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Vote For 3-6-9 Poem

Write a 3-6-9 Poem

Voting booth selections shown in a random order.

Voting booth closes Sunday, November 24th. You have -65 days left to vote.

Ants & Picnics by magic dragon
Overview by Michele Harber
At the Master's Feet by faye wright
The Clock Gate by Nicki.B
Fall Picnic by Marilyn Hamilton
Showers of Blessings by Carol Clark2
Bright Stars by Teri7
Where? by Gunner Lil
Winter Dessert by Jodi Ann Anderson
Just Read! by zanya
Sapphire, my Cat by talented150
The Life You Deserve by Amelie Johns
Trust in God by harmony13
Stutter Start by Lea Tonin1
Keys to the Universe by ~Dovey
Dueling by jaded831
Close Your Eyes by June Sargent
If Animals Could Write by Lobber
New Leaf by AP Apgar
Mental Minorities by Ryan Cunningham
Can Someone... by kahpot
The peace of letting go by Peter Jarvis
Refreshing Summer Drinks by samantha0930
Shrouded by DonandVicki
Working Together by BethShelby
Awaiting a Kiss by Tom Horonzy
Rainbow Birds by patcelaw
the little hours by jim vecchio
Compassionate Companion by Dawn Munro
Thanksgiving by Karen Cherry
Our First Kiss by Katiemae1977
Lies by Mia Twysted
Young At Heart by Alexandra Trovato
Honeybees by Kahlani
Beauty of the Butterfly by A. M. Steg
Nature's Anger by CM Pickard
Running Accident by Harambe Unchained
Ace by Terry Reilly
Tales of the Swan by Sallyo
He is sailing by NanaGaye
Treasure by ESOSTINE
Still Missing You by Monica Chaddick
Spring Rejoices by BermyBye50
Silent Gifts of Grace and Joy by Mrs. KT
Bee by Elaine Fox
One Day Summer! by Julie G1
Any Given Day by Nicki Nance
The Phases of Man by fm wright
Grace Upon Feathers by GregoryCody
Unite (Politics Blues) by Keely Fiedorowicz
Inventory by tempeste
You Against the World by Karen Dougherty Estep
Ad Infinitum by Y. M. Roger
Awake by Lana Marie

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