A Different Valentine
a different kind of love16 total reviews
Comment from teafor2
Pome: Is there anything you can't or won't turn into a rhyming slant? This
is quite a political statement...It's not exactly objective, but I don't totally
agree/disagree with all you've written herein...Not a word about 01-06-21 insurrection...Is there a reason for that or just an oversight. IMHO, an
excellent mini/micro treatise on Biden's presidency. I actually think that if
you promoted this again, it would garner the extra reviews needed to go
top shelf/All time Best. teafor2
reply by the author on 23-Feb-2024
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Pome: Is there anything you can't or won't turn into a rhyming slant? This
is quite a political statement...It's not exactly objective, but I don't totally
agree/disagree with all you've written herein...Not a word about 01-06-21 insurrection...Is there a reason for that or just an oversight. IMHO, an
excellent mini/micro treatise on Biden's presidency. I actually think that if
you promoted this again, it would garner the extra reviews needed to go
top shelf/All time Best. teafor2
Comment Written 23-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 23-Feb-2024
Tea, first, thank you for your kind words. I didn't write about 01/06/21 because it was not an insurrection. It was planned and carried out by people paid by th Biden people. Obama and Soros and the Republican elite are behind so much of what's going on, along with the WEF, WHO, FBI, etc.
Trump told his audience to "go in peace!" He did not start, encourage and have anything to do with that. Did you watch his speech that night, and not just the blurb the media changed? The insurrectionists were plants, to put the blame on Trump, which is exactly what happened. You saw the guards motioning people in. It was very peaceful until the paid thugs started acting up. You also saw the police walk off, and that cop shoot what's her name for no reason whatsoever, and then he gets promoted. I don't really want to get started if you and I disagree. I am too angry about everything that's happening now, absolutely ruining our beautiful country. I do thank you for your kind comments, truly. I Have written a lot of political stuff on FS, and only get a handful of people who agree with me.
As far as poetry goes, I almost think in rhyme. I love poetry as you can tell.
Pome lover: There are 4 subjects I avoid
debating/arguing about: Religion, Race,
Politics and Sexuality. IMHO, these are no win "Emotional Topics." I treat people the way I want to be treated...
I am afraid it's as simple as that. I'm
also a person who loves poems and poetry. I'm also a Logophile. teafor2
Comment from ExperiencingLiphe
I'm reviewing this not to get in a back and forth. More of an agree to disagree. I don't disagree with everything you put in here and I love the creativity of having the USA as your Valentine. However, there is a lot I do disagree with. But I will say that we all get to think how we want and write our thoughts. So, good job.
reply by the author on 14-Feb-2024
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I'm reviewing this not to get in a back and forth. More of an agree to disagree. I don't disagree with everything you put in here and I love the creativity of having the USA as your Valentine. However, there is a lot I do disagree with. But I will say that we all get to think how we want and write our thoughts. So, good job.
Comment Written 14-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 14-Feb-2024
thank you! That is kind of you and I appreciate it.
Comment from Sally Law
Thank you for sharing, my friend. I quite agree as we continue down the toilet on Biden's watch. He's not really president, you know. His handlers are calling the shots. They're also scurrying to make sure all eyes are on Trump. They have to keep Trump in the news, and sensationalized, in order to keep all investigations away from ol' Joe. It's not working anymore as the whole damn opera is falling apart. A bad president is hard to ignore, but they try. The hypnosis is wearing off for many. I'm not voting for Trump or Biden. I believe a civil war will break out either way. We've become too divided and too distracted by the media's fabrication of the truth, aka, propaganda. It's a powerful tool and almost won Hitler the war.
Nikki Haley is the only reasonable, level headed candidate of the bunch. She will be getting my vote this time around. Praying daily as this year unfolds. God bless you, my friend.
Sal XOs
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
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Thank you for sharing, my friend. I quite agree as we continue down the toilet on Biden's watch. He's not really president, you know. His handlers are calling the shots. They're also scurrying to make sure all eyes are on Trump. They have to keep Trump in the news, and sensationalized, in order to keep all investigations away from ol' Joe. It's not working anymore as the whole damn opera is falling apart. A bad president is hard to ignore, but they try. The hypnosis is wearing off for many. I'm not voting for Trump or Biden. I believe a civil war will break out either way. We've become too divided and too distracted by the media's fabrication of the truth, aka, propaganda. It's a powerful tool and almost won Hitler the war.
Nikki Haley is the only reasonable, level headed candidate of the bunch. She will be getting my vote this time around. Praying daily as this year unfolds. God bless you, my friend.
