Reviews from

The Celebration

A wife's birthday, and a couple's anniversary go awry.

36 total reviews 
Comment from Karen Cherry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This came out of nowhere. Wow! That was unexpected. My soon to be ex read my stuff all the time so I wrote about researching poisons to give to bad husbands. He quit. :-)

 Comment Written 27-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 27-Mar-2024
    Another story I don't remember by the name. But I hope it entertained you for a minute. And as always I can't thank you enough for going back and reading all my old stuff that offers nothing in return. You're a top cat in my book! Thanks
reply by Karen Cherry on 27-Mar-2024
Comment from Brett Matthew West
This work has reached the exceptional level

One way to put an end to the nonsense of a cheating mate, especially after all her hubby did for her to make her birthday special.

Like how this story ends.

Suppose Teddy knew without any doubt what was coming for him. So we'll deserved.

 Comment Written 20-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 20-Jan-2023
    Wow, Brett, you really went way back to find this one. My crazy runaway imagination gone wild as usual. LOL. Thank you so much as always for another of your outstanding reviews that offer the encouragement that keeps me scratching to get better. And you've been a great help from the very beginning. I can't thank you enough. I couldn't appreciate YOU more!
Comment from Winslow
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Ric,

Quite a ghastly ending. Oh, my love, what have you done? It started out like it was going to be a nice intimate celebration of their 15th wedding anniversary, and than Teddy entered the picture.

Warm regards,


 Comment Written 12-Sep-2015

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2015
    Thanks, Winslow, my friend, for taking time to read my story. Your kind words and generous review are greatly appreciated. I know this really isn't your cup of tea, and to be honest it isn't mine either, but someone who knows better than I keeps telling me to get out of my comfort zone. Well, this definitely gets me out there somewhere. :-)
Comment from JennaG
This work has reached the exceptional level

I apologize for reviewing this so late. I read it while I was on vacation, but never had time to review it. I've read it twice now and loved it both times. I don't know how you do it, but your stories always seem to draw me in and keep me engrossed until the very end. Here I thought this was shaping up to be a happy, romantic little tale and then WHAM! I loved the way John just completely snapped. What a shocker! I definitely didn't see that coming. Excellent work. I thoroughly enjoyed it. :)

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 20-Aug-2015
    JennaG, my dear, I can't thank you enough for coming back and reading my story a second time. There is a certain connection in our likes as I always enjoy everything of yours that I read; and to be honest, I can't say that about very many people's work. I am honored by your kind words and generous six-star review. :-)
Comment from Selina Stambi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Ric,

I read this some days back, but didn't have the time to review.

My goodness, what a read! It proceeded at a hectic pace and the ending was completely unexpected.

The pumpkin-on-the-machete ... ouch!

You've come a long way, Ric. Well done! (Your author notes made me smile. Good luck with pruning it by a couple of hundred words...)

Oh, by the way, did you win Writer of the Month recently? Awesome! Congratulations if you did. (I'm sure it was you on the cover page)

safekeeping in the travel agent(')s desk.

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2015
    Thanks so much for taking time to read my story. Daily responsibility constraints leave many of us very little free time, so whenever you use that time to read my work, I am honored. I was on the verge of giving up altogether until you sent me a message that read, "You keep writing and I'll keep reading." Your kind words, generous view, and all the encouragement you've given me are greatly appreciated. Without them I would not still be plugging along. I hope you don't mind if I give you a great big ((HUG)). (Oh, by the way, I don't think I won any kind of writer award. If I did, I didn't know it.) :-)
reply by Selina Stambi on 17-Aug-2015
    I don't mind at all ... the hug is much appreciated, Ric. You've encouraged me with your kind words - thank you! I guess I made a mistake. I was sure I saw your name on the front page. Too much on my mind, I guess. :)
Comment from Green Lake Girl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow. I'd say that John got over his hurt real fast, quickly turning to hatred. I fully expected "Teddy" to be someone completely legit and that the horrible surprise would be on John. But, turns out Teddy was her lover after all. I think you did a good job with this flash fiction. It's hard to write a story that short.

Good to see you posted again, Ric! Great job.


 Comment Written 13-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2015
    Thanks so much, Marietta, for taking time to read my story. Your kind words and generous review are greatly appreciated. Well, I could easily have cut all that silly fluff and reduced the story to eight-hundred words, but I thought it sort of lulled the reader so that I could easily sneak up on them. My original story had the man on the screen being a man selling his wife an expensive horse for his anniversary present, and him realizing it too late, having already killed him. I just never know what I'm going to do. You know, a good stiff shot or two of Four Roses, single barrel might do the trick, for now. :-)
reply by Green Lake Girl on 14-Aug-2015
    Ah, yes. Brown likka! My current favorite is Weller Antique. I discovered my favorite liquor stores gets deliveries on Thursdays. So, during the month of November, I will be in there every Thursday in hopes of catching the Pappy delivery.

    Oh, the horse twist to the story would've been a good one! But when the muse kicks it, well, it's all over but the writin'!
Comment from XGoneX
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Ric,
I read this on my phone today. Finally could be on my laptop to leave you a review. Hate to write on the phone, lol.
I love the story and towards the end had me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen with Sarah. The story started really sweet and then turned out bitter.
If you're looking forward flash fiction, you may cut a few adjectives in the story, such as in the first paragraph that has too many. If considering flash fiction. I personally don't have anything against too many adjectives and I tend to overwrite at times, but many editors don't like to see too many adjectives in a single paragraph.
Great job!

