Reviews from

Heart Cafted Poems - 2020

Viewing comments for Chapter 33 "A Breath of fresh air"
Musings of an old man -2020

28 total reviews 
Comment from HarryT
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like the intent of this poem to help us all create a better condition, however I believe it needs some tuning and correction.
1. Life's "drama's" did the writer mean drama or dramas?
2. "Freshing" no such word. Did the author mean refreshing?
3. Antecedents are confusing the author switches from first to second person--need to be consistent write in one or the other person

 Comment Written 10-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 10-Aug-2020
    Considering I had only fifteen minutes in which to write and submit I breathing easily and even more so with your kind comments and suggestions - sending your high five as thanks!
reply by HarryT on 10-Aug-2020
    You are welcome. Those typos get me sometimes.
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I practice this deep breathing daily and give to others in my life. If I didn't, I'd be dead by now. Focusing on the good and beauty around me is a daily must.

Sending you my best today as always, and best wishes for the free verse contest,
Sal :))

 Comment Written 10-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 10-Aug-2020
    Sal thank you, have a splendid week.
Comment from RShipp
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think that they will soon be selling "fresh mountain top bottled air" just like they sell "fresh mountian stream bottled water". Although according to Google, they were selling bottles water in 1767.


 Comment Written 10-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 10-Aug-2020
    Imagine that 1767. I am so glad it was not in plastic containers back then.
reply by the author on 11-Aug-2020
    That is a bit of interesting information, I am very pleased it wasn't sold in plastic containers back in the day.
Comment from jaded831
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem captures today's world beautifully. I take your dare, I virtually high five you. Your poem is a breath of fresh air. All that I can say about the picture is it's interesting. The poem is the beauty of this package.

 Comment Written 10-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 10-Aug-2020
    Jaded, thank you and virtual high-five back, have a splendid week!
Comment from equestrik
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think this poem speaks to what most of us want. Peace and some down time from all of life's drama that we are bombarded with daily. Yes, lets be kind and uplift one another. :)

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 Comment Written 10-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 10-Aug-2020
    equestik, you have a grat escape on horseback as a beginning to breathing some fresh air, I envy you this freedom.
Comment from Katherine M. (k-11)
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is such extraordinary piece of free verse I find it difficult to believe it was written in the space of fifteen minutes. The tale runs smoothly, yet is tightly crafted with a solid storyline. As a whole it is seamless.

 Comment Written 10-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 10-Aug-2020
    Katherine, thank you for these six-stars on this free verse, indeed composed in indeed fifteen minutes. Have a splendid week.
reply by Katherine M. (k-11) on 10-Aug-2020
    I wasn't casting aspertions on the time you took, just expressing (badly) how impressed I was by your skill
reply by the author on 10-Aug-2020
    I felt no such dispersion was intended and remain very grateful for your kind thoughts.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think taking a breath of fresh air these days seems to be a thing of the past as we are all wearing unhealthy masks, and yes I would like to just take a breath of fresh air, I enjoyed your joyous uplifting words here, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 10-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 10-Aug-2020
    Thank you Dolly, I deeply pray this life we are dealing with will not become our new normal. Here is a virtual high five to share throughout this week.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree that this society needs a breath of fresh air, a really as you have so succinctly observed it's up to the members of this patchwork of humour colour, anyone can change and become the solution and the breath of fresh air, we need a collective change. Beautifully written and an exceptionally worded Free verse, well done, good luck, blessings Roy

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 Comment Written 10-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 10-Aug-2020
    Roy, let us pray fervently that this is not our new normal.
reply by royowen on 10-Aug-2020