Reviews from

Follow-up with Lea Tonin!

Our remarkable member has done AMAZING things!!!!

19 total reviews 
Comment from Wendy G
This work has reached the exceptional level

I have to give this another six, because it is such an eloquent and moving interview, both fascinating and horrific, and it is inspirational in terms of Lea's strength and courage. Congratulations to Lea on her writing accomplishments as well.

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    Yes, I agree that she is the poster child for Inspirational Women! She remains unscathed in so many ways: how she treats people, how she goes about her life (not fearful, not black-hearted) and hopeful every day. She is more woman than I will EVER be!!

    Thank you for your double-dose of generosity today. I appreciate it very, very much.
Comment from patcelaw
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a wonderful follow up on the story of Leah
. She has been through the mill Not only in her youth, but also in her adult life and now as a published author, this is a shame that they sound things happen in families. Thank you for the follow up with her. Patricia only

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    I agree; she HAS been through the mill. But she comes out of it a shining star - which I'm sure galls the family even more. Thank you for this kind and in-depth review. I appreciate it very much. xoxo
Comment from Lori Mulligan
This work has reached the exceptional level

This was a fascinating interview thanks to a captivating author and your provocative questions. I can't believe how much this woman has endured! You do an exceptional job drawing her out though she seems very forthcoming. Thanks for such a compelling read!

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    That's one thing that I've loved about Lea throughout BOTH interviews: her candor!! No question is "off limits" with her. She's open and honest and always extremely positive. Just amazing.

    Thanks very much for your kind comments about my interviewing techniques. You're next on the queue if you're still interested! JLMK! xoxo
Comment from pome lover
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Rachelle, what a fairy godmother you are! That's the second person you've told us about who you really helped tremendously. Bravo for you and for her.
However, it sounds like as far as weirdos in red cars , etc., scaring her goes, she's not out of the woods yet, though hopefully, with her recognition, she is. What a brave, determined soul!
That is quite a story. I hope she can get totally away from those who could harm her, so she can relax and enjoy her success.
This was a terrific interview.

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    The ministry uses red cars of that make and model, so it's pretty BOLD of them the way they're dogging her and not hiding it in any way. It feels deliberate - like a taunt. So I agree with you that she's not out of the woods yet. That's why I'm glad this book has gone international; that way, Canada is under the microscope. If anything happens to Lea, it's going to be a huge red flag on the ministry.

    Thank you for reading this follow-up interview, Katharine. It was long, but I just couldn't find anything I wanted to cut. xoxox
reply by pome lover on 13-Oct-2024
    I'm glad you didn't leave anything out. It was really interesting and unreal when you think about how she could give the interview sounding so normal. I'd be a basket case. A thrilled one, but still.
    No need to answer. Just commenting:)
reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    And I'd be mean as a junkyard dog after all that torment! But Lea just keeps her wits about her and compartmentalizes like a pro. In my next life, I get to have that level of composure!! xoxox
reply by pome lover on 13-Oct-2024
    ah, you'd still be a feisty redhead. :)
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That is so awesome and amazing. Lea is one tough cookie to endure the continual harassment on so many fronts. Family should be there for a person, not continuing a life of abuse when ties are cut. I wish her continued success and pray for her safety. Great interview. Gretchen

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    I agree. She's tough, but she's also so resilient that she never-but-never loses her positive outlook. Myself, in this situation? I'd be the crankiest, most vicious specimen on the planet. But not Lea; she just remains kind and happy and forward-thinking. Gotta respect a spirit like that!!

    Thank you for this extremely nice review. xoxox
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I read your first interview with Lea Tonin and have been a fan ever since. Thank you for the update on her. I'm shocked at everything her family has put her through. I am so happy for her success. She deserves it.

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 Comment Written 13-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    Thank you, Barbara. I really appreciate this review. Yes, you're so right: she has been put through SO much because of that family. Yet, amazingly, she remains such a sweet, optimistic, good-hearted person. xoxo
Comment from BermyBye50
This work has reached the exceptional level


Thank you for sharing Lea's success story in this followup interview. I made direct contact with her via email during the writing of her first book and read and reviewed a number of the heart-wrenching chapters she posted on Fanstory. I purhased a kindle copy of her first book 'Ghost.' I look forward to reading and purchasing her second book 'Spectre' in the future.

All the best,


 Comment Written 13-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    Oh, Eugene! This makes me SO HAPPY!! Thank you for being such a loyal fan of hers and for supporting her story this way. It means the world. So very appreciated. xoxox
Comment from Mrs. KT
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello, Rachelle!
Kudos to Lea for her commitment and perseverance to write her autobiography. I remember reading her work and finding myself shaking my head at the cruelty of her family, but Lea wrote everything that has happened to her with such realistic detail that what would be unbelievable in another's hand, became very believable and heart-wrenching to me.
What a journey...
And kudos to your interview as well: in-depth, well-formed questions, and thorough. Kept me engrossed from start to finish.

Thank you for sharing!
And again, Lea, CONGRATULATIONS!!!
(Now... stay safe!)

fondly x2

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    You deserve six stars for this review! I appreciate how thorough and kind and encouraging it is of both Lea and me. You are a gem. xoxox
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice interview. I was fascinated with Lea's story from day one. It was hard to believe that a ministry such as her grandmother had could be so powerful and carry such weight with the government of Canada. I'm sure it was all checked before a publisher accepted it. I miss reading Lea's posts almost daily at first. It is hard to hear that her children believed their grandmother, who they seldom saw rather than her. I'm glad that she has had such success in getting it published. I know you were a help in that.

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 Comment Written 13-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    It's like any government agency in any country, I'm imagining: corruption reigns. And anyone who tries to "out" it WILL suffer the consequences. In Lea's case, because it was also her FAMILY, the "outing" process was that much more believable, so they had a lot more to lose.

    Thanks for this very nice review, Beth. I appreciate it xo