How would I describe my inner muse? What wonderful words would I choose? What perfect description could I use?
She’s definitely a she, you see. Because she talks so much more than me. Working together, she and I become we.
I would guess she’s a wayward fiery redhead. Because she’s wild, wily, and always well said. Women like that are most certainly un-wed.
Add in a dash of snarky attitude. She’s properly motivated by words of platitude. To her I owe my eternal gratitude.
Her creations are edgy and strong. Some of you even complain they are a bit long. Firmly she states you may not be right, but you certainly aren’t wrong.
Internally confused, yet I know for sure. Her many fantastic words pass like a blur. Step into our creative world and we’ll give you a tour.
Her ramblings pour forth like a babbling creek. To which we haven’t nearly reached our peak. A writing venue is all we seek.
Her wondrous musings have been with me from the start. If you find yourself wondering if we’ll ever part. Not a chance, she dwells deep within my heart.