A Mother's Pledge
yes, I am perculating20 total reviews
Comment from mtnspirit
Hi Spiritual Echo,
I have always admired your ability to express your insightful feelings from pen to paper, but I believe your way to hard on yourself. We all have some flaws and make mistakes but that is a part of our journey through life.
I am so sorry your having to deal with this hate mail. That isn't what this sight is all about and no one should have to endure such foolish harassment. Do yourself a favor and block contact with them. When they bring negativity to your life they're causing stress. Stress = dis-ease and dis-ease= disease. Though I am sure you have taught Michael to be a responsible man, he and the kids still need you and wouldn't want anything to happen to you.
I garnered a big smile when I read your line about the stars winking at you. It was a brillant line. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care my dear friend.
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2013
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Hi Spiritual Echo,
I have always admired your ability to express your insightful feelings from pen to paper, but I believe your way to hard on yourself. We all have some flaws and make mistakes but that is a part of our journey through life.
I am so sorry your having to deal with this hate mail. That isn't what this sight is all about and no one should have to endure such foolish harassment. Do yourself a favor and block contact with them. When they bring negativity to your life they're causing stress. Stress = dis-ease and dis-ease= disease. Though I am sure you have taught Michael to be a responsible man, he and the kids still need you and wouldn't want anything to happen to you.
I garnered a big smile when I read your line about the stars winking at you. It was a brillant line. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care my dear friend.
Comment Written 11-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2013
It was not a regular site member that attacked me. This person found out how to access the site because they heard about my writing on line and joined for one day for the pupose of tossing missiles at me.
I believe I know who did this, a distant,related-by marriage, aunt. My first response to her was that if she gave such a damn why she hadn't appeared in three years. But then I disabled the story. Yes, I know how to block, but I'd rather allow it to flow. I'll accept all your prayers and good wishes.
Good luck and may your heart be filled with blessings.
Comment from Cumbrianlass
...I might be a freak of nature, that I have no right to the square foot I occupy on earth. - Well that's a load of bollocks for a start.
but I have been unmerciful when it comes to self evaluation. - I've told you before, lass. You're a diamond. A VS1 rating, I reckon. But nobody's perfect.
Quite honestly, I'd trade in my evaluations and understanding for the right to start over as a petite blonde with a cup size that surpassed my IQ. - NO. You wouldn't. Dye your hair and have the surgery.
but for me, it has been a burden. - No, love. It's just life. You've lived more than most, and most importantly, you've learned from it in a very positive way.
from the moment he was born, I was transformed. - Yes. There's nothing like it.
He is an amazing man, perhaps in spite of me or quite probably, because of me. - For sure, because of you.
So, is this witch going to be arrested, or what? I don't know how she's got away with this for this long.
It must be so hard, dealing with this, thinking of the kids. But kids are tough, and react well to the truth. It's the lies that do the harm, I think.
Great post, lovely lady.
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2013
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...I might be a freak of nature, that I have no right to the square foot I occupy on earth. - Well that's a load of bollocks for a start.
but I have been unmerciful when it comes to self evaluation. - I've told you before, lass. You're a diamond. A VS1 rating, I reckon. But nobody's perfect.
Quite honestly, I'd trade in my evaluations and understanding for the right to start over as a petite blonde with a cup size that surpassed my IQ. - NO. You wouldn't. Dye your hair and have the surgery.
but for me, it has been a burden. - No, love. It's just life. You've lived more than most, and most importantly, you've learned from it in a very positive way.
from the moment he was born, I was transformed. - Yes. There's nothing like it.
He is an amazing man, perhaps in spite of me or quite probably, because of me. - For sure, because of you.
So, is this witch going to be arrested, or what? I don't know how she's got away with this for this long.
It must be so hard, dealing with this, thinking of the kids. But kids are tough, and react well to the truth. It's the lies that do the harm, I think.
Great post, lovely lady.
Comment Written 11-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2013
Sent you a copy of the e-mail I got. On your private e-mail, ingrid
I just got it. Reply coming back.
Comment from Espresso momma
Well dear mother, perculate all you want and keep doing so until you have made your point. We always have those who feel it is their earthly duty to 'stomp' on us when we are down. Too bad for them. Keep writing friend. You do it well.
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2013
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Well dear mother, perculate all you want and keep doing so until you have made your point. We always have those who feel it is their earthly duty to 'stomp' on us when we are down. Too bad for them. Keep writing friend. You do it well.
Comment Written 11-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2013
This is a long story that I think you've read parts of about my daughter-in-law who abandoned her childre, Recently I wrote something that was found by some suspicious new friends of hers in Oklahoma, married for the 3rd time to a new unsuspeting victim--without bothering to divorce my son, #1 husband. The story spread and some distant relative began name-calling me, saying I caused the shit. It was a warning to leave me alone. I've been cleaning up her mess for three years. It wasn't an estaablished member but someone who joined for the express purpose to bully me from behind an anonymous screen. Thanks for the generous review.
