Reviews from

The Meld

Strange life beyond man

20 total reviews 
Comment from EILEEN LAW
This work has reached the exceptional level

Super. Cool. Great. Picture. And. Neat. Picture. Too. Five. Seven. Five. Flows. Neatly. Great. Submission.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2024
    Thank you so much. What fine compliment? Wow, and a 6, I'm truly honored. Thank you very much! I thank you too for your time for this amazing writing, and the fine comments. I hope you have the best holiday and an awesome evening. Thanks again!
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very interesting contest entry that made me pause after reading and thinking 'What?' Then rereading, caused the same response. I'm not sure I understand this entry. Good luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2024
    Mmm, I was trying to put forth how this man became a three human combination, so i'm saying that the mutant infection is coming down from the rain clouds which became the master of melding species. Creating what I call the manitree. So plows with the poison, followed by the fact that it's masterful at the meld of those species, followed by the new species name I gave it. Hope that makes sense. Thank you again, Barbara. I truly. I'm happy to see you here and for your writing your comments. I always love those kinds of questions. It helps me very much, so thank you again.I hope you have an awesome day!
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Is this about man turning into a tree here Lea? This is an inventive and unusual poem and if we turned into trees we would live a lot longer! Did you create this image? It looks a little bit like you, love Dolly x x x

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2024
    Yes, it's my artwork for sure. And yes, I'm talking about a man being turned into a tree where that poisoned mutant. Rain comes down and melds species together, creating what are called the manitree. Yes, thank you very much. You're very smart as always. Thanks for your time Dolly.I hope and you you have the best and amazing day
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I don't actually know what a manitree is unless it's a portmanteau of man and tree which, by some otherworldly design, has come into being as a result of those dastardly "death cloud mutants." You've got me a bit stumped here, Lea, but you've done it intriguingly with great alliteration and eye-catching visual. Well done and good luck! Debbie. PS Maybe a note at the bottom?

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2024
    Yes, I'm going to put a note at the bottom. Sure, that's a great idea.Thank you Debbie! The manitree is a species name? I made up for the mixture of man and treat and yes, the mutant rain comes down and melds species together.Therefore the master of the meld. Produces the manitree. I'll go ahead and add those notes. Great suggestion thank you very! That's again. Thank you for your fine, a review and great rating.I hope you have the best and awesome day!
Comment from Monica Chaddick
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was an interesting poem. The artwork really drew me in and made me interested in seeing what the poem was about. I think you did a really good job.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2024
    Thank you again Monica! Glad you enjoyed it yet. That's my own artwork. I'm having fun making weird things. Some of them inspire me. I appreciate your review, your fine writing and all that you say have a great day!
Comment from Lana Marie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I don't know if you found the picture first and then came up with the wording or the other way around. I had to read it a couple times cause my brain didn't understand it at first, but then I read it again...very clever. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2024
    Hi, Lana.Thank you so much.I appreciate that! It's just a little bit obscure, so I added some notes to the bottom of the poem for those who might find it a little much. I'm very glad you enjoyed it.Thank you very much for your review and kind comments. have a great day!
Comment from Tim Margetts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a stunning image, Lea.
And then you wrap it up and enhance it with a simple yet slightly funky poem.
Why did I get vibes of x-men crossed witht the force coming through in my brain?
Thanks for sharing and confusing me :-)
Tim x

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2024
    It's very much like x men. Actually yeah, it's about the mutant rain being mastery of the mills, creating what I call the manitree. How about you enjoy! Thank you so much for rear review.Your kind comment and your time of which i'm ever grateful! May the force be with you!
Comment from tempeste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


the beautiful artwork drew me in. I do believe we have a special connection with trees. Our ancestors dwelled in trees.

When I'm stressed out, I take a walk in my pine forest and I regenerate.

Mankind has forgotten that trees were our first home and our main source of food: leaves, flowers, bark, fruits. (80% )

Today, we exploit this precious resource to our detriment.
Forests produce 28% of the world's oxygen.

We inhale oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, while trees do the opposite.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2024
    Yes, you're absolutely right.And I do feel the same going into the forest. They are the lungs of the earth and only stupid human beings will cut it all down.I guess we're not too bright. And to do the same as you in order to relieve stress, I get one with nature. Thanks for your great review and your comments and your time. I very much appreciate it. Hey, you have an awesome holiday and a great day. Thank you!
reply by tempeste on 16-Dec-2024
    Wishing you also a Merry Christmas
    A Happy New Year!
Comment from Beejay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I had to read your words a couple of times, each time they became stronger and more thought provoking. A well thought out and crafted piece of work , portraying, mystique and mystery.

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 Comment Written 15-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2024
    Thank you, that's very awesome for you to say! I appreciate your observations.And I have added a few notes at the bottom for those who still find it a bit obscure. Thanks for your great review and writing. Most of all for your time. I hope you have a wonderful holiday at a great day too!
Comment from Peter Jarvis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your 5-7-5 poem intriguingly captures a vivid and otherworldly scene. The imagery of "death cloud mutants weep" and "mastery of the weird meld" creates a powerful sense of mystery and fantasy. The final line, "mesh of manitree," adds a fascinating twist, blending elements of nature and transformation.

Thank you for sharing this creative and thought-provoking piece

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 Comment Written 15-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2024
    Awesome Peter.I'm really happy you like it! Perfect insight to a poem that is a bit obscure. Definitely.I understand which is very cool! Thank you again, peter.I'm always happy to see you here.Hope to enjoy your day!
reply by Peter Jarvis on 15-Dec-2024
    Take care my friend and keep writing.
    Stay safe.