Reviews from

Echoes of Artistry

Viewing comments for Chapter 30 "A Nonet - Thirty Poems in April"
NaPoWriMo 2017

25 total reviews 
Comment from Rlegel99
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Poem about finishing NaPoWriMo and wanting to do it next year. The muse in the artwork works well with this piece. It has nice flow. Thanks for sharing this piece.

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2017
    Hi Rlegel:

    I hope you've had fun with NaPoWriMo, too! Thank you for the kind comments.

Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A fantastical write filled with magical charm and inspiration. An April fairy muse, great words and I wish you luck with the Nonet Poetry contest, best wishes, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2017
    Hi Dolly,

    Honoring the muse seemed like the perfect way to cap off our April NaPoWriMo. Thank you for taking the time to read and review. I appreciate your continued reviews and comments.

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2017
    Hi Dolly,

    Honoring the muse seemed like the perfect way to cap off our April NaPoWriMo. Thank you for taking the time to read and review. I appreciate your continued reviews and comments.

Comment from rosehill (Wendy)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lovely Nonet, lovely thought, lovely art. You get the trifecta my dear. I had a great time and appreciate your inviting me to join your little NaPoWriMo club. I have enjoyed all of it, the writing, the reading, the reviewing, but most of all the people who I have engaged with on this journey. I have enjoyed each and every one of the poems and people who allowed me into their thoughts and hearts. I hope we all meet here again next year.

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2017
    Hi Wendy,

    I am amazed at the level of participation and the readers/reviewers who follow us on this journey every year. I will be delighted to have you join us again. I'm always sad to see it end. I'm facilitating Poetry Potlatch in May, I'd love it if you'd like to drop in and join us there, too. Several of our NaPoWriMo crowd also participate there. You'll find us in the Challenges forum. Thank you for adding your wonderful poetry to our adventure this month. I've enjoyed your selections and your reviews.

reply by rosehill (Wendy) on 30-Apr-2017
    Hey Kim, I am heading into not just my busy season, my slammed season. I probably won't be taking up any new obligations beyond the 'Picture This' until the winter time when It is just the wind, the dog, the cold, hot cocoa and my words.
reply by the author on 30-Apr-2017
    We do Poetry Potlatch year round. We'll be there in the Challenges forum whenever you find the time. :) It is low key and no pressure. Just poetry and fun. You are welcome to join us any time.

Comment from CD Richards
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I just have to go look in my garden to see if there's a fairy out there...

Well done, Kim. Thanks for all your hard work in marshaling everyone to get this done. We are all indebted to you.

Very nice job with this poem. It tells of your journey of exploration through poetry, and your persistence! Did I mention I like the picture?

Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm with us.


 Comment Written 30-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2017
    Hi Craig,

    I think we've created some fantastic poetry in the past 30 days. Thank you for the daily newscasts. It was so much more entertaining than reading the news myself (that can be so depressing) and I appreciate you keeping me up on all the latest things. Your Roget's Thesaurus piece was one of my favorites all month. Talk about a worthwhile piece of news! :)

    I found this artwork at the beginning of the month and knew she was destined to be in the book. She just had to tell me where she belonged. Thank you for the wonderful reviews all month. YAY! We made it!!


Comment from bichonfrisegirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, WE DID IT, Kim! Nonets and Etherees are my favorite forms of poetry. Their shape on the printed page looks so appealing to me. Great job on this Nonet poem! Your syllable counts for each line are spot on, and I think "April fairy muse" is really cute. Excellent pairing of artwork and poem! This piece is the perfect poem to end 30 days of Echoes of Artistry. You did an amazing job! -- Connie

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2017
    Hi Connie,

    I've had this Lily Fairy artwork in mind for something all month, I just wasn't sure what. A Nonet seemed to be the light and airy piece for her. I love the Etherees and Nonets, too. I'm facilitating poetry potlatch for the month of May. I'm hoping maybe you'll join us if you have some time this month. We've all done such an amazing job in April, I want to keep the magic alive for another month! :) Thank you for all of your participation and encouragement. I hope you've had fun, too!

reply by bichonfrisegirl on 30-Apr-2017
    Hi Kim. I've had a blast this past month reading the participant's poems, and writing a poem a day. I even think that my writing skills may have improved a bit too as a result of it all. How could they not? I was exposed to so many great forms and poems.