Sal XOs
Comment Written 13-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
Oh Sally, she is not. She changes with the wind with whichever group she's talking to. And most important, she is the Democrats' darling. When she was governor of SC, she sold land to the CCP - you can check it out. If she wins, the Dems will have us just like they do now. I beg you, give this some more thought and research.
I do not mean to offend, I just know what she's done. Even her own home state doesn't support her.
Please I beg you, check out her record.
Comment from bob cullen
There are two reasons for the six stars. First, it's a damn good poem, and, second, it's patriotic. I would love an Australian writer on fanstory to pen a poem about our country that stirs my heart as much as this one stirs the heart of many Americans. I am so glad you do not apologise for your poem. Instead, I suggest you stand proud beneath your flag and salute with pride.
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
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There are two reasons for the six stars. First, it's a damn good poem, and, second, it's patriotic. I would love an Australian writer on fanstory to pen a poem about our country that stirs my heart as much as this one stirs the heart of many Americans. I am so glad you do not apologise for your poem. Instead, I suggest you stand proud beneath your flag and salute with pride.
Comment Written 13-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
Bob, your review just came up again as if I never answered it. I wrote you a long response. Did you not get it?
Comment from Jim Wile
Outstanding, P.L. Spot on with your analysis of what's wrong and jeopardizes the very existence of our beloved country. This is a wonderful valentine that spells out the major ills threatening us, with plans to either take us down or convert us into something that would be unrecognizable to the founders, and exactly what those who gave their lives to defend her were fighting against.
I share your hope that young people will wake up and realize the wrong-headed path we are being led down before we get to the breaking point, which seems like it may be coming soon. I don't fear for my life so much as for my kids and grandkids. We have had it pretty good in our lives, but who knows what will happen to the world if America falls? It's a real fear for civilization.
Such a great poem reminding us of these issues, and I'm glad to know there are others who feel as I do that we are in peril. - Jim
reply by the author on 12-Feb-2024
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Outstanding, P.L. Spot on with your analysis of what's wrong and jeopardizes the very existence of our beloved country. This is a wonderful valentine that spells out the major ills threatening us, with plans to either take us down or convert us into something that would be unrecognizable to the founders, and exactly what those who gave their lives to defend her were fighting against.
I share your hope that young people will wake up and realize the wrong-headed path we are being led down before we get to the breaking point, which seems like it may be coming soon. I don't fear for my life so much as for my kids and grandkids. We have had it pretty good in our lives, but who knows what will happen to the world if America falls? It's a real fear for civilization.
Such a great poem reminding us of these issues, and I'm glad to know there are others who feel as I do that we are in peril. - Jim
Comment Written 12-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 12-Feb-2024
Jim, thank you. Truly it scares me to death and I get so frustrated and angry - which of course, doesn't help anything. I have written political things off and on on this site and am sickened by the Americans who call Trump all kinds of names and blame him for exactly what the Dems are doing. How can they be so blind?
And as a response to this piece, two Australians lambasted it and blasted Trump, blaming him for the attack on the capitol. I told them they only heard what the press wanted them to hear and they were wrong, that Trump had said was, "go in peace."
Thank you so much for your comments and for the lovely 6! Both are much appreciated!
Someday I may decide to publish my opinion about things. The only thing that holds me back is because political feelings are so strongly held that they tend to really divide people, and something I like about this site is the paucity of political rants by people who speak more from the heart and not so much from logic and reason. So many responses you see on other websites are made with such vitriol that reasonable discussion rapidly breaks down into name-calling and insults rather than reasoned debate.
I think most people here are politer than that, but many, especially foreigners form their opinions mainly through the filter of a biased media and never hear arguments from the other side. Plus, I think in general, too many people are governed by emotion when it comes to political feelings about a candidate to the exclusion of results. If I had to choose between a really nice and friendly but lesser-skilled pilot to fly a plane I was traveling on or a shithead who was an extremely competent pilot, I would choose the shithead, because the goal is to get safely from here to there and not to like the pilot.
Same goes for the President. No matter how flawed Trump might be as a person, he was an effective leader to the extent that he was allowed to do what he could do and wasn't thwarted much of the way. Yes, it would be nice if he were more likable, but in the grand scheme of preserving the country and the American way of life, he is vastly superior to his opponent. I wish more people would reason it out this way.
Lastly, I wish more people understood what a dictator is because in no way is Trump a dictator. These folks don't understand what a real dictator is and how they maintain their power. To compare Trump to Hitler, Stalin, or any true dictator is the height of narrow-minded thinking and analysis of the attributes that really comprise a dictator.