Comment from Sasha
Your brutal honesty is just one of the many things I admire about you. It breaks my heart to know that some have hurt you. You are a strong and determined woman (another aspect I admire) and your love for your son and grandchildren is obvious. You had far more than your share of trials and I do hope that the future promises better times. I am babbling, as usual. I think the world of you and just love your writing!
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2013
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Your brutal honesty is just one of the many things I admire about you. It breaks my heart to know that some have hurt you. You are a strong and determined woman (another aspect I admire) and your love for your son and grandchildren is obvious. You had far more than your share of trials and I do hope that the future promises better times. I am babbling, as usual. I think the world of you and just love your writing!
Comment Written 10-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2013
You're very kind. Yes, this was a warning to someone who found out about the story and joined for the purpose of telling me off.
Comment from Donya Quijote
Self evaluation is a good thing to do every now and again. From what little of your work I have read I can deduce that you have had an amazing person who has had a ride thus far full of trials and tribulation and joy and moments of much happiness. It's good to take stock. You are stronger because of it all. Well written and engaging self evaluation...
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2013
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Self evaluation is a good thing to do every now and again. From what little of your work I have read I can deduce that you have had an amazing person who has had a ride thus far full of trials and tribulation and joy and moments of much happiness. It's good to take stock. You are stronger because of it all. Well written and engaging self evaluation...
Comment Written 10-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2013
Thanks so much. Too much introversion can just drop you into a pit.
Comment from waundering thoughts
Would love to write you another review but it seems like last time I did it was promptly erased. As before yes I will be questioning a few things on your story. First off amazing writing you really express your feelings amazingly.
You stated your daughter in law married two other men this year alone in one comment, another one you say 2012.
Are you positive these emails are coming from her? There was a member on here that I searched that said they were a relative in some Canadian town. I did my own search on this user and from what I have found out it is located in the same town that you are. I believe it was cambride. I personally messaged this person.
I can see your anger but I also searched your sons name that you have posted as well as your daughter in laws. I'm not to sure if its the same ones but its in the Clark county marriage registry dated 2005.
I wish your grandson all the best. As do I with you.
I hope your reading to much into the emails your receiving. I'm sure your son would know best if there was any fear of actual harm from his ex.
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2013
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Would love to write you another review but it seems like last time I did it was promptly erased. As before yes I will be questioning a few things on your story. First off amazing writing you really express your feelings amazingly.
You stated your daughter in law married two other men this year alone in one comment, another one you say 2012.
Are you positive these emails are coming from her? There was a member on here that I searched that said they were a relative in some Canadian town. I did my own search on this user and from what I have found out it is located in the same town that you are. I believe it was cambride. I personally messaged this person.
I can see your anger but I also searched your sons name that you have posted as well as your daughter in laws. I'm not to sure if its the same ones but its in the Clark county marriage registry dated 2005.
I wish your grandson all the best. As do I with you.
I hope your reading to much into the emails your receiving. I'm sure your son would know best if there was any fear of actual harm from his ex.
Comment Written 10-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2013
No, I am imminently aware of real and potential danger. Yes, Candiss married two men in 2012. She comes from Guelph, which is not fom the same town, but close enough.
But take heart, now she in in the US, 'married' to an American and I have lot of faith in your judicial system/
If you plan on staying on this site, do make the effort to understand the rating system. Your consisten 3 star votes are the lowest I've received in years. While not offended, the rating should reflect the quality of writing and not your agreement or lack of support for the argument. I am absolutely certain that my message was clear.
I do appologize for the star rating. I will keep that in mind.
I did not say where she was from there was another person on here that had posted something and when I researched them their IP address was located near guelph. My question was ate you sure they're coming from her as you stated she's in the us where this person posting on here it shows their up as being close to guelph.
As I stated I was just clarifying. Two of your replies to comments were different that's all. I was just confused as I searched I found that since your son and her were married in us I assumed the two states would check on that. I have also been doing my own investigating to see if I could find anymore info for you.
I know your previous reply to another post I had made was erased but you stated that you were not doing anything with the information just compiling it.
I do hope that if there is such a fear for safety this women has not been involved with your grandchildren at all.
No malice on my end what so ever.
And once again I do apologize I have adjusted my start rating accordingly. You are an amazing writer as I have said before. There was no ill intent on my previous star rating.
Good, there is only a fierce protective circle around my intent. They were married in Canada, she married husband #2 on a Carribean holiday and #3 in Oklahoma,
I seriously doubt that my replies were inconsistent. My seething broil is well focused.
I do apologize, as i have stated I also am doing my own research. When i goggled both your your sons name and hers it came up with a list including both names. One of which was the Clark county records which is in Nevada. Im not to sure of your sons middle name, but if you go to the following website and enter name, it comes up with a marriage certificate to a man named Michael.
I will keep up my search. And I can understand the the seething. Maybe it was just an over sight in comments.
Once again please keep up the writing. I enjoy tremendously reading all of your stories fiction or non.
All the best to you and your family, may your grandchildren and son thrive with everyday. From the sounds of it your son is doing an amazing job with his children.
Comment from Rdfrdmom2
Spiritual Echo:
It is obvious from this post that somebody or bodies
have not been kind to you while reviewing your works.
