Reviews from

Where are you, Candiss?

23 total reviews 
Comment from Sherry 2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I know this women. She truly is a liar and a sociopath. I feel so sorry for her children. The one good thing though is she is overweight and unattractive so has a harder time luring men in these days. Thank you for your bravery in posting this.

 Comment Written 05-Jan-2025

Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a sad story. It hurts to hear that innocent children have to face the truth about their own parent at such a young age. I can understand the rant. I have a similar problem with my own ex-daughter-in law but not quite as bad as yours because she isn't marrying all these guys she keeps having affairs with.

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2012
    Candiss never divorced my you have any idea how I can find tthe name and address of a military base outside of Oklahona City, OK? This huy doesn't know he's not legally married. ingrid
Comment from Eric Corsten
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This almost has a spoken word feel here...nice!!"While we were all rushing towards independence, pretending we didn't need anyone, that we were smarter, more self sufficient, scornful of family attitudes, didn't we think that one day we might have regrets?" good job

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2012
    Thanks, and if you live in the US and can help me find out what the name of the military base is near Oklahoma City,and the addre, I'd appreciate it very much. This is a true story.
Comment from Chrisfiore
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello SE,

Wow, sometimes reality is better than T.V., even reality T.V. This sounds way screwed up. My daughter is going through a similar situation with a guy she met who had "overcome" his drug addiction. Turns out, he has not. Now they have a beautiful little girl together and she won't leave him. How does this kind of thing happen?

I hope they find Candiss. I hope my daughter wakes up and realizes she needs better than a guy in his mid-thirties who can't get his shit together.

Isn't parenting fun? ;) Chrisfiore

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2012
    Ric, how do I find out the name and address of the military base near Oklahoma City, OK? If you have any ideas I'd appreciate the info.
Comment from Soledadpaz
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Is this for real? Because if it is, I feel sorry for her children, but the most kind thing to do might be to tell them that Mommy is no longer around. Ever. I feel sorry for your son if he still feels ties to this woman. A woman with obviously no heart.


 Comment Written 06-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2012
    Oh it is for real, so if you can find out the name of the military base (air force, I think) outside Oklahoma City near Harrah. OK...I'd sure be gratful. ingrid
Comment from Cumbrianlass
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I've been trying to get to this. I've read it a couple of times. Heartbreaking, but I do agree it's often best to be honest with kids. I think they can process and handle more than we give them credit for.

He has his dad. And he has you, thank God. The wee lad will be just fine.

I hope they catch this witch.


 Comment Written 06-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2012
    Part of the reason she was suppossed to be in Canada was to see about her subsidy for child care. She didn't come and the hospital was her big excuse. Now they've cancelled leaving Michael a childcare cost of $1000 a month. I can't be an everyday baby sitter. She's put me in that position and I want to find her for very good reason.
reply by Cumbrianlass on 06-Nov-2012
    I hope you do.

Comment from alexisleech
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is awful! Can you not put a picture of your bigamist daughter in law at the top of this post? I think it would increase your chances of a response. Good luck in your quest and pat yourself on the back for being such a wonderful parent. My heart truly goes out to you. Alexis x

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2012
    I need to have something scanned I don't have her picture on the computer. Thanks.
Comment from forestport12
This work has reached the exceptional level

I've been wondering if you would exorcise this demon. I suspected she'd been clawing into the back of your brain and the only way to expel her would be to write about the true life drama. You did it with class, crisp clean prose and gave the reader a ride around our bigamist America with a voyeuristic appeal.
You've inspired me. I'm going to write about Sister Wives. Why should we let them off the hook?

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2012
    She is under thirty and yet she is still rattling around in the world, married three times and still not divorced from my son.
    Aiden is so damaged and it has costthousands to try and salvage his soul from degredation. Yes, I'm pissed.
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! THis blew me away. I'm so sorry for son and grandson. I feel their disillusion and your bitterness. A thought-provoking opening and ending. Candiss is some piece piece of work. Do the authorities have a picture of her?

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2012
    In Canada, but in the US she is re-inventing herself. Know anybody in the military that can find her through Andrew Powell?
reply by Spitfire on 06-Nov-2012
    I don't know any soldiers. Maybe you should post that info too?
reply by the author on 06-Nov-2012
    I stated in the essay that he, as in her 'husband' is on an air force base near Oklahoma City. It's all I know.
Comment from DALLAS01
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nothing in the world hurts more than to see the ones we love especially children suffering at the hands of the very ones assigned to care for them. And I think that being abandoned, ignored, and discounted is worse than physical abuse. I agree that the truth needs to be laid out but once it is, the removal of this person from their lives is probably the best solution. I can tell you from personal experience that what goes around, comes around in God's time. Perhaps your focus on this witch is taking away from that loving part of you that Aiden needs and looks up to. What is your son's take on all of this? I can only pray for all of you and hope you can acquire some peace.

Love Ya

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2012
    My son isn't half as angry as I am. He has accepted it all and claims his children as his own, accepting all responsibity. I on the other hand wanted to be a grandmother, not a shrink and certainly not Candiss'F-ing banker. That marriage cost me $50K to dig out from her crap and now, I can either become a full-time babysitter or shell out thousands for daycare. I just wanted to be grandma.