Reviews from

The Sanguine Interlude

Vampire, what is new?

18 total reviews 
Comment from Fluffyhead
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I was expecting Twilight and got a old black and white horror movie instead. It gave me chills. This is a good thing!!!!! The twist at the end was genius. The italics made this spookier and usually, I don't care for italics. I crave this kind of poetry/story.

 Comment Written 10-May-2011

reply by the author on 10-May-2011
    Fluffyhead, goodness, thank you ever so much. Where did you find this poem? It has been over a year since it was qwritten and promoted, Again thank you ever so much. A horror movie heh? That has been said of a lot of my poems. I am flattered, truly.. again thank you..jlsavell oh, and welcome to fanstory!!!!
reply by Fluffyhead on 10-May-2011
    under the column horror stories it is in red
Comment from Nanashirley
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The poem was great and the twist at the end was a wonderful Surprise. The picture is to dark for my eyes. I am told it is very fitting for the poem. I found no place o edit but I did have to reread a couple of places. Good job.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2010
    Nanashirley, thank you so very much for stopping by to read nad reiview my work. This work is the dark side of my work..I am usually not wso thank you so very very much..jlsavell
Comment from Nicki_Mist
This work has reached the exceptional level

You deserve a six star rating on this great poem. The imagery was to die for ( pun intended LOL). I was surprised at the end that he did that every year. Great metaphors and being creative. Keep writing like this. No mistakes found. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2010
    Nicki-Mist. first of all I must apologize for just responding. This review really lit up my day . I admire your wrok immensely and to get an exceptional from you is most humbling. again thank you so very very much..jlsavell
Comment from Kaladore
This work has reached the exceptional level

I thought that this was an amazing poem. The story is haunting and portrayed with excellent imagery and a good smooth flow. It has its twists and turns with a memorable ending. Bravo!

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2010
    Kaladore, first of all I must start out by apologizing for just responding top this exceptional review. I am truly humbled. Truly. I am thrilled you enjoyed my offering so much..again thank you so very much!!! jlsavell
Comment from chaswriter
This work has reached the exceptional level

Jimi - Congratulations on winning 2nd place in this contest. You should have won in my humble opinion. You sure do tell a heck of a story in rhyme along with the smooth flow in the cadence. Great job.

 Comment Written 09-Apr-2010

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2010
    charlie!! sorry I am replying so very late. Thank you so very much my wonderful friend. I appreciate you so. Your humble opinion huh??? No really I am honored to be considered at all..especially with Brooke and Wayne[Hitcher]..again thank you so very much..jimi
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, the cowardly knight was actually working for the prince of darkness, luring the maiden into the woods so his master could siphon her soul - what a cad. Great abab rhyming and alliteration and wonderful descriptive detail - I was really in the middle of this scene in the deep of the black forest with its raging thunder and wailing sounds. What a dark and tragic story. Brooke

 Comment Written 09-Apr-2010

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2010
    adewpearl, thank you so very much..I am thrilled you enjoyed my dark year would not be complete without some sort of dark
Comment from grassroots08
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This gives one pause - to maybe never trust even a faithful companion. It didn't see the girl's lover as the culprit 'til the end. Should I have seen it coming? I really didn't! Great cover up. Cheers, Don

 Comment Written 29-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 02-Aug-2010
    Don, once again a bigggggg apology for just responding. I appreciate you so very much..jimi
reply by grassroots08 on 02-Aug-2010
    Have you seen my latest story out of portugal at It is a bear story. Cheers Don
reply by the author on 02-Aug-2010
    no but I will go to as soon as I stop reviewing. I see you have a few posted..cannot wait to read..hey by the should go read Father, Don, will enjoy his work..he reminds me of you!!! Go check him out please!!!!
Comment from NightWriter
This work has reached the exceptional level

Bravo! Bravo! "The Sanguine Interlude" pulled me in like a vacuum and held me captivated til the end. Awesome, incredible, OUTSTANDING writing here. Smooth rhythm, perfect rhyming and hypnotic prose. Bravo! SIX STARS, TEN if I could!

 Comment Written 29-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 29-Mar-2010
    Nightwriter, stop it!!! you are going to make my head too big!!! I knew you would like it..for it was right up your alley..the dark seductive sensual alley of vampires...thank you so much..I feel so humbled when you rate my work so highly!!! jimi
Comment from fictionwriter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I loved this dark tale, there's no greater tale than a ghost or moster tale for me. I tend to lean toward the dark side. Great job.

 Comment Written 28-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 02-Aug-2010
    Kay, another bleated thank you..please forgive me!!!! jimi
Comment from FredCollingwood
This work has reached the exceptional level

Excellent! This is one of the best poems I've read in a long time. I love that you took the time to rhyme and balance the meter.

 Comment Written 28-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 02-Aug-2010
    FredCollingwood, here it is August and I am just responding to this review. IO do so apologize for the delay. My appreciation for your time and your comments are no less appreciated. Thank you very very much. An exceptional coming from you just makes my day..hope you are doing well...jim