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2015
    Hey, Jade, thanks for taking time to read my story. Yes, it's true, editors don't like adjectives. If they had their way everyone's work would sound exactly the same. Short, blunt, and to the point, which by the way, is how I have a tendency to write. I could have cut two-hundred and fifty words very simply, but I intentionally overdid the fluff, trying to set the readers up so that I could sneak up on them. I know a few paragraphs sounded like someone who wanted to be literary and didn't know how. That was my plan, to lull them to sleep. I set out to do flash and about eight-hundred words, but when I took out the words, it didn't do what I wanted it to. Oh, well. Your kind words, comments, suggestions, and generous review are greatly appreciated. Most of all, I'm just glad you're back. Thanks. :-)
reply by XGoneX on 13-Aug-2015
    I am not good with flash fiction at all because I overwrite. I liked your story as it was. I still struggle with adjectives, although I used to put many more adjectives than I do now. But it's still hard, particularly when writing fantasy that needs descriptions.
reply by the author on 13-Aug-2015
    You know, my dear, I don't like things smothered with adjectives, but Harry Potter books and movies have three times what they need. If the story needs them for a reason or another, I say use them. How ever many it takes to draw the picture. Sometimes editors and teachers try to convince us to write the bare bones, but I say that we mustn't forget that we are painting a scene, just like in a movie or a picture. I hear all the crap from editors and then I read the stuff on the New York best-seller lists and, walla. I sure didn't need those fluffy descriptions, but it was part of my game plan; however good, or bad. :-)
reply by XGoneX on 13-Aug-2015
    I agree. There's a reason why they're editors. They did not make it as writers. Now I'm being mean, lol.
    I usually send my manuscript for assessment to a very well known company. Their feedback was pretty harsh. I did some improvements in my book according to their suggestions. But when they told me to change my writing style, remove the purple prose, adjectives, etc. I just did not. I like 'colourful' writing. First of all, I have to enjoy writing. If I changed my writing style and voice, I would hate writing, and that cannot be.
    You have to do what sounds good to you. Many best sellers are not even well written. Twilight is awfully written, I could not read past page 10 or so, and I cannot even mention 50 shades of grey. But they made it. Writing is also very subjective when it comes to taste.
reply by the author on 13-Aug-2015
    You aren't being mean, you are telling the truth. Just because someone knows all the in's and out's of writing doesn't mean they can write something that anyone would like to read. So, those who give up on writing, become editors, teachers, or a title that allows them to work in the writing world. That doesn't mean they can't write. I'm sure they can, but is it salable? I read sixteen chapters of the first Shades of Gray book because there were about twenty women raving about how much fun it was, and they wanted my opinion of it. It's terrible! It's not fit to read, but she wrote something at a time when people were looking for something offering a little excitement. Housewives are notorious for wanting to read a little smut when things get boring at home, but what amazed me is how many younger girls liked those books. Anyway, good for you, sticking up for yourself. Ever since Earnest Hemingway, everyone has preached shorter, more concise, get rid of this, that, and anything you can. Let the readers mind do the thinking. Hemingway himself admitted that he was an editors nightmare, and one of his editor's said he couldn't spell, punctuation and grammar sucked, but that, after many, many rewrites and corrections, his work would eventually turn into a masterpiece. I have read about all his work. The writing is good, and I like most of it, but are they all masterpieces? Hell, No. He writes mostly about the things he likes best, and I'm sure knowing about the subjects gives him an edge, but all and all, he's a good writer who started writing to the point in a time when most riddled their work with fluff. I like both styles, depending on my mood, and truthfully, I think most of have the same fickleness. Oh, well, I'm rambling. I enjoy your work. Do we need some polishing? Of course, if Hemingway and Stein needed major polishing of everything they wrote, then doesn't it make sense that most all of us do too? It goes without saying. But as for editors, how many great books have been turned down a hundred or so times? MANY, so just keep sending them out and getting them back until someone says, "Know what, this writer might have something here."
    Keep up the good work, and I'll be sitting right here waiting to read it.
    Ric :-)
Comment from Shirley McLain
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent story that i enjoyed reading until the last word. It was a surprise ending. I was not expecting the woman to be murdered. Flash fiction is hard to write just because you have so much limitation in word count. I love writing it because it is such as challenge. Shirley

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2015
    Thanks so much for taking time to read my story. Your kind words and generous review are greatly appreciated. :-)
Comment from hari anand
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Suspense, that took me to the end. Sad such loving story ended this way.very well written, quite dramatic the sounds, story line. Enjoyed reading it.

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2015
    Thanks so much for taking time to read my story. Your kind words and generous review are greatly appreciated. :-)
Comment from Muffins
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Love, mistrust, madness and murder all wrapped up an intriguing delicious frightening bow. The mundane ending would have been John confronting Sarah and have a screaming match, but this is much more heart thumbing scenario.

Wonderful horror story and to take place in "God's Country." What a shame.

 Comment Written 12-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 12-Aug-2015
    Thanks so much for taking time to read my story. Your kind words and generous review are greatly appreciated. :-)