Reviews from


Mono-rhymed self-assessment

26 total reviews 
Comment from Wendyanne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow what a feast of words ending in ITY Jumbo. That must of taken some doing but it seems to work well in this well written quatrain style poem.

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2014
    Thanks Wendyanne,
    so nice of you to say... really didn't know how the mono-rhymed theme would go, but that's how it was birthed... so you know even the ugliest babies still have to be nurtured... smile)))))).

    Thank you for you review and comments, it is truly appreciated.

    With our thoughts we create,
    original authenticity,
    James xx.
Comment from jmdg1954
This work has reached the exceptional level

Phew!! I need a thesaurus to get through this one. You certainly demonstrated your uncanny gift with the word and phrasing. It all flowed nicely, James. Did not feel forced or pressure to make it work.

You are tremendously gifted in telling your stories in verse and prose. They are intense. They are soft. They are truthful! Your emotions shine through each posting you do.

A pleasure to read your work, my friend. Be well. John

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2014
    Hi John,
    as I've stated on numerous occasions... you are kind, generous and a 'real' gentleman... the tone of your intention screams of it.

    I thank you my good friend, for yet another amazing review that did warm my soul and make me feel as though I achieved... this one was birthed in the pool during my water therapy a few days ago... water seems to my thinking tank... wish I could write in the pool!

    Really, thanks for all of your support and encouragement my brother you shine in my eyes.

    Love to you and your family... you be well my friend!

    With our thoughts we create,
    original authenticity,
Comment from Kingsland
This work has reached the exceptional level

I have often asked the question... What is normal anyways. This piece of writing has creative thoughts that are projected with excellent vocabulary usage. I especially liked the last stanza. This was an outstanding piece of poetic artistry that I enjoyed reading and writing this response for... John

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2014
    Hi John,
    truly grateful for such kind and thoughtful comments throughout this review... most appreciated and humbled at the same time my friend... thank you!

    No, normality I believe is just a state of mind... what's normal to one does not mean normal to everyone.

    Original authenticity,
Comment from tbacha58
This work has reached the exceptional level

never shall I be resigned to the fatigued-failure of my totality.

Oh My God James, you disappear for weeks, battling with a complete change in your life, where anybody else, would have taken a wrong road, blaming whoever for your actual state of mind, and here you come out with such a dynamic poem, supposed to be for a contest, but as I know you and feel how you wrote it, and to whom, it made me even so proud of who you are. You broke walls with your bare hands, you stepped on your own human beings weaknesses, you are riding yet maybe sitting down more, towards a path with your choice, to chose a beautiful road, no matter what, as an obligation to a beautiful lady, and yourself. Because you have an inner strength, build from cement, not from wood or straw. Oh James, I am so proud of you, although I had to open the dictionary to read a few of your strong English language, but I just loved it, and felt so peaceful afterwards.
Good luck in the contest, no matter what, you are a winner.
Bless both of you forever. Love you with so much respect. Terry xoxo

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2014
    Hi Mum,
    you have lifted me up to another level through your kind and motherly dissection of my words... you know me very well. You know after doing nearly 4 months of this so-called therapy... or what I like to call measured movements everyday, the counting is a tedious component, and I have to stop my mind wandering otherwise I loss my count and have to start back from my last memory... which can make for a very long session. So, along with my 2 hours of static exercises, I have added my pool work and have progressed to doing some limited side-stroke and backstroke to my water program... but this is where I seem to have my most fluent clarity... or insanity, I suppose I'll leave that up to the readers... wish I could write in the pool! This poem was birthed there and you know they say that water births are much easier... it's true, can't stop my mind. And yes it is true, I have chosen to make this journey about growth rather than a poor me attitude, we learn so much through adversities, it can reveal our true selves. Jade has been a tower of strength throughout, doing things around the house and yard she would never have even attempted before... you know, might break a nail and all, but that's certainly not the case now... just when you think you could love anyone any more?

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you always make me feel as though my life means something... you are a very special person who I love dearly... truly grateful for this amazing review and show of support... contest are just contests, it just happened to fit the criteria and came at the right time... this review has already made me a winner... bless you my dear, sweet friend.

    With our thoughts we create,
    original authenticity,
    James xx
Comment from Maureen's Pen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear James - you sure do scream from the mountain top in this one. Normality, I've wondered what the hell that is at times too. Still as we both know the repetition of change and recovery can be a painful progression both physically and emotionally.

This has fabulous images, and concrete lines that take stock of where you are in your life at this moment. Which is part of the transcendence of all life. Loved this one my dear friend.:)
Thanks for sharing,

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2014
    Hi Maureen,
    this is an honor and so glad you got to read it... I know your comprehension of going in and out the repetition of experiences that shape who we are is at a master level of insight... and it seems now we coincide with these experiences... once again you put my injury into perspective... and smooth my path... and when we have some time we'll talk about that.

    I know we are all on the 'journey' but the choice to how we learn or take stock of the opportunities made available through these experiences is the key to growth... you my Queen are one of my greatest teachers... I am eternally grateful for that and you.

