gal.
Comment Written 27-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
Thanks, Tom! I appreciate all these kind words.
People like Jane have a way of showing up exactly when you don't want them to the know, like at a private party.
Have you read Gretchen's chapter? You'll love to read how Jane outdoes herself in the Wreaking Chaos department.
I don't know if we'll publish this or not. We haven't talked about that yet. Stay tuned, I guess.
Comment from Robert Zimmerman
Hey Rachelle.
This is an outstanding narrative. You've done a truly wonderful job. I snickered at some descriptions, laughed out loud at some others, but I was particularly fascinated by my description. I would not have any trouble getting up off the floor as long as I had my mahogany walking stick in hand. That would be very helpful. It's also a classy piece. It's a beauty. The only problem would be if Jane tries to get it. I would not permit that. ;-O
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
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Hey Rachelle.
This is an outstanding narrative. You've done a truly wonderful job. I snickered at some descriptions, laughed out loud at some others, but I was particularly fascinated by my description. I would not have any trouble getting up off the floor as long as I had my mahogany walking stick in hand. That would be very helpful. It's also a classy piece. It's a beauty. The only problem would be if Jane tries to get it. I would not permit that. ;-O
Comment Written 27-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
In that case, Robert, you could smite her with it...and, given her lack of popularity, the remaining attendees would hold up finger scores for you, like judges at the Olympics!
So glad you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope you'll participate in providing one of your own. Everyone would love to know what the convention looked like through your eyes!
Oh My...
Comment from Y. M. Roger
Fun stuff! Sorry I couldn't make it to the party, but I'm betting y'all had some fun with some of those outfits!! ;) Thanx for sharing the smiles and have a great week ahead! ;) Yvette
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
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Fun stuff! Sorry I couldn't make it to the party, but I'm betting y'all had some fun with some of those outfits!! ;) Thanx for sharing the smiles and have a great week ahead! ;) Yvette
Comment Written 27-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
We needed the presence of an irrepressible blonde Southern charmer there on hand with us!! I hope you're going to take us up on the write-your-own-chapter offer. I'd LOVE to have you there, reporting from the front lines, assessing, cracking jokes.
Thanks for the lovely review. xoxox
Comment from jmdg1954
The only thing missing would've been Mike Tyson and his tiger from the movie,"The Hangover".
This was outrageously hilarious. Your introduction of each writer was spectacular and those that have a picture of themselves in their portfolio made my vision of the introduction that much more special.
As much as I'd like to prepare a chapter, what I would write in no way would come close to yours and Gretchen's. Each post was so different and both equally enjoyable.
Great writing...
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
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The only thing missing would've been Mike Tyson and his tiger from the movie,"The Hangover".
This was outrageously hilarious. Your introduction of each writer was spectacular and those that have a picture of themselves in their portfolio made my vision of the introduction that much more special.
As much as I'd like to prepare a chapter, what I would write in no way would come close to yours and Gretchen's. Each post was so different and both equally enjoyable.
Great writing...
Comment Written 27-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
That's exactly what we've loved about this project. We were just talking about it the other day and agreed that although we couldn't be more different on the outside, inside, we're twins. Our humor matches, our sense of the absurd is the same, and we have no compunction about calling out situations as we see them. But that's US. Parties are good because they're filled with all KINDS of different personalities, and adding yours to the fray could only make it more delightful.
Thanks for this really wonderful review.
Comment from Liz O'Neill
She'd been pacing for hours, unable to shake the nagging feeling that something was wrong. Good weaving of juxtapositions. This sorts out the elevator confusion.
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
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She'd been pacing for hours, unable to shake the nagging feeling that something was wrong. Good weaving of juxtapositions. This sorts out the elevator confusion.
Comment Written 27-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
Hmmm. Liz, I don't know what this means.
Comment from LJbutterfly
This chapter is FANTASTIC. You humorously put me in the room where I could easily visualize all the participants. This chapter left me feeling excited, like I were actually. When I finished reading, I had a feel-good smile on my face. You have put a lot of thought and work into this project, and I'm sure all your readers enjoyed it as much as I have.
Oh NO! Jane Babies.
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
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This chapter is FANTASTIC. You humorously put me in the room where I could easily visualize all the participants. This chapter left me feeling excited, like I were actually. When I finished reading, I had a feel-good smile on my face. You have put a lot of thought and work into this project, and I'm sure all your readers enjoyed it as much as I have.
Oh NO! Jane Babies.
Comment Written 27-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
Ohhhh, yes! Like a bad penny, the woman just will NOT go away!!
Thanks for such an encouraging and enthusiastic review. I loved it. Have you read Gretchen's? The ante just keeps getting upped!! xoxo
Comment from judiverse
The long-anticipated FS convention is finally taking place. What luxurious surroundings. I like the idea of the fore-party and the description of the arrival of all the guests. Isn't it the truth--some of the men dressed as they jolly well pleased and others wore tuxedoes. Loved the images of Roy and Robert as they had to have assistance getting up. Dolly was just as I imagined her--very elegant. Lea Tonin must be absolutely gorgeous. This is so descriptive, I really felt like I was there. Loved the chapter ending with Jane making her entrance (after having to take the servants elevator) in a gown identical to Rachelle's. (I am sure you wore yours much better.) A total delight. judi
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
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The long-anticipated FS convention is finally taking place. What luxurious surroundings. I like the idea of the fore-party and the description of the arrival of all the guests. Isn't it the truth--some of the men dressed as they jolly well pleased and others wore tuxedoes. Loved the images of Roy and Robert as they had to have assistance getting up. Dolly was just as I imagined her--very elegant. Lea Tonin must be absolutely gorgeous. This is so descriptive, I really felt like I was there. Loved the chapter ending with Jane making her entrance (after having to take the servants elevator) in a gown identical to Rachelle's. (I am sure you wore yours much better.) A total delight. judi
Comment Written 27-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
Thank you!! I liked your part, goring Barbara as she bent to take a bow.
Be sure to check out Gretchen's chapter. She raised the ante of outrageousness even further!! xoxox
You're welcome. I really enjoyed this, as I knew I would. What a gathering of characters. I will explain my reasons for goring Barbara in the butt when I write my chapter, and I certainly will be writing one. You made everything really come to life with all the details. judi
Oh, YAAAY!! I will love that!! oxox