Bold Solutions
Black Lives Matter Part Two22 total reviews
Comment from Jeff Watkins
Lance, I read your ratings before writing this review--something I normally don't do. I'm amazed and pleased that the progressives are not demanding your expulsion. Where the hell are they? They are in the majority in this country. At least that's my impression. Or at least they are more likely to vote than are conservatives.
Unless we reduce the causes of crime, we will drown in it.
I could see trends developing during my 28 years of teaching. I left one country when I was drafted, and came back to another and far worse one. I saw the causes of our cultural disintegration as they were taking root, and now they are the forest. Jeff
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Lance, I read your ratings before writing this review--something I normally don't do. I'm amazed and pleased that the progressives are not demanding your expulsion. Where the hell are they? They are in the majority in this country. At least that's my impression. Or at least they are more likely to vote than are conservatives.
Unless we reduce the causes of crime, we will drown in it.
I could see trends developing during my 28 years of teaching. I left one country when I was drafted, and came back to another and far worse one. I saw the causes of our cultural disintegration as they were taking root, and now they are the forest. Jeff
Comment Written 21-Feb-2022
Comment from Ric Myworld
I think you are pretty dead on with your commentary. And I should know, as I've made as many mistakes as anyone. My first son was born when I was eighteen, so young girls aren't the only ones who make life difficult with their choices. Thanks for another great chapter. :-)
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I think you are pretty dead on with your commentary. And I should know, as I've made as many mistakes as anyone. My first son was born when I was eighteen, so young girls aren't the only ones who make life difficult with their choices. Thanks for another great chapter. :-)
Comment Written 24-Dec-2014
Comment from Muffins
Offended no, but I do disagree with a few points made. With each commentary you dare to dig deep, hit soar spots we know needs urgent care.
The single mothers section has the most rational and common sense ideas. If we are honest with ourselves, most people have toss those ideas or different versions of them in their head. As usually an outstanding, conversation starter piece.
reply by the author on 17-Dec-2014
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Offended no, but I do disagree with a few points made. With each commentary you dare to dig deep, hit soar spots we know needs urgent care.
The single mothers section has the most rational and common sense ideas. If we are honest with ourselves, most people have toss those ideas or different versions of them in their head. As usually an outstanding, conversation starter piece.
Comment Written 17-Dec-2014
reply by the author on 17-Dec-2014
Thank you very much.
Comment from mrsmajor
Freedom of speech is a wonderful and valued part of our lives...Whether every reader agrees with the essence of this piece is the right of each of us...However, I do not agree with so much of this piece, I am disappointed with the kind of negativity that is shown here...
But, as I said, freedom of speech is a valued part of our lives..and so Lancellot has that same right to give us his thoughts...
reply by the author on 17-Dec-2014
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Freedom of speech is a wonderful and valued part of our lives...Whether every reader agrees with the essence of this piece is the right of each of us...However, I do not agree with so much of this piece, I am disappointed with the kind of negativity that is shown here...
But, as I said, freedom of speech is a valued part of our lives..and so Lancellot has that same right to give us his thoughts...
Comment Written 16-Dec-2014
reply by the author on 17-Dec-2014
Thank you very much. I know you view it as negative, but the truth is neither positive or negative. And I am trying solve the issues that are killing us. 31 people were shot this weekend in Chicago, 4 people killed, including two children. I don't need to say what color they were and their killers do I?
You're welcome...
There was a killing of a mother and her two children here in New York, done by her boyfriend/husband...another shooting in a school, where children were hurt, and yes a shooting at a Black club...
I read where a white man pushed a policemen down the steps, during some kind of argument...and No! he was not shot or maced...
A drunken woman, drove into the window of a department store in New York city... she was an attorney...and yes she was a White women...
There are troubled people all around us, but most of these happening get only local news...
I am fully aware of the communities that are in trouble, and those that are trying to do something about it...
They include Black, White, and others, and hopefully, time will make a difference...
Another person was killed by a drunk driver, and another one also injured by another drunk driver...out here on Long Island..all of these were not done by a Black person...also a Black man acted like a hero in saving a child...just an ordinary Black man, did something not even expecting anything..
Of all these incidents only one was done by a Black person..does that make it right, of course not, but I am assuming that you see, because of your position, more of the negativity then I do...
But because of all those in law enforcement in my family, retired and still working, I hear so much...
I see hope, coming, I have to believe that...
Comment from adewpearl
agenda-driven groups - add hyphen
don't limit yourself, girl - add comma for direct address
any woman, who is on assistance - drop the comma
how else will they break the cycle? - Add question mark
as always, you state your case with conviction and clarity
as for specific points, I think you can figure out where I see the sense in some of your observations and when I think you've gone too far... Brooke
reply by the author on 17-Dec-2014
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agenda-driven groups - add hyphen
don't limit yourself, girl - add comma for direct address
any woman, who is on assistance - drop the comma
how else will they break the cycle? - Add question mark
as always, you state your case with conviction and clarity
as for specific points, I think you can figure out where I see the sense in some of your observations and when I think you've gone too far... Brooke
Comment Written 16-Dec-2014
reply by the author on 17-Dec-2014
Thank you very much.
Comment from Giddy Nielsen-Sweep
I wish you lived in Queensland, Australia. The government here has outlawed motorcycle gangs and the crime they are clearing up day after day is just stunning. But the government will probably go out in the New Year's election, and the so-called do-gooders will be back in! Most governments are too worried about votes, which is why we've got many of the problems we've got today. Giddy
reply by the author on 16-Dec-2014
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I wish you lived in Queensland, Australia. The government here has outlawed motorcycle gangs and the crime they are clearing up day after day is just stunning. But the government will probably go out in the New Year's election, and the so-called do-gooders will be back in! Most governments are too worried about votes, which is why we've got many of the problems we've got today. Giddy
Comment Written 16-Dec-2014
reply by the author on 16-Dec-2014
Wow, I just had to look that up. It is amazing. I think our Constitution prohibits us from doing a law like that. But I get the idea. Thank you very much.
