Reviews from

Saltwater Ghosts

Viewing comments for Chapter 20 "Daddy Dances"
Young girl with special abilities.

14 total reviews 
Comment from Karen Cherry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I believe with all my heart that Heddy truly sees her grandma. I think little kids have less filters that keeps stuff out. And they haven't learned to block out things grownups see as not normal yet. Good writing. Karen

 Comment Written 13-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 15-Apr-2024
    Thank you. I believe Heddy sees her grandmother as well. Gretchen
reply by Karen Cherry on 15-Apr-2024
Comment from John Ciarmello
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a touching chapter, Gretchen. It's fun to watch these characters grow in such a natural way as life intends us to grow. Your progressions are magical and real.

Best, JohnC

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2024
    Thanks so much, John. I am enjoying how this story is unfolding. These were very touching comments and I appreciate it. Gretchen
Comment from T B Botts
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Gretchen,
I love the conversation between Heddy and her dad. I wish all little girls had fathers like that, someone to love them and show them what it means to be a man who cares for his family. As always gal, this was a delightful tale. Of course good news always makes folks feel like dancing. We all need some in our lives. Well done gal. I love this story.
Have a blessed evening.

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2024
    Thank you, Tim, this review means a lot to me. I'm so happy you are continuing to enjoy this. And thank you for the extra star. Gretchen
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Everyone hopes they will have that someday; but sadly, not everyone does. Most just settle to keep from being alone or what was once wonderful becomes a nightmare. Wow, that sounds so negative. But thankfully, reading a chapter like this one keeps the idea of love alive. :-) Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2024
    Everything is possible in fiction. Thank you for this. Gretchen
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wouldn't life be wonderful if every child grew up in a home that knew that kind of love. I think our world would be a much better place if that happened. I enjoyed reading. You're doing a great job with this story.
I sit down at the table and watch them waltz around the room. (you can omit 'down')

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2024
    That would be awesome and I bet the world would be a happier place. Thank you so much. Gretchen
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Aww, Gretchen, that was just lovely. No wonder Heddy wants to find someone like her daddy, what a romantic mum and dad she has. As if to answer Heddy's question, Nonni answers for her, she will find a man like that one day. She has a lot of childhood to discover before that time starts. Another fabulous chapter, my friend. :)) Sandra xxx

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2024
    Thank you, Sandra. I'm so glad you enjoyed this. My dad used to treat my mother like she was a China doll. Gretchen
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This chapter is a delight, with good news, love and happiness filling every bit of it. One can see the huge contrast with Lester and his present life with Mrs C. I am glad her father got the telegram at work, as Mrs C might have withheld it! I hope this chapter's not the lull before the storm! (Hope I am not being too negative or cynical)

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2024
    Not sure what's going to happen in the next chapter. Might introduce Willis, finally. Thanks, Wendy. Gretchen
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a wonderful family Heddy has. She loves her parents and brother and they all love each other. I fear Willis's return is going to add something else to the family that won't be easy. War changes people.

 Comment Written 09-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2024
    Thank you, Carol. I'm hoping Willis won't be too damaged. Appreciate this. Gretchen
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
This work has reached the exceptional level

Aw... what a happy chapter. Willis is coming home and her parents love each other. I remember my mom and dad dancing or cooking together. My dad changed after she died. He was not a good father.

Well done, I love it.

 Comment Written 09-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2024
    Thank you. I figured we all needed a break from the War. Lol. I truly thank you for this super review and extra star. Gretchen
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It must be exciting for parents to have a son home in one piece after he has been to war, how worrying that must be. I felt Heddy's father's excitement here in your fine story Gretchen.

Suggestion for these lines:

(. . . .try to fly right (into) our house).
(I've got good (news), Heddy).

Gremlins attacked this line:
(Seems her (fiancé).

Love Dolly x x x

 Comment Written 09-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2024
    Thank you. I felt that Heddy needed a little break. Thanks for catching that. Gretchen