    Admittedly though I'm pooped out from trying to juggle work, pool workouts and this last week of helping my son, who cracked and sprained an ankle. I'll be playing chauffeur this week as he can't drive. I'll be going to the "Poet's Rest" that Craig talked about in his most recent post. LOL Who knows, maybe I've now become addicted writing a poem a day. I could think of worse things. :)
    I thank you kindly for the invite to join Potlatch in May, but I'm going to take a breather over the next week or two, Kim.
    I can hardly wait to see who won the NaPoWriMo contest. I think it's going to be a close race. - - Connie
reply by the author on 30-Apr-2017
    I think we should all meet at the "Poet's Rest." Craig cracks me up. Yep, I think it will be a close race for sure! :)

    Poetry Potlatch is ongoing, so you may join us any week of the year that you have time. :) Sorry to hear about your son. I hope he is healed soon.
reply by bichonfrisegirl on 01-May-2017
    Ok, I'll keep that in mind, Kim. I probably will join Potlatch sometime this year. I think it would be great fun! Thank you -- Yes, I'm hoping he'll be able to move around on that ankle sooner rather than later. As Murphy's Law would have it, it had to be his right ankle, making it impossible for him to drive. :(
Comment from Sasha
This work has reached the exceptional level

I am impressed and amazed that you accomplished this challenging NaPoWriMo. This is a lovely and beautifully written nonet, a perfect poem for the final day. I have enjoyed every poem you wrote and your awesome notes that accompanied each one. I hope you take a few days and get some well deserved rest.

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2017
    Hi Valerie,

    I'm so happy to have met you this month. The fact that you not only followed along, but went back and reviewed all of the selections for this month is nothing less than incredible. Thank you for the exceptional rating and thoughtful comments in this review. I plan to spend a day or two (maybe a few) catching up on my reviews. I'm facilitating Poetry Potlatch for the month of May, so there will be more selections to come. I hope you'll enjoy the selections we will be exploring there, too. Feel free to join in the fun. You'll find us in the Challenges forum each week.

Comment from Joan E.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am glad you enjoyed NaPoWriMo and sponsored this contest. Thank you for ending the cycle with a nonet--we don't see enough of the form. I admired your rhymes and "April fairy muse". Best wishes in the competition- Joan

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2017
    Hi Joan,

    The nonet is a fun form and I agree, it isn't seen often enough. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review. I appreciate your comments.

Comment from dejohnsrld (Debbie)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thanks so very much, Kim. I especially appreciate your encouragement the past few days. It has been a crazy month for both of us. Thanks for all the wonderful reviews, my friend. Great nonet to complete the month~Debbie

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2017
    Hi Debbie!

    We've made it, that is what is important! :) Now I need to decide which styles we'll be highlighting for Poetry Potlatch in May. I look forward to our continued writing endeavors. Thank you for a fun month!

reply by dejohnsrld (Debbie) on 30-Apr-2017
    My last two are written and I'm just waiting to post. Thanks again~Debbie
Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A lovely poem for a finale. The font color goes so well with the artwork.

I bet you didn't get a lot of sleep. I'd have been up the entire month trying to think of something to write. LOL.

Great job.

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2017
    Hi Yvonne,

    I'm going to try and keep the magic alive through Poetry Potlatch in May! :) Thank you for following along and encouraging all of the NaPoWriMo participants this month. You really helped to keep us going with all of your April Poetry Potlatch enthusiasm.

reply by damommy on 30-Apr-2017
    That's nice to hear. Thank you.
Comment from RodG
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I commend you and the others who took up this April challenge and SUCCEEDED in fulfilling your commitment. This nonet gives credit to a fairy muse. Obviously you found magic. Nice use of rhyme. Rod

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2017
    Hi Rod,

    Thank you so much for the delightful comments. I appreciate you taking the time to follow along on our adventure this month.
