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At 22 weeks, I see a baby

5 total reviews 
Comment from mrsmajor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What I find so disturbing is the use of the word "abortion" no matter the circumstances causing a woman to sadly have what I call a miscarriage.
I began to have heavy bleeding, in the very early month, even requiring bedrest,
and to save my life, it was even necessary to receive transfusions...but I sadly lost any chance of a full term pregnancy, why that happened isn't known, but it did.

Todays the doctors that took care of me would not have done so, for fear of breaking the law.

I cannot understand why every time such a thing happens it is thought that it is intended.
For me it was certainly not the case...nor was it my daughter's choice.

After 2 "miscarriages" she and her Husband, Yes Husband!.

They had been married for 3 years before preparing for their first child...

This time, by about 5 months she was doing well...
and then they were told there was a problem with the fetus.

She held on until the eight month...I was in
the room when she delivered a 5 pound beautiful little baby boy, who they all knew would never live long.

She and her husband watched that little baby suffer for months, he never left the Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, one of the States best hospital for children....but finally their only child passed away.

Today woman are being denied the care they need because of the law.

Not every woman is blessed with an easy
pregnancy, and I'm sick and tired of the use of the word "abortion" every time a woman isn't medically able to reach their full term.

It just make me sick...

Every year since my daughter lost her son, there is a memorial service for those parents at a church in the area of the hospital.

There are so many woman, like my daughter, and their Husbands, that wanted their children...I saw that, and I'll never understand
why people seem to assume what so often isn't true...
Sadly, I guess its easy, but it wasn't for the woman I saw every time I went, to that hospital.

My daughter wasn't able to have the child they wanted, through no fault of hers...and there are many like her.

I read somewhere, recently, that women were beginning to decide not to even try, for fear that something may happen, and they may not be able get the care they need.

Sorry, I just had to make my point of view known.


 Comment Written 16-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 16-Nov-2024
    I send you a PM with my thoughts.

reply by mrsmajor on 16-Nov-2024
    Thank you...
    I read your thoughts, but let me just make myself clear, the word "abortion" has become politicized, and that's what bothers me...
    When a woman can no longer feel safe, when care is needed, during a pregnancy, because doctors fear legal ramifications, that's a problem for me.
    I'm fully aware that there are those that use abortion to cover their own mistakes, my comments speak to how politics has turned the subject into a negative...deciding when a woman can receive the care she needs...and making life for a woman less safe.

    That's my feeling, I don't expect much agreement, but experience is a great teacher.

    If I were a young woman now, I'd be afraid to become pregnant.
    No one expects to have a problem, I didn't..but not every woman is blessed with an easy pregnancy...

    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my review.
    Best Regards,
Comment from Amelie Johns
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow, this is a such profound poem. It depicts a stark reality. I have to say I don't know much about the process but this poem has certainly awakened me. Thank you for sharing and wishing you good luck in the contest.
Best wishes,

 Comment Written 15-Nov-2024

Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very compelling poem. I used to favor abortion but have changed my position because of the new technology that shows how the fetus is developing, and it can't be denied that's a human being. I know there are sob stories about hapless women being denied an abortion. I think the majority of women seek an abortion because they simply didn't consider the consequences of their actions. They could have prevented the pregnancy to begin with. If the 18-year-old didn't want to have a baby, there are options. You give a very dramatic picture of what happens with the late-term abortion. Pro-abortion activists didn't seem to have much impact on the election, as Kamala Harris lost. Best of luck in the contest. judi

 Comment Written 15-Nov-2024

Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a well written 369 for the contest and I wish you the best in the contest. It deals with a very difficult topic for most people. It troubles my heart that people take life so and seriously that they are willing to have an abortionist destroyed that life when it's still in their room. I cannot imagine what God must be thinking when he sees a young lady destroying the very gift that he had given her. Patricia.

 Comment Written 15-Nov-2024

Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is rather a shocking post. This procedure can be lifesaving for the patient as some foetuses are abnormal and require removal. A friend of mine was told her baby would be severely disabled, deaf, blind with no feeling from the neck down. She chose to give birth to this baby and he is now 11 years old, fed through a tube, cannot speak or interact with anyone. He sits in a wheelchair all day long without making a sound.

She has been a dedicated carer to him and does not know how long he will live and she worries about what will happen to him when she dies as there will be on one to look after him. The doctors said he would not live beyond 5 years old, but he is still alive. She cannot work and she never goes on holiday, her husband left her because he wanted her to have a termination when they found out before the child was born. It is so very sad.

This is a poignant write with some grim details.

Love Dolly x x x

 Comment Written 15-Nov-2024