Comment from Nosha17
That's what is needed a forthright approach to a very serious problem. You hit the nail on the head when you said that chaos is encouraged. It really is. I was unaware that penitentiaries were so named for the punishment. In the olden days in English villages people were put on show in village stocks and pelted with rotten fruit, they were shamed just like you wrote, hurt their pride. Benefits and welfare are nobody's God given right, it should be earned like you wrote. I wish you luck in this campaign, it is long overdue and nobody else is attempting to tackle it. Courageous write. Faye
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2014
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That's what is needed a forthright approach to a very serious problem. You hit the nail on the head when you said that chaos is encouraged. It really is. I was unaware that penitentiaries were so named for the punishment. In the olden days in English villages people were put on show in village stocks and pelted with rotten fruit, they were shamed just like you wrote, hurt their pride. Benefits and welfare are nobody's God given right, it should be earned like you wrote. I wish you luck in this campaign, it is long overdue and nobody else is attempting to tackle it. Courageous write. Faye
Comment Written 15-Dec-2014
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2014
Thank you very much
Comment from judiverse
Hi, Lancellot. This is great, but I know it's a difficult sell, Regarding the young girls, getting pregnant as a teen is now something cool. When I was teaching (many years ago) girls who got pregnant were shunned. Any school honors they might have received were stripped from them. Now they get baby gifts. I guess they must be counting on the government to act as the father, because the dim-witted boys aren't up to the task. Interesting thoughts about the prison system. I like your suggestions. You make it sound as if some of the modern prisons provide all the comforts of home, and maybe more than they had at home. They definitely should be cut off from their past associates. Wonderfully written, from someone with experience. judi
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2014
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Hi, Lancellot. This is great, but I know it's a difficult sell, Regarding the young girls, getting pregnant as a teen is now something cool. When I was teaching (many years ago) girls who got pregnant were shunned. Any school honors they might have received were stripped from them. Now they get baby gifts. I guess they must be counting on the government to act as the father, because the dim-witted boys aren't up to the task. Interesting thoughts about the prison system. I like your suggestions. You make it sound as if some of the modern prisons provide all the comforts of home, and maybe more than they had at home. They definitely should be cut off from their past associates. Wonderfully written, from someone with experience. judi
Comment Written 15-Dec-2014
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2014
Thank you. You wouldn't believe what is actually happening behind bars. What is happening in the public is also happening in the prisons. Inmates aren't being held responsible for anything they do. It is farce.
Comment from Showboat
Offended? You'd have to be a screaming racist to disagree in any way. You've nailed it, KUDOS! Lance, I'm truly impressed with the direction this book is taking. The disparate ways that people can look at the same thing is just illuminated in black vs white outlook. Your take on single young mothers is so true. The woman is deprived of ever getting a true career, she's shackled to the welfare system with little chance out. The child loses his innocence when things like gang shootings, jail visits become the norm and they might never really know their father.
Carry on, my friend. If I had a 10, you'd have it.
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2014
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Offended? You'd have to be a screaming racist to disagree in any way. You've nailed it, KUDOS! Lance, I'm truly impressed with the direction this book is taking. The disparate ways that people can look at the same thing is just illuminated in black vs white outlook. Your take on single young mothers is so true. The woman is deprived of ever getting a true career, she's shackled to the welfare system with little chance out. The child loses his innocence when things like gang shootings, jail visits become the norm and they might never really know their father.
Carry on, my friend. If I had a 10, you'd have it.
Comment Written 15-Dec-2014
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2014
Thank you very much. Did you see the New York protesters chanting they want dead police, and attacking to cops?
Comment from Jacqueline M Franklin
Hi, Lance,
I soooo totally agree with you 110% on how to fix what's so definitely BROKEN. As long as inmates can indulge in what you mentioned should be taken away, nothing will change--it will only get worse.
If anyone is living on my dime as a taxpayer--you follow the rules or forget about it.
You are so spot on--birth control or no benefits!! My husband and I worked for Family Assistance in Arizona, so we know exactly of which you speak on all of the above.
We've become a society of 'bucking the system.' Why follow the rules/laws when you can argue the point and get your way by whining/demonstrating/taking someone to court! Rules and laws are there for a REASON!
Well, I could go on and on, but you get my drift. I'll be fanning you. I want to make sure not to miss your other installments. GREAT JOB!
Cheers & Blessings
Keep Smilin'... Jax (*;*)
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2014
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Hi, Lance,
I soooo totally agree with you 110% on how to fix what's so definitely BROKEN. As long as inmates can indulge in what you mentioned should be taken away, nothing will change--it will only get worse.
If anyone is living on my dime as a taxpayer--you follow the rules or forget about it.
You are so spot on--birth control or no benefits!! My husband and I worked for Family Assistance in Arizona, so we know exactly of which you speak on all of the above.
We've become a society of 'bucking the system.' Why follow the rules/laws when you can argue the point and get your way by whining/demonstrating/taking someone to court! Rules and laws are there for a REASON!
Well, I could go on and on, but you get my drift. I'll be fanning you. I want to make sure not to miss your other installments. GREAT JOB!
Cheers & Blessings
Keep Smilin'... Jax (*;*)
Comment Written 15-Dec-2014
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2014
Thank you very much. When I hear protesters chanting we don't need or want police. I just shake my head.