Reviews from

War and Peace

Futility of war

28 total reviews 
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Beth,
Very true sentiments in this nicely rhyme poem. It speaks of what we all want. An end to all war and violence.
Congrats on placing second in the contest.
Keep writing and stay healthy
Have a great day.

 Comment Written 17-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 17-Oct-2023
    Thank you Joan. I appreciate the review and comments. It was surprise for me to place second. I had just placed third on the script. I don't usually get very far with contest committee.
reply by dragonpoet on 17-Oct-2023
    You are most kindly welcome, Beth.
    You are on a streak.
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Amen to this point of view in five lines, my friend.

Through all the wars, why is it that we humans can't figure out "victory" with massive loss of life sounds like a losing proposition?

They used to have a poster in my teens--

"Suppose they gave a war and nobody came?"

The older I get the more I feel that!


 Comment Written 14-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2023
    Thank you Karenina. I really appreciate your reviewing this. I think if only women ruled the world, we might figure out a more sensible and less costly way of solving our problems.
reply by karenina on 14-Oct-2023
    Not to set women's progress back fifty years...bur Robin WIlliam's used to tell a very funny joke (IMHO)--

    Something along the lines of "If a woman were president there would be no war...but we'd be in serious negotiations every 28 days!"

    Come on now... It IS funny!



Comment from Faith Williams
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think your closing line sums it up, 'Greed and hate corrupt.' How does one go about changing generations of hate? It seems every generation must learn for themselves this lesson on futility. Studying history seems to offer no lessons. Thank you for sharing, Beth. Best wishes in the contest.

 Comment Written 14-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 15-Oct-2023
    Thank you Faith, I appreciate the review and comments on my five line poem. History shows many wars and apparently they will continue. No one seems to learn there must be a better way.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
This work has reached the exceptional level

You have really written a brilliant poem about what is happening in so many countries today. So many corrupt politicians, so many morons who use religion as an excuse to kill, and look what we have left ... so many innocent people dead, the frail, the old, the children, the ordinary people who only want to go to work and earn enough to feed their family and put a roof over their heads. Those who are left must wonder what they've done to deserve this. Well done, my friend, this truely is an exceptional poem and I'm glad I can reward it with a six! Warmest hugs, Sandra xx

 Comment Written 14-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 15-Oct-2023
    Thank you Sandra for the lovely review and in-depth comments. I really appreciate you awarding this short poem with six stars.
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 15-Oct-2023
    It really deserved it, Beth. xx
Comment from lancellot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is well written, and it is a nice sentiment. I really do wish we lived in the kind of world where such concept was possible, but we don't and never have. War is horrible but sometimes it is necessary and as hard as it is to admit, the truth is, it can lead to peace.

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2023
    Thank you for the excellent review. I realize there have always been wars and there always will be, but the cost for so many is not worth the gain. Certainly not for those who lives are snuffed out and their loved ones who never really recover from the lost. You would think intelligent beings could figure out a way to achieve worrthwhile goals and freedom with resorting to chaos and derstruction,
Comment from Paul McFarland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well put. I can't pull myself away from the television because of this war. I wish I could. The news haunts me. The pictures are burned into my brain.

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2023
    Thank you Paul. I'm the same way, and I'm afraid it might escalate into a much wider war.
Comment from Ulla
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, Beth, I couldn't agree with you more. But the wider world doesn't seem to agree. On the other hand, Russia invading Ukraine totally unprovoked can't be tolerated. And the conflict in the middle east goes back to biblical times. Israel has to fight for their survival. Ulla:)))

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    Thank you Ulla. I agree. We sending a lot of help to Ukraine. As far as Middle East, I have no use for the brutality of Terrorists, but I don't like Israel trying to slaughter innocent civilians either. I hope they don't overdo it. They're liable to get the whole world involved in war.
Comment from Mary Vigasin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are right, no one wins in war. There is a picture I saw that the Russians had won a village. All that was left was rubble. What did they win?
You are right in that greed and hate are really the root causes of war.
Well written and stated.
Best wishes

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    Thank you Mary, I really appreciate the review and comments. So many lives are lost and loved ones are left in grief. Those who start the wars aren't usually the ones who are called on to fight.
Comment from jenintorre
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This a great five line poem. You are so right that there are no winners in war only losers. You have said it all. I think this is a very good entry for the competition. Good luck. Jen.

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    Thank you Jen, I really appreciate the review and comments.
Comment from Eleri
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a well written five line poem with the correct number of syllables per line for the contest. I also love the sentiments behind it as too many people think that violence should be answered with violence. Two wrongs do not make a right and someone has to stop and try to talk peace.
Good luck in the contest

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    Thank you Elelri, I really appreciate the review and comments. The six starts are very much appreciated.