Reviews from

Mistaken Identity

It could have been worse ... I guess ...

12 total reviews 
Comment from RGstar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ha,ha,ha> Well done..Humorous want to be careful where you are grabbing these days, people have forgotten their sense of humour in this time of political correctness.
Just came to have a little look and support...well done for the win.
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 16-Jul-2020
    Hello, RGstar. Glad to have you swing by. :)
    I have an advantage over the average bear ? I have a vision impairment and can always play the 'blind card'! But yes, I REALLY look before making my affection known these days. lol
    Thanks for reading and commenting. I appreciate both.
    Be blessed,
Comment from Kerry Foley
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

lol, Oh my goodness, that's hilarious. This is a great true story flash entry,
congratulations on a well deserved 1st place win. Enjoy your day! ~Kerry

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2020

reply by the author on 17-Jun-2020
    Thank you! It still embarrasses me but it was a fun write!
reply by Kerry Foley on 17-Jun-2020
    lol, It was really funny.
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

These two men must look very alike for the back for you to make the mistake. But maybe you were a too drunk to tell the difference. If you reached for the other side, it may have been worse for you that night and for many more nights to come.
Congrats on winning the contest.
Keep writing and stay healthy.

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2020

reply by the author on 09-Jun-2020
    Not drunk at all -- I wasn't drinking that night. And yeah... could have been BAAAADDD! lol.
    Thanks for reading and for the congratz.
reply by dragonpoet on 09-Jun-2020
    You're welcome on both accounts,Deb
Comment from Elizabeth Emerald
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Congrats on your prize. Great story--re your footnote, yes, guys can be dicks--good thing you didn't grab Joe's! Reminds me of a when a male friend was about to accost me with an lewd proposal as a joke and in the nick of time realized it wasn't me! Cheers. LIZ

 Comment Written 08-Jun-2020

reply by the author on 09-Jun-2020
    Thank yo, Liz! I appreciate your congratz and funny story. :)
Comment from Contests

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A contest winning entry! A seven star rating from the Contest Committee for posting the winning contest entry.

 Comment Written 08-Jun-2020

reply by the author on 08-Jun-2020
    Thank you so much! I'm blown away and honored. I"m sure Joe would be mortified, but hey ? lol
    Be blessed, Y'all,
Comment from sherrygreywolf
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How funny! Though I'm sure neither you nor Joe thought so at the time. This is a story I hadn't heard before, so really enjoyed reading it. Good job.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2020

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2020
    How did I miss telling you about this!? It was while Steve was working for Sheridan, so I guess I wsn't seeing a lot of you. He'd pick me up after work and I'd go with him til bedtime, most days. Hmm... Or I was too embarrassed to tell you, cause I was NOT going to go for Steve's butt. I'd planned a croch shot and changed my mind at the last minute. THANK GOD! lol
Comment from Precious Owuamalam
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lol! How hilarious! Beautiful HD imagery and a very warm and funny entry for the contest--a well served combination. You've written well. Perfect use of 102 wordings. My very best wishes with the committee. Cheers and blessings.

 Comment Written 30-May-2020

reply by the author on 30-May-2020
    Thank you! This is one of my all-time favorite memories of our early married years. Joe and I just wanted to find a place to hide! But now, years later, it's such a fun thing to recall and retell. :)
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lol! How could you have grabbed anything when you were returning with a bunch of drinks? I guess Joe and your husband must have changed positions/locations? Fun story!

 Comment Written 28-May-2020

reply by the author on 28-May-2020
    Yep, set them down and pinched. oh, by... I don't think Joe EVER got over it. lol
    Thanks for reading and the review.
    Blessings, Helen,
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I must admit I had a giggle at this one. Fortunately my wife hasn't done that, at lest in company. My pool playing days were over after I met my wife. But this was a great share Debora, well done, blessings, Roy

 Comment Written 27-May-2020

reply by the author on 27-May-2020
    THank you, Roy. :)
    I was starting to have severe vision problems, even back then. But pool is a game of mathematics -- it's all angles. So I'd figure the anglewith Steve standing by thepocket so I could 'see' where it was. His buddies were always sure we had some kind oftrick going on. It was fun to beat those fully-sighted guys! lol.
    Blessings to you and yours,
reply by royowen on 27-May-2020
    Well done
Comment from Alcreator Litt Dear
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This has exemplified and shown the order of mistaken identity, as it can happen to anywhere with anybody, just by winking or ignoring the facts; well said, well done; enjoyed the read; thank you for sharing this; keep writing. Good luck for the contest. ALCREATOR

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 Comment Written 27-May-2020

reply by the author on 27-May-2020
    Hi, Alcreator!!
    I feel like we'vejust been missing each other lately. I need to wander over and see what you've been up to!
    HOpe you and yours are all well and safe,
    Be blessed,