    Thank you for your magic review and comments... always appreciated and filed away... smile)))))).

    With our thoughts we create,
    original authenticity.

    Love, light and healing,
    James vx's.
Comment from c_lucas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There is a fine line between sanity and insanity. This is very well written with a smooth flow of words, making for a very good read.

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2014
    Hi Charlie,
    thank you for dropping by and reading, reviewing and appreciating my words... truly grateful friend!

    With our thoughts we create,
    original authenticity,
reply by c_lucas on 30-Nov-2014
    You're welcome, James. Charlie
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Top O' the mornin' to ya', James...

This was a wonderful frolicking mono-rhyme romp though the ole thesaurus, my friend. You caused me to go there many times while reading this poetic proclamation on "normalcy". And just who decides what is "normal", and what isn't? As you've alluded to here in your wonderful poem, it simply can't and shouldn't be anyone.

There are several lines which stood out for me, but here are just a few:

"encrusted blood-dried dreams in a dogmatic duality" -- excellent line, James, in both context and composition...

"vigorous entrenchment into a transparent thread of clarity

never shall I be resigned to the fatigued-failure of my totality."
-- a brilliant way to close it out and sum everything up, James...

Just an awesome poem, in every regard. ~Dean

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2014
    Hi Deano,
    hope you don't mind me calling you that, had a couple of really good friends named Dean who got the added 'O'... just let me know if it offends?

    thank you for dropping by to read, review and comment on this poem.

    As you may or may not be aware, I have been on another injury journey for the past 4 months that has taken me into new waters, so you'll know the thought pattern to so called 'normalcy'... half the time you're struggling to remain with your mouth above the water-line the other half is working hard to regain the 'normalcy' and grow in the process... I think I'm coming out the other side... so it could be a win of sorts.

    Really appreciative of your review and kind comments brother... thank you!

    With our thoughts we create,
    original authenticity,
reply by Dean Kuch on 30-Nov-2014
    No, I don't mind "DeanO" at all, James. That's what everyone calls me, even my adoring wife, LOL.

    I know waht that struggle to remain normal and keeping our head above water feels like all too well, my friend. I function with only 20% of my heart in tact, and have had an internal defibrillator implanted since 2010. I am forbidden to do so many things I used to adore --skydiving, bungee jumping and cliff jumping -- that I devote so much of my spare time trying to publish, writing and reviewing wonderful works such as your here, on FanStory.

    You're very welcome, James, and take good care of yourself, my brother...

    All the Best ~Dean
reply by the author on 30-Nov-2014
    Never cease to amaze... your talent shines through more than deeds. Inspiration is all over this site, you my friend are at the top of the heap... hmmm, tower? Smile))))))).

    All the very best to you Sir... James.
Comment from Dawn Munro
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow! What a profoundly shocking poem from you, my knight - and so impressive! You've utilized so many poetic devices, and seamlessly woven these powerful words together (though I can't imagine where they came from, my sweet, gentle friend)!

Stunning! Masterful! Absolutely knocks my socks off!

(p.s. amazing artwork too!)

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2014
    Hi Dawn,
    well, I just stepped out of my swimming pool after once again in a deep meditative exercising regime... good thing now is, I'm able to add a bit of side-stroke and backstroke to the static resistance stuff, so it makes me feel like I've come out the other side a tad. One thing it does allow is... time to think while counting every measured movement.... this is where this poem was birthed... they say the water deliveries come much easier... smile))))))).

    Didn't really know how the mono-rhymed theme would go, but that's what came out... shame I can't write in the pool.

    Thank you dear friend, you have made my afternoon so much better with your generous heart and this magic review... you humble me with your comments and stars... once more... thank you.

    With our thoughts we create,
    original authenticity,
    James xx.
Comment from Jackarrie
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi James, this is a wonderful quatrain poem in mono rhyme.
You have chosen words that make the poem such a joy to read. Normality is debatable, what is normal for one is abnormal for another. I love these two lines

run-a-way freight train storming through my validity
tight-rope-walking on the rim of a corrugated reality

Well done, and good luck in the contest
A well deserved six

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2014
    Hi Mary,
    yeah, that's why the question mark after Normality? I didn't know how anyone can even gauge the true meaning of the word, with so many different translations to ones normal.

    Thank you so much for your amazingly generous review... I'm truly grateful my dear friend.

    With our thoughts we create,
    original authenticity,
    James xx
Comment from Jacqueline M Franklin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, J,

This is such a cool poem, and perfectly depicted with the awesome artwork.

Both put together, this is an fantastic presentation.

Well done. Good luck in the contest.

Cheers & Blessings
Keep Smilin'... Jax (*.*)

 Comment Written 29-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2014
    Hi Jax,
    thanks so much for dropping by and giving my poem a read... I really enjoyed your comments and I thank you for a fine review... most appreciated.

    With our thoughts we create,
    original authenticity,
    James xx.