I am really sorry that has happened because that is not
what this site is supposed to be all about. We are meant
to be a supportive family of each other. I admire your
willingness to be there for people in spite of your
thanks for sharing
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2013
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Spiritual Echo:
It is obvious from this post that somebody or bodies
have not been kind to you while reviewing your works.
I am really sorry that has happened because that is not
what this site is supposed to be all about. We are meant
to be a supportive family of each other. I admire your
willingness to be there for people in spite of your
thanks for sharing
Comment Written 10-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2013
It's not all the way it appears.I have quite a few non-fiction stories in my portfolio that catalog the story of my daughter-in-law, who is currently living outside of Oklahoma City. she is still married, legally, to my son, but has married two other men in 2012. I've picked up the debt and host a breakfast club for my grandchildren while she thoughtlessly dismisses their existence.
The hate mail does not come from members but rather her own personal army of supporters that have bought into her psychopathic lies.
Thanks for commenting and stopping by.
Comment from Carole Rosa
Ingrid, I've been gone for 5 months and missed your honest true life stories. I remember about your son's marriage problems.
I enjoyed this non-fiction story. I can relate to it, in many of the areas. When I review another person's work and it brings my personal incidents to my mind, I think that it is great composing on the part of the author!
I'm troubled that you had to experience hate mail. There is just no excuse for that!
Hugs and blessings to you.
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2013
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Ingrid, I've been gone for 5 months and missed your honest true life stories. I remember about your son's marriage problems.
I enjoyed this non-fiction story. I can relate to it, in many of the areas. When I review another person's work and it brings my personal incidents to my mind, I think that it is great composing on the part of the author!
I'm troubled that you had to experience hate mail. There is just no excuse for that!
Hugs and blessings to you.
Comment Written 09-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2013
Missed you too...what made you go away and what enticed you to return.
The hate mail was entirely justified. It came from Candiss' ignorant supporters who would rather see me with a bullet hole between my balding eyebrows than deal with the truth. Of course mine is skewed, but I'm the one who hosts the breakfast club and chauffeurs the kids to school while she pretends to be somevody else's wife without the convenience of a divorce from my son.
Ingrid, I left because I was burned out for awhile. Nancy of Honeycomb, convinced me to come back. I was ready. I want to finish my book and I'm only motivated when I'm a member of FanStory. Also, the writers on this site have become long distance "friends". Thanks for the note. Carole
It has, from day #1 been a discipline and a tool for me...for what purpose, as I've never looked forward, I do not know.
What is the name of the book? I'll pay attention.
"Love, Rum, and the Alcoholic." I've got 27 chapters finished. It's a true story. My second husband was an alcoholic for the 22 years that we were married. Some stories are happy and some are sad. My life has been full of stories that could make a movie. Take care. Carole
Comment from ajdevore
I love you for what you obviously are and have done. I love your stories of Aiden and his struggles and your support. If my claws were ever out, believe me, it was unintentional. I am or was under the delusion that I had a good eye and could spot areas where improvement is possible in otherwise excellent work. I am no longer sure and, for the most part restrain from comment.
With very warm regards
reply by the author on 09-Feb-2013
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I love you for what you obviously are and have done. I love your stories of Aiden and his struggles and your support. If my claws were ever out, believe me, it was unintentional. I am or was under the delusion that I had a good eye and could spot areas where improvement is possible in otherwise excellent work. I am no longer sure and, for the most part restrain from comment.
With very warm regards
Comment Written 09-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 09-Feb-2013
Here are the ingredients for the recipe...raw courage and stupidity...equal measure and laced with brandy.
You're very kind, but you know, I enjoy your visits and I was some pissed off when I wrote this, so naked conviction does trump common sense. I do believe that I am courting disaster. ingrid
Comment from catch22
I like the brutal honesty and candor with which you wrote this piece--as all your other pieces. It engaged me and put me in your corner. The writing itself is almost poetic in its earnestness, and the following line was very lovely to read:
fantasies we spun as the moon scraped the sky and stars winked at our innocence.--great use of personification here
I can't imagine you receiving hate mail for your posts, but then again I can't imagine sending anyone hate mail. My advice is to just keep doing what you do best--being honest with yourself and others.
reply by the author on 09-Feb-2013
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I like the brutal honesty and candor with which you wrote this piece--as all your other pieces. It engaged me and put me in your corner. The writing itself is almost poetic in its earnestness, and the following line was very lovely to read:
fantasies we spun as the moon scraped the sky and stars winked at our innocence.--great use of personification here
I can't imagine you receiving hate mail for your posts, but then again I can't imagine sending anyone hate mail. My advice is to just keep doing what you do best--being honest with yourself and others.
Comment Written 09-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 09-Feb-2013
Except that there is a loose cannon out there, namely my daught-in-law who is not only wanted by Canadian police, but is a bigamist and I blew the whistle on her...she is plotting right now how to take me down...really.
Wow, that's some drama if I ever heard of it. You're daighter-in-law sounds like a piece of work (gathering from previous posts). I wish you the best in dealing with it...