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The Devil Fights Back

Viewing comments for Chapter 23 "The Devil Fights Back - Ch. 23"
Challenges in the pharmaceutical field

14 total reviews 
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What is going on here! I am beginning to like Marie:-)

LOL, I spoke too soon! I guess we can say that she is "spirited."

So, things are progressing and Christmas is coming and Marie is a changed (mostly) woman. What could go wrong?

See you during the week, Jim.


 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
    Too funny, Pam. Yes, what could go wrong? We will soon find out. Marie has a ways to go yet.
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Okay. Bombs away!
I didn't see anything to quibble about (grammarly).
Kinda surprised Marie didn't notice (no matter her state of mind) that Johnny was in the back seat..
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
    Thanks, Wayne. We will see in this and coming chapters, that she really hasn't changed that much yet and still has that sarcastic, entitled, self-indulgent personality we hate about her.
reply by Wayne Fowler on 12-Jan-2025
    Hmmm. You reminded me that she is the MIL. (smiley face here)
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Marie still hasn't changed much. There's no point in takingout her anger on those not responsible - and no point in even eing angry about things outsie her control. If the plane had issues she would be the first to protest if they were flying in an unsafe plane. Let's hope the others have done their computations and analyses very well and without error. Good chapter. Well written.

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 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
    Thanks, Wendy. You're right about Marie. Her evolution is a slow one with two steps forward and one step back. I thought it would be more realistic this way than to have an instant transformation. She still has a long way to go to become a decent person.
reply by Wendy G on 12-Jan-2025
    You are exactly right. She can't change overnight - that's not realistic. Just reading my comment above - I see my fingers did not keep pace with my brain, and I left out a number of letters. Sorry about that!
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jim,
boy did you ever hit the nail on the head with the discussion about the airlines. We had a similar situation years ago. We had to get up in the middle of the night to make an early flight out of Juneau. The flight was delayed because of a mechanical problem. A few hours later it was supposedly fixed and we took off. We were flying south when the jet started slowing down and we were getting really close to the mountains. Finally, when everyone was getting pretty anxious, the captain announced we'd be landing in Ketchikan because the plane still wasn't fixed. We had to wait of a new plane to come up from Seattle. Eight hours after we were supposed to leave, we finally got to our destination. Our friends waited patiently at the Seattle airport the whole time. I was furious. I fly only reluctantly anymore. It's become more of a hassle than it's worth. Well done Jim.
Have a blessed evening.

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 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
    Thanks for your great review and your tale of woe about flying, Tom.

    I hate flying too and will do almost anything to avoid it these days. This chapter was based on a recent experience we had flying up to spend Thanksgiving with our daughter. We decided to fly there the day after Thanksgiving, thinking there would be far fewer travelers on Friday. The problem there was that the parking lots at the airport were virtually full, and we drove down every aisle in the lot looking for an empty parking space. Spent 20 minutes doing it until finally, in the very last row, we found a spot. This created a very long walk to the terminal.

    Then we boarded our plane at the right time, but, as in the story, it had a mechanical problem, which they attempted to fix, and, after 45 minutes of trying, we had to de-plane and sit in the terminal for over an hour while they got another one ready.

    On the return trip home, there was a long delay due to weather such that we would miss our connecting flight and had to then take a different flight to a different destination to get a flight home. On all the different flights, they ran out of room in the overhead bins, so our carry-on bags had to be checked. Fortunately, they always made it through.

    We vowed to take two days to drive to our daughter's next time rather than fly again. Ugh!
reply by T B Botts on 12-Jan-2025
    I wish I could drive everywhere. Actually I could, if I wanted to subject my car to the Alcan highway. Of course the problem with driving is having to stay in hotels, which is another situation altogether. Its enough to want to make a person stay home.