Well, I'm afraid I definitely speak from my heart as well as my head, and maybe I'm being self important, (though I don't intend to be), but I feel like people need to speak up and tell the truth about what's happening. MAYBE it might cause some people to do some research and ask questions instead of accepting the Left's propaganda.
In past posts, I've asked people to give me their arguments and let's discuss them. No takers.
Jim, this country (and the people on FS,) is/are already divided, but our country's going down the tubes, so why not at least try to possibly change some thinking if possible-- at least present the facts, and maybe issue a challenge to check them out?
I bet your posts would be full of facts and proof and why not put them out there? We've got to try to do something before it's too late, don't you think?
You make a good point and I will consider it more seriously in future pieces. I have done it in a few cases such as my short stories "What Makes Me Proud" concerning gay pride, and "The Sky is Falling" which is concerned with the alarmism surrounding global warming. Many facts and opinions in those pieces, and I've had a few comments about how it has made some people rethink the issue--especially the global warming story. (If you ever care to read that, part 1 is way down at the bottom of page 1 under the stories tab of my portfolio, while parts 2 and 3 are nearer the top).
There's a little more in the fable called "The Queen Ant and the Worker Ant," which is more a commentary on those, especially conservative politicians, who are too concerned about every last thing in a bill being perfect than being willing to let some things go for another time and vote for something that's good enough and, on balance, good for the country.
I guess that can also be said for single-issue voters who may be so dissatisfied with a candidate's stance on a single issue that it influences their entire view without looking at the bigger picture.
You're right though. It's important to get some of these views out there to combat so much of the misinformation put out by the left.
One reason I don't do it more is because I got fed up with politics following Trump's defeat in 2020. I quit watching and reading the news and enjoyed life a lot more than when I was so wrapped up in it all. I chose to write about non-political topics, although I couldn't always resist entirely and came out with those few pieces I mentioned.
I do admire you for speaking your mind, though, Kay.
Thank you. I have written some humor pieces when I'm too fed up with the news. Only way to stay sane.
I will look up your pieces you mentioned,
Trying to cook supperand write this at the same time. Better close.
Comment from Lisasview
Excellent read early this morning here in Spain.
So clever to think of using the Uned States as your Valentine...
I think it is great.
reply by the author on 12-Feb-2024
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Excellent read early this morning here in Spain.
So clever to think of using the Uned States as your Valentine...
I think it is great.
Comment Written 12-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 12-Feb-2024
Thanks, Lisa! it's funny, or rather strange that the responses from all Americans but one were very supportive but two from Australia were ... not.
One never knows... I never know what to expect when I post...
I am back to writing which is great...
good for you!
Hi there
I am excited to be writing again? it has been awhile
Comment from Navada
I'm concerned about Biden's deterioration, but the only thing that should really scare Americans (and the rest of the world) is the return of the Orange Predator. As an Australian, I pray to God that Trump ends up in jail for the rest of his life.
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2024
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I'm concerned about Biden's deterioration, but the only thing that should really scare Americans (and the rest of the world) is the return of the Orange Predator. As an Australian, I pray to God that Trump ends up in jail for the rest of his life.
Comment Written 11-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2024
AndI wish you knew all the facts. Biden is being run by the WEF, Soros and Obama, and he has gotten away with lies and under the table deals all his life. Trump loves this country and did great things for us. What has he ever done to you, an Australian?
Biden has just about ruined us in every way, possible.Because of him our border is wide open and we have , to date, over 7 million illegals, many militant Chinese among them who are probably plotting against us at this very moment. Biden is the one who belongs in jail!
I'm not so familiar with Biden's deficiencies as you've stated - you are completely entitled to your opinion and I respect that. However, my opinion regarding Trump is very different. From my perspective, Trump is a sexual predator, convicted defamer, adulterer, liar, braggart, fraudster and he incited the Capitol rebellion of January 6 that killed several people. He has been impeached twice. I may be an Australian, but he has done many, many things to earn my enmity and the enmity of people the world over. In my view, he poses a clear and present danger to everyone in the world because of his dangerous unpredictability and friendship with fellow tyrants. We will have to agree to disagree. I'm very willing to do so.
well, he did not incite the Capitol rebellion. You must not have heard his words. The Left has lied about everything and the media is bought, You have been misinformed.
I did hear his words directly. I was watching television the morning of January 6 and they were broadcasting his rally live in Australia. I agree to disagree.
He said go in peace. I saw and heard it at the time. The media deliberately left that out and sabotaged him. Our pitiful media is biased. You don't live here and only hear what they want you to hear.
With respect, you cannot logically claim that I "only hear what they want [me] to hear". You don't have the first idea what I see and hear in Australia. Our media are completely independent. You are clearly passionately devoted to a particular point of view, and that's your right, but the suggestion that someone with a different perspective must be blind and deaf is actually offensive. I am just as entitled to my view as you are to yours and mine will not change. Once again, I will remind you that we must agree to disagree.
I am not saying you are, I'm saying your journalists get their news from America from American media, I imagine, and that's what's out there.
You don't think Australia has its own journalists and its own US correspondents who are capable of independent analysis?
You don't think Australia has its own journalists and its own US correspondents who are capable of independent analysis?
I know what Trump said and I know what the press left out. He did great things for this country, and the Left can't stand it that he's ahead in the polls and are doing everything in their power to negate what the majority of the people want.
Comment from Brenda Strauser
I enjoyed reading your poem. I think our country is in trouble too. This is just my opinion. But if Donald Trump gets in this country will not be a democracy. He tells us he will do away with.alot of things. Our country will be run by a dictator. I thought your poem was well written. Great job.
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2024
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I enjoyed reading your poem. I think our country is in trouble too. This is just my opinion. But if Donald Trump gets in this country will not be a democracy. He tells us he will do away with.alot of things. Our country will be run by a dictator. I thought your poem was well written. Great job.
Comment Written 11-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2024
Thank you Brenda, but did you not like all the things he did for this country? He talks big and he's pompous, but he loves this country and he did everything he said he would do. He took no salary and he stands strong against the biased lawyers, judges, press and Biden lying about him and Biden and Mayorkas, etc get away with murder. He upheld our democracy. Biden has ruined us and with Soros and the WEF, they have the power.
Thank you for reading my poem and your very nice comments about it. I'm sorry that we disagree about Trump.
Comment from Debi Pick Marquette
Damn, I am going to be out of sixes by the end of the day. But Girl, you just belted out a mouthful and opened up a big can of worms that needed to be opened.
I give a big Hip Hip Hooray,
For my brave and my dear friend Kay
She always says it like it is
No wonder she feels like a sis
Thank you for this wonderful post, my awesome friend. Love ya to pieces!! Debi
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2024
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Damn, I am going to be out of sixes by the end of the day. But Girl, you just belted out a mouthful and opened up a big can of worms that needed to be opened.
I give a big Hip Hip Hooray,
For my brave and my dear friend Kay
She always says it like it is
No wonder she feels like a sis
Thank you for this wonderful post, my awesome friend. Love ya to pieces!! Debi
Comment Written 11-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2024
thank you, sweet Deb!
I am truly sick about what is happening in this country and it blows my mind the people who don't know, don't want to know or don't believe it, don't care enough to find out, while we get deeper in the clutches of the Left. And the damn Republicans can't even stick together, and half if them vote with the Libs. And the gibbering idiot is still Pres. and they can't even impeach Mayorkas!
Lawsie Mercy, I've got to quit thinkin' about this or I'll have a stroke.
Thank you for all the lovely things you said, and the beautiful 6!!! I really appreciate it! Take care of your cute self,
Comment from T B Botts
Hello Katharine,
thanks so much for sharing this poem. I fear that not enough people will read it on this site. May I share it on my blog? I don't have a huge following, but I think the more people who see it, the better. You have spoken what is on your heart and the heart of many others, it's just that so many don't want to rock the boat. If we don't speak up, we'll be run over for sure. I'm so impressed by this gal. You did a wonderful job. It was easy to read, the way it came together was great and I loved the message. Thank you for your courage.
Have a blessed day.
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2024
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Hello Katharine,
thanks so much for sharing this poem. I fear that not enough people will read it on this site. May I share it on my blog? I don't have a huge following, but I think the more people who see it, the better. You have spoken what is on your heart and the heart of many others, it's just that so many don't want to rock the boat. If we don't speak up, we'll be run over for sure. I'm so impressed by this gal. You did a wonderful job. It was easy to read, the way it came together was great and I loved the message. Thank you for your courage.
Have a blessed day.
Comment Written 11-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2024
Bless you, Tom, for saying that, for the wonderful 6 and for wanting to share it. That is what I so hoped would happen. I think you're right, though about this site, but who l knows, maybe one soul will read it and give it some thought.
Thank